Monday, January 30, 2012

Monday Night Special


Not gonna complain. Happy to see a NEW day.

Happy NEW DAY to you. Out with the OLD, in with the NEW. Right now. TODAY.

Something good is going to happen today, even though it's a Monday. Still, a chance for good things to happen.

Wow. I wrote that this morning. Meant to post it this morning. I thought to myself, "Nerp, I will post during lunchtime." I didn't have lunch today because I was so busy. And that's a good thing. Can't get caught blogging while eating my lunch.

That really isn't a good idea. Negroes swear I blog all day.

So that worked out well.

Alas... Monday night special.

I got off from work tonight and I needed a DRANK. Not a drink. A DRANK. A STRONG DRANK.

So I went to the Noodle house across the street from work, sat at the bar, and ordered a strong drank!

Water... on the rocks.

And it was good. While I waited on my spicy basil noodle with tofu take-out.

I am sorry that I haven't been posting everyday. Man oh man, do I have a LOT to post, but things have been quite hectic. Work has been swashbuckling, a real rat race, and I am just trying to adjust to the change of pace. So when I get home, I'm trying to decompress from my day, and spend more time on my personal writing.

This month, it's looking like I will hit 24,000 words written for the month. I've spent a good amount of time working on the second half of a novella, which I believe I will finish tomorrow. Heck, it may even be a full novel. Not sure. I am going to spend a little time today, probably during lunch (if I get a lunch), [update: NO LUNCH TODAY] planning my February writing.

I am looking forward to next month. BIRTHDAY month! *cartwheels* I will be turning 42 this year. I have been thinking about that, just reflecting over the past year. I have no special plans, even though I decided when I was 40 that I would spend my birthdays out of the country on vacation. I just was not interested this year. I MAY go on a cruise in June (if Green Eyed Bandit get back to me with the info, if it's not too late). But I haven't been all that interested in doing anything. My sister wants to do something but her teacher schedule is pretty rigid, and for some ODD reason that chicken gets a little nervous about spending more than a hundred bucks on a vacation. Sigh.

So, my birthday will be quiet. I think me and LadyTee are spending the day together. I have put in for a couple of days off, so we will see if that gets approved.

January though... it has been a pretty good month. The highlight for me, as I have said above is really being stringent about my writing. My goal is around 500 words per day, which is a small goal, and takes a good 30 minutes give or take. But I end up taking more than that, sometimes writing upwards of 2000 words. I think I average around 750 words a day. I am VERY happy about that.

I am working on not spending quite so much time thinking about my stories, and spending more time actually writing my stories. And that has been a good transition and it is working out well.

Nothing particularly interesting happened this weekend. I had a good conversation with Grandma. They always telling her some craziness down at the bank. This time some idiotic mess concerning the account she has under me. She needs to call me next time and hand them the phone. Take care of that real quick.

Please, don't abuse the elderly. Geesh!

I was over to her house one day last year, and she had an interesting book on Biblical Gap Theory. I asked her for the title of it so I could order it. She said she has to look for it.

Grandma has a degree in biblical psychology. She has upwards of 3000 books at her house.

"I don't know where I put that book, Sugar. I'll find it for you!"

Grandma is going to be looking for that book for awhile.

A VERY long time.

Long. Long. Time.

I baked a GANG of cookies on Sunday. I mailed them today. A couple of folk I owe cookies too- Dee in San Diego and the infamous La - ya'll need to text my phone with your address. If you don't have my phone number, you better get it. Which means email me, and I send you my number. I don't worry about you stalking me. I stalk La something terrible, so she's not going to stalk me. And I wouldn't mind a phone convo with Dee, so whatever.

Man, I can't keep up with addresses on the email. Sigh. You better text me! Quickly.

If you recently texted your address, your cookies are on the way. They will be there on Wednesday. That is all. (Look out for that ketchup too, Lisa B.!)

This morning, I passed the funeral procession police car line up for a policewoman who was hit by a drunk driver on the freeway last week, while she was directing traffic around an accident at a highway exit not too far from my house.

That sobered me up. I had a hard week last week, and a strange and tiring day today.

But any day I make it home at night... and have to decide whether I want to fold clothes or take out the garbage or clean up the kitchen... or just lazy around on the sofa...

hat makes it a good day. Period.

It means I made it home tonight. Some people didn't.

That makes it a good day.

And don't you forget it. I know I won't.

Seeing something like that really takes the "whine" out of one's whining. And rightfully so.

Really though.

So that's what's on my mind early this monday Morning [UPDATE: Monday night].

Look out for a Food-For-Thought post this week. It's something that's been on my mind allll month long. I think you will get something out of it. Changed my way of looking at things this year.

Have a GREAT Monday! [UPDATE: have a great WEEK]

On PuRpOSe.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Favorite Gifts, Part I

I sometimes get interesting cards and gifts in the mail from readers.

It all makes an Oldgirl smile it does.

I holler "Look Oscar-Tyrone, someone thought of me today!"

*Oscar-Tyrone gives a blank stare and walks away with his tail in the air*

Silly cat! He don't understand how great that is. I am ALWAYS thankful.

Anyway, I got a text message from my friend in my head, reader and lurker Lisa B. stating
"Good Morning! I have sent a package to you. Be on the lookout for it. Mailed it yesterday evening. Didn't put a note inside but u will know its from me."

To which I responded "O_O!!!!!!!!"

I like Lisa B. She's my best friend in my head. She is!


Anyway, I was sweeping the kitchen floor one Saturday morning, and the doorbell ring. I almost didn't answer it, thinking it was the Witnesses. But I answered.

And it was my friendly neighborhood Mail Lady! With a package for me!

She handed it to me. I almost dropped it.

"Be careful! It's heavy!" she said.

*lee cheesing real hard*

So I opened the package, and lo and behold, here's what I see:

*lee passes out on kitchen linoleum*

I didn't pass out. But I do believed I screamed loud enough for the whole block to hear me.

Let's see, there was some squash relish, some green tomato relish, and some chow-chow!

I have never had green tomato relish before. You best believe I opened that jar and grabbed a spoon and had myself a taste.

That is sho nuff something good! Sho NUFF!

And then there was some chow-chow. That is cabbage relish. I LOVE chow-chow. My great-grandmother use to make it back in the 70s. It took her ALL day, too. I remember sitting in the kitchen watching her do it... and while it cooked, we would go in the bedroom, and watch her "stories" (soap operas).

Oh the memories. And Lisa B. sent me some.

THEN there was the squash relish.

Now I posted about this awhile back. She gave me mason jars of squash relish, pear preserves, and plum jelly.

All of it was good. Still working on the jam and jelly!

Ohhhhhh, I made that squash relish last a good long time!

But alas... I ran out. And I called my sister Kentucky, who found the squash relish recipes on the web, talkinbout how she was going to make some.


I gave Kentucky some of MY relish way back then. I can still see her putting some in a small gladware container.

(I want my disposable container back, Kentucky).

I sent Kentucky the above picture of MY relishes.

When I talked to her later, she said "Ooh wee, I'm coming over to get some of that!


"The hell you say," I said. "You gits none of this."

That shut that conversation line down.


(But I was not lying. Me and Kentucky gonna FIGHT if she even think she gets a taste of it. Knock out, drag out fight 'til one of us passes out.)

So Lisa B.

Thanks sooooooo much for the relishes. You gonna keep me eating good until next year, hon!

I 'preciate you!

Look out for a couple of jars of my homemade red bell pepper ketchup.

I've been thinking every since I made those...

"I'ma send Lisa B. and Mama Lisa some of my mason jars of ketchup... Show them that even though I am a city gal, I got some Celie in me too!"


Stay tuned for Favorite gifts, Part II, next week (from BayouCreole Chick Ali)!

Monday, January 23, 2012

I Met Him

I met him.
I remember him.
I met him, some four years prior to this day.
At the Burger King,
Yes the Burger King on MLK.
I remember him
Yes I remember him
Because I had never seen a man with eyes so grey.
Not a pretty grey, mind you
But a strange grey
A grey the color of brain matter.
And his name, his name was Isaiah Francis
Or Francis Isaiah
I always forget
All I know, he wanted my number
And I gave him a fake one
Because I got it like that.

But I met him

You best believe I met him
And from this day on,
I will never forget,
Because he is on my TV,
On the evening news
Standing there smiling
Holding his 300,000,000 million dollar lottery check.

From Women of Color Writing Group, January 20, 2012... Writing prompts: When: four years prior, Where: burger king, Color: grey the color of brain matter, Who: Isaiah Francis. (blanks filled in by different people in the group

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Comments from the Peanut Gallery... The Pageant Edition

So... you know me and my cubicle mate The Cowgirl Cre will sit back and scrutinize pictures and videos from time to time.

It's our special Peanut Gallery Time!

And once again, we had a prime opportunity to do a little... commenting.


Down in Alabama, Pageants are a big deal.


I told Cre this.

LadyLee: They big on them pageants down there in Alabama, girl.
Cowgirl Cre: Really?
LadyLee: The closest we come to a pageant is going to the prom!


And Play Mama's girls, they are in the pageants.

I went to a Christmas Parade down there a few weeks ago, and let me tell you... there were plenty of pageant queens, from toddler to high school age, riding in convertibles, waving lovingly at the crowd.

I harrassed Jae, Play Mama's oldest girl, about this as we sat in our fold out stadium chairs, watching the parade.

"Who's that girl, Jae?"
"Oh, that's Sue," Jae said. "She's in all the pageants. She won such-n-such Pageant."

And that conversation went on and on.

Simply fascinating.

Yes... We have the Bible belt. I do believe they live in the Pageant Belt!

And the other day, I received some pictures of the oldest girl Jae in her yearly pageant.

"CowgirlCre," I said. "Come look at these here pictures."

*Cowgirl Cre rolls her chair from the other side of our cubicle*

And the comments...

From the Peanut Gallery.


LadyLee: Wow! Look at her! She looks pretty!
Cowgirl Cre: Sure does! Look at her hair!
LadyLee: She 15. But we can get in the club, with NO ID.

Ladylee texts Play Mama A: "Tell her she look nice! And we can get in the club... with NO ID.

*LadyLee and Cowgirl Cre peer closely at the screen*

Ladylee sits straight up: Look at them breasts! Sitting straight up! Posture!
Cre: That's a push-up bra! Text her and tell her let me hold that.

LadyLee Texts Play Mama A: Hey! Cre wanna borrow the push up bra!
Mama A Texts LadyLee: Uh, that's not a push-up bra.

Cowgirl Cre and LadyLee: WHOOOOOOAA!

LadyLee Texts Play Mama A: Tell Jae she got more breasesses than me! We must be some kin for real!

*LadyLee and Cowgirl Cre peering at the LCD screen closer*
Texts PlayMama A: That's a wig. She has on a wig?Play Mama A texts LadyLee back: Um, no that's not a wig.

CowgirlCre: Look at the shoes! I'd bust my azz in them shoes! We can get in the club, but they will card me, because I can't walk in the shoes!

Cowgirl Cre: They out there in the middle of the street. Get the dress up off the ground!
LadyLee: Man, whatever. It's a rented dress. Let it drag.
Text from Play Mama A: She holds it up when she walks.
CowgirlCre: Get the dress up off the ground! They gotta get the deposit back!
LadyLee: Whatever man, let it drag!
CowgirlCre: Or at least get Wallee [their cat] to come hold the dress up off the ground. That way, she can be like Cinderella for real!


CowgirlCre: Girl, you know if they mess around and tore that dress, Adrienne would be in there trying to sew and tape it up!


*Zooming in on dress again*

LadyLee: They need to take an iron to that dress.
Cowgirl Cre: But it's got sequins!
LadyLee: They can iron around it.

(With much zooming in and scrutiny, we decide the dress looks just fine. No ironing necessary).

LadyLee: Lawd, she don't need to send her boyfriend no picture.

Texts Play Mama A: Tell Jae don't send no picture to her man. That is all.

Mama A Texts back: She already did!


Trouble. Gotta keep that young fella from sniffing around.

*Lee takes baseball bat and drives to Alabama and knocks Jae's man upside the head*


This has been another edition of Comments from the Peanut Gallery.

Congrats Jae on your 2nd place finish!

I think you should've gotten first place!!!

You'll win first place next year!

(for videos and pictures from the pageant, click here)

Monday, January 16, 2012

Monday Food For Thought: MLK Day.

*Special Food for Thought for my friend in my head, reader Lisa B., since she requested more food for thought

Happy Martin Luther King, Jr. Day to you.

For many of us, it is a day off. I like the whole idea of "Not a day off, but a day on". Uh, I am gonna let that soak in. I ain't there yet. I like the idea. I will get there eventually.

I use it as a day of reflection. A day where I go and read and ponder black history.

And I ponder my own family and our history.

When I think of the King Holiday, I think of my Grandmother.


Because she is the same age as he would've been this day. She was born on January 14, 1929. Dr. King was born on Janurary 15, 1929.

So let's just say I always remember her birthday.

She is an interesting lady. She tells good stories. She was the first to get a degree in our family, a degree in Bible Psychology. (Maybe that's where I get my highly analytical biblical tactics from). She knows Hebrew and Greek. She told me in order to interpret my bible well, I should learn it. I said it's too hard.

She said "You mean to tell me, you have a Ph.D. in chemistry, and you can't learn greek and hebrew?"


No Grandma. I probably could. I'm just lazy.

She's a great lady. Very kind. She use to pick on me on the sly for my spiritual choices. You know me, I could care less. I do what's best for me. But as the years go by, she will tell me "Sugar, i watched your pastor on TV the other day. He is good. And funny." And we will discuss her thoughts on the sermon.

(I guess I'm not a heathen afterall. Yay me.)

Anyway, she is the subject for my food-for-thought today.

I spoke with her on New Years day, calling just to wish her a Happy New Year. We always joke about age. I always ask her how old I will be this year, and she goes through her whole story of how she remembers.

"You were born in 1970, Lisa. So I count from there."

Imagine her surprise when she figured out in 2010, that I'd be turning 40.

"Ooooo little girl. Forty years old. Forty years old!"

She was amazed. She remembers carrying me around.

And we figured out this year that I am about to be the age now that she was when I was born. So I was born when she had just turned 42.

(That created a whole conversation within itself).

But she is turning 83 this year. What an age. I told her she is getting up there. She has seen it all. World wars, presidents, everything. She has seen it all.

I told her I am happy to always see a new year. Good to see a new year.

"Happy New Year!" I hollered again.

"No, Lisa. It's not Happy New Year."

I was puzzled to hear that. "What?"

"Happy New Day! Each day is brand new. We always say 'Out with the Old, In with New' every January 1st. When actually, each day is brand new. So it's Happy New Day!"

"That's a thought," I said. "A good way to look at it."

"Lisa, imagine," she said, "If you could wake up each DAY and say 'Out with the Old, In with the New', instead of waiting til the beginning of a new year to make your goals and resolutions. Imagine the possiblities."

"Never thought of it that way. You're right."

"Happy New Day," she said. "Yes, it is Happy New Day."

You are right, Grandma. Absolutely right.

What would happen if we could get up each morning and wish ourselves and those around us a "happy new day"? What would happen if we would resolve to be rid of the old- those things which depress us, confuse us, and/or are detrimental to our lives- and, in with the new - new and fresh attitudes, hopes, direction, and dreams?

I don't know. But I tell you, I've been pondering that conversation since Janurary 1st.

Words of wisdom from a woman who has seen over 30,000 "new days" on this earth.

I could only hope to see that amount of days.

That amount of New Days.

I wish you a Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday.

I wish you a Happy New day.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Freestyle Fridays...

Good Friday Morning!

Thought I would just pop in for a minute and say a hearty HELLO!

I've been super busy at work. Just trying to keep up.

And I was looking at the news the other morning and saw something concerning my area of work.

I hollered "NOOOOOO!"

(Hope I don't get assigned to that).

*lee cringing when she sees the junket of emails coming her way*

And it's one of those things where, maybe if I sit at my desk and close my eyes, then no one will see me, and I will be left alone.



So... I immediately go put it all on my resume. (Gotta be positive and proactive, man!)

Food-For-Thought. I would like to thank you all for riding along on the "Food-For-Thought" Train... It was such a wonderful feeling to end my year with what was heavy on my mind and to begin my new year with what's heavy on my mind. I think about such things all the time. I am doing well in my understanding in some areas, and in others, I am still creeping along, making a little progress. So it helps just to write things out. And I have organized my food for thought posts in a way that I can come back and read them if I need to.

And yes, I do that often. I will pull up posts from years ago, just to refresh my heart and soul on a few matters.

Writing Progress. I have been doing MUCH writing this year. Yes the year is young, but it feels good to really sit down and crank out good words every night, and learn new and interesting things about my charactres. That is what I truly love.

I would like to thank that Quadroon orthapedic chicken Mzinspiredmind for reading my daily writing offerings and for our deep discussions. She sees a couple of things that I just can't see, and she asks some really good questions. Thanks, Chicken!

You never know... we may have a story week soon!

Milk and Cookies galore. Oh, Milk and Cookies 3.0 is home. Everyone is fine. I snuck this picture off of Facebook.

Boy I tell you... Father and Son have toothy smiles. I see all of their teeths. ALL. Turn down the wattage, ya'll!


And Milk and Cookies 3.0 is fast asleep. I am sure he will have a toothy grin one day too!

That is all for now...

Ya'll have a great weekend... on purpose!

Monday, January 09, 2012

Food for Thought: Microwaves and Crockpots

Last Food for Thought... just for you.

Late last year I was reading a very interesting book on Fasting: The Fasting Edge by Jentenzen Franklin. Actually, he has 3 books on the subject, and he's considered one of the best authors on the subject. This one was his latest book. I bought one of the others for a friend, and I plan on reading it in the future.

Anyway, it was a great book. It really delves deep into the personal relationship with God, and different aspects of it, and talks about where fasting fits in with it. Great book.

There was one statement in there, in Chapter 3, that has stuck with me pretty strongly. Probably because it is something that has been on my mind for several years now. I just really haven't seen it put in words. But when I read it I knew it was the truth.

"We have been blighted with a microwave mentality, but we serve a Crock-pot God."



I use one more than the other.

I bet you do, too.

I remember when we got our first microwave, back in the early 80s. Big boxy thing. Yes, we always had a crock pot around, for as far back as I remember, but it was NOTHING, and has nothing on microwave.

And over the years, microwave ovens have become more compact. They have higher wattages too. They are more stylish. I like the stainless steel ones. My kitchen has black appliances, so of course I have a black one.

I use it everyday. I may use my crockpot once a year these days. I use to slow cook my meats in them - oxtails, neckbones, turkey wings, and the like. I don't eat those things anymore.

Hence, no need for me to break out my crockpot.

But this post isn't about that?

Or is it?

That quote above was in a paragraph, wrapped tightly in the following quote:

"If God doesn't speak to us in 5 minutes, we decide he isn't talking today... We want everything overnight, including maturity."

You know, I am utterly shocked at how fast my world is going. How fast things are done. 20 years ago, you could have NEVER told me that I would have a computer that rested on my lap, this laptop. I would have called you a liar if you would've told me way back then that I would have a phone, a smartphone, that would work faster than my laptop.

I do believe I would've laughed in your face. Laughed really hard.

Yet, in 2011, here we are. Here we stand. Life is FAST. With a push of a button, information is at my fingertips.

And I have a fit if that which is at my fingertips doesn't work fast enough. A literal conniption fit.

Fast fast fast.

And hence... my bible, it's at my fingertips.

And me? I know I have four or five laying around the house.

I even have websites where I can bring up 35 versions of the Bible.

Everything is at my fingertips.

But... I am finding that certain things in life must be taken real slow.

Crockpot slow.

Placed on a low setting. Cooked super slow.

The flavors have a chance to meld, blend, and mature into something very rich.

Something very rich indeed.

And I am finding out, and have understood for awhile that somethings are not microwaveable.

And somethings don't go in a crockpot.

I look around me, and notice that many things we want, we want it now, and we want it fast. And a lot of the things of life just don't work that way: relationships with people, internal growth and change for the better...

And a relationship with God.

Those things cannot be just thrown in the microwave.

It just don't come out right at all.

I want that mature relationship with God.

And I understand, like with that crock-pot, it is something that has to be slowly developed. It has to grow and mature.

That is the only way to get something good.

And I am happy for that. It can't be cheapened and obtained by a mere snap of the fingers, or in the blink of an eye.

I don't want to be blighted- damaged, frustrated, injured, marred, messed up, spoil, tainted, withered, trashed, or wreck- by this microwave mentality that I am not ashamed to admit that I have.

I want to respect the slow development of the relationship with God... hoping that it is well rooted, well matured...

And something that lasts.

Thank you for tuning in to my Food-For-Thought blowout. I think about these type of things the majority of the time. I needed to end my 2011 and begin my 2012 with some great thoughts, concening things heavy on my mind, and even on the direction I want to go in my spiritual life.

We now return to our regular House of LadyLee programming.

Sunday, January 08, 2012

Food For Thought: Spiritual Inkpens

More Food for Thought...

I have 2 left to do. And I suppose I will do them and finish up.

I heard something a couple of weeks ago in one of my morning Bible Studies.

"Your tongue is a spiritual inkpen. You use it to write things (words) on your heart. And out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks."

That is mad interesting. I've heard that before. But... never brought together like that. I found it interesting enough to jot down in my notes.

And man... sometimes, I wish folks would run out of ink. Don't you?

Sometimes, I wish I would run out of ink. LOL.

But the tongue is interesting. With our mouth we speak words. And those words can build up... or cause mad problems.

You see it every day. Just look at the political races right now.

When is YOUR state gonna be bombarded with commercials... full of words. Why do you think they pay MILLIONS of dollars on commercials? They are writing those words on your heart. And you are gonna start talking and discussing those words.

Seeing that as being true, then it is easy to see, well for my ownself and looking at my past: I really have to watch over what I speak over my own life and how I feel about my ownself.

And watch over it like a hawk.

You will never hear me say:

"I will never be anyone special."

"I will never be successful."

"This situation will never work out the way I want it."

"I am lonely. I will always be alone."

NERP. First of all, I don't think I have felt that way in over 20 years. At least.

And if I did, I shut up until I get my head straight. I find that if I get to verbalizing that stuff, I have been feeling that way for a minute. It has been wound up tight in my thought life.

Shoot, man.. go back to the last post. NONE of that can be true. You can't see five minutes in front of your face. Anything can happen. Even in the next breath you take.

And I found myself in a couple of situations in the past six months where I had to just shut up. I was nervous and afraid about a couple of things, and I have had to learn to be still and examine those feelings really closely... and not give voice to them. Yeah, I prayed about it. BUT I didn't get into that hard wail and whine about them. If I did talk about them, it would be with someone who knew me well and could relentlessly combat my negativity.

I thought much about how I wanted things to be. About what would be the best outcome for me in the situation. And THAT's what I decided to talk about, if I talked at all.

It is tough at times, since all my life I've been doing something different. My whole childhood, negative words were spoken over me, moreso that positive.

Parents, your tongues are like spiritual ink pens. You are writing words on the hearts of your children. Make sure they are good words.

I know now to do differently now. Write good words.

And things turned out just fine. And that's the way I need for it to be.

Someone told me the other day... "Lee, you really know people."

"Not really," I said. "I just listen to what they are talking about. Their words are the overflow of their hearts. I listen hard enough, I can define their true motives, purposes and intentions."

And if you listen close enough, you will hear it too.

It amazes me that we will take much time and care in selecting our fruit at the grocery store - making sure it's ripe and not blemished. Making sure there are no holes, and they're not rotten.

Yet we don't take the same care with the words that come out of our mouths... making sure they are good and not blemished or rotten. Making sure those words are sound.

Our words are more important than that fruit. For we write those words on our hearts. Take a little time to make sure they are fruitful words. Productive words.

Take heed... we are doing much with your spiritual inkpen.

Ink is hard to blot out.

Hold that ink pen correctly.

Use that ink pen wisely.

Thursday, January 05, 2012

Food for Thought: Five Minutes, Part II

Click here for Part I...

So... on Wednesday afternoon, I went to morning bible study. It was interesting. Never seent the minister who preached today. She was a lady minister, and I like them. I learned some interesting things. She's an older lady, maybe a church mother. She had some INTERESTING Celie Color Purple type stories (and you know I like that type of thing, lol).

But my mind was on making a thrift store stop since I was on that side of town. I needed some cookie tins. I like to buy them cheap from one particular thrift store, clean and bleach them out good, and use them for cookie gifts.

Anyway, I was going to run in there. Takes me about 5 minutes to run in there, get my tins, and BOUNCE.

I somehow got the most noisest buggy ever. It was so noisy that people were looking at me. You could hear my empty buggy coming your way, man. So what. I was only going to be there for 5 minutes. I did what I had to do in about 2 minutes. I know exactly where they keep the tins, I know what size I like... all that. Throw them suckers in the buggy and


I got side-tracked, though.

I saw something I hadn't seen before.

They had some enormous rugs hanging from rafters.

Huge rugs!

I wheeled my noisy buggy that way. (Much noiser now, as it was filled with empty aluminum tins- all clanking as I moved). I'd been coming in there for years, and that was something new. I had to investigate.

So I decided to investigate. They were NICE rugs. Most 8' x 12'. Very clean. And they were going for $100 or less. Even though I didn't want to buy one, I spent time perusing them.

Then I looked to the right at a shelf in front of the rafters of rugs.


I thought that was funny. Not a doggone name brand amongst them. And they were all dirt cheap.

I wanted to ask one of the workers who walked by... "'Scuse me, do you have the Lysol Brand? Some Formula 409, perhaps? What about some Chlorox products?"


I glanced over them. There were some interesting names... brands I never heard of.

There is NO way I'm cleaning my kitchen counters with Bang cleaner. Nerp. Not gonna happen.

I spent a good 5 minutes looking around. So much for doing a 5 minute drive-by cookie tin run.


That was interesting. I took pictures to pass along to Play Mama, since she is a thrift store fanatic. I wanted to show her that our thrift stores are high class! If I need a nice rug, I know where to go. (Still passing on the cleaning products).

So, I had my cookie tins. And I was about to head to check out. I wanted to make sure I copped ALL the good cookie tins. I wheeled my noisy buggy back down that aisle.

And then I saw a woman about 15 feet from me. She looked familiar.

I looked closer.

It was my mother.

*lee's eyes go wide*

She wasn't looking my way. Her back was to me. Then she turned to the side. She was perusing the women's shirts. She held one up in the air and considered it. She apparently didn't like it, and placed it back on the rack.

*lee backing noisy buggy backwards up the aisle*

I have, like, complicated Mommie issues. She is someone that I do not deal with. Haven't since 2005 or 2006. If you have read my blog over the years... no explanation needed.

*lee backing noisy buggy backwards up the aisle hard and fast...grimacing at the noise I was making*

Mother is unpredictable. She may or may not go verbally postal in public. And I was thinking about that. I know I would get jumped on about something, even though I stay out of her way. (I am like a UFO). But I made it out of my aisle and was headed for the cashier.


But then I thought better of it. I sent Play Mama a text: "Okay... I see my Mama in the thrift store. I suppose I should speak." To which she replied, Um yes please.

So that gave me the courage to go and speak.

She was talking to one of the workers, and had opened her purse and pulled out a notebook to show her something. I slowly made my way her way, noisy buggy and all.

And I was in front of her. She and the thrift store worker looked up.

"Hey, Mama," I said. "How you doing?"

She yelled out, "Lisa!" (my family nickname).

Then she bust out crying. Just collapsed on her buggy and and boo-hooed.

Me and the thrift store worker were puzzled to say the least. I was just glad I wasn't getting cussed.

"Why are you crying?" I asked.

She said "I am just happy to see you." Then she ran over and hugged my neck.

Weird, weird, weird, weird, weird.

I hugged her back. Even though I had no idea what was going on.

She went back to her buggy and retrieved some cards. Apparently she had printed out her new grandson's pictures from the computer, and had taped them to cards with the birth information.

"That's okay," I said. "I already have pictures. Kari sent a bunch."

She went back to her buggy, told the thrift store worker that I was her oldest child. The thrift worker oohed and aaahed.

(I told you, seeing me is like a UFO sighting. Rare).

*lee feeling uncomfy about all of this*

I thanked her for the Christmas gift that she sent via my younger sister Kentucky and told her I had a gift bag at home for her. (There was much discussion between me and Kentucky about this. She told me exactly what to buy in order to stay out of trouble. I was almost finished buying stuff.)

That was enough for me. I said good-bye, and wheeled my noisy buggy to the cashier to check out my tins.

I paid for my tins. And headed out the door.

And pondered this whole experience.

And the whole 5 minute postulate.

I had meant to run in the store and do what I had to do in 5 minutes time. That's about how long it takes over the years to make it do what it do in that store. I ended up spending 5 minutes extra time in there playing with soft rugs, and laughing at off-off brand cleaning products.

And I spent 5 minutes talking to my mother.

You can't even see five minutes in front of your face, people."

No I can't, sir. I must agree with you. No I can't.

I had a couple of text convos about my feelings concerning this that evening. Serenity23 had questions, and we talked about it. Play Mama and I talked about it.

I called my sister and asked her to explain what THAT was all about. She had her theories. Our conversations about our mother as of late have been centered on me trying to keep my sister from not throwing in the towel. Kentucky is getting to the age where she don't tolerate unnecessary drama from out Mother, so there are battles and blowouts. (It doesn't help that I holler how my Mama live in Alabama and I don't have to deal with ratchetness. Kentucky kicks the hard eyeroll at me when I get going. She knows I hate ratchetness and drama).

I will just leave this crossing paths with my mother as a chance meeting. Pleasant. A rarity in my 42 years on this earth. Thankful for pleasant moments. And leave it at that.

Such can occur when you spend five minutes too long in the store. Anything can happen.

Anyway, Minister Phillips message concerning the 5 minutes was simple. Stop being all glum about the future. You don't know what the future holds. Tomorrow isn't even promised. You can't even see 5 minutes in front of your face. Plan wisely, live wisely. Believe God. Pray. No bad days, no sad days. Have faith in God and trust Him to lead You. He has good thoughts and plans for you. Get in line with it. Line your mind and thoughts up with that.

I know that's right. Good advice indeed.

I'll be thinking about that for the 2012 season.

Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Food for Thought: 5 Minutes

Walk with me... as we continue the Food-for-Thought blowout extravaganza.


I was listening to a CD of my favorite minister from my church, Minister Phillip. I've written about him before. His sermons are usually on identity crisis issues. That's a really complicated and hard topic, and he does a great job with it. He is from the islands, has that hard carribean accent so I have to pay attention, especially if he get to talking fast, lol. I don't wanna miss nuthin.
I come out of his sermons understanding my complicated self just a little better, feeling uplifted and equipped with a written plan of action!

And that's a good thing.

I don't catch up with sessions much, as the ministers are on rotation for morning bible studies. A couple of months ago, I happen to see one of his recent messages on CD so I copped it. I like to listen to things like that when I have to be in the car for awhile. (for me that means anything longer than 20 minutes. I only put 5000 miles a year on my car).

Anyway, I happen to be listening to this message, and he said something very interesting. I'll have to paraphrase it. The part in red is the most important...

You worry about the future. You wail about tomorrow. Get all depressed, let the circumstances get to you.

The truth of the matter is that you don't know what's going to happen tomorrow. Tomorrow isn't promised.

You can't even see 5 minutes in front of your face, people.

Hmm... I know he serious when we ends a sentence with "people".

He talked of how you don't know what's going to happen in the next 5 mintues.

Now hold on, I thought to myself while rolling down the freeway listening to this. He done gone to far with that.

I, LadyLee, can see 5 minutes in front of my face.

Now, when you spread time out wider, I can't say that I can see what's going to happen. I mean, I don't know what I will be doing 5 years from now. I can say what I want to be doing 5 years from now, but honestly, I don't know.

5 months from now becomes a little clearer. 5 weeks from now a little more clearer.

Then we get over into times periods closer to the present: 5 days, 5 hours...

5 minutes.

You can't even see 5 minutes in front of your face, people!

I have been off from work, including weekends, for 13 days. Oh me, oh my... man, I had all these vainglorious plans to do all these wonderful things when I was off. Cleaning my house from head to toe, get a bunch of writing done! Just all kinds of stuff.

Man. I didn't get half that stuff done. I did a lot of cleaning, but not all that I wanted to do. I may have laid a little over 3000 words on paper. And that was just since January 1st.

But all the plans I had, I didn't get done.

I really couldn't see 5 days in front of my face.

And 5 hours ago, I thought by now, by the time I wrote this post, that I would have my clothes together for work tomorrow and my lunch prepared. Just to save myself some time. Here we are, and I only have my lunch prepared (basically I put the leftover fragrant potato and chickpea stew from dinner in tupperware container and that is lunch for tomorrow).

Still gotta get my clothes together, though. (*lee listening out for that dryer buzzer*)

You see where I'm getting at.

But I was having a bit of trouble with this 5 minute statement:

You can't even see 5 minutes in front of your face, people!

This 5 minute thing... I get what he was saying, but dang man...
I, LadyLee, can see 5 minutes in front of my face.

I KNOW what's gonna happen in the next 5 minutes.

No sir! You can't tell me that I don't know what was going to happen in the next 5 minutes.

Or do I?

I didn't fully understand what he meant until I went to the thrift store today.

I fully understand that today.

So after morning bible study, I went to the thrift store. I was only gonna be in there for 5 minutes. That's my usual time.

But... But...

~echoing in my head~

You can't even see 5 minutes in front of your face, Ladylee.

(Should I make this a 2 part post? Yeah, man... I'll make it a two part post... To be continued.)

Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Food for Thought: The Singing of Songs

When Adam and Eve ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil in the Garden of Eden, they heard the voice of God, and they hid themselves.

When God asked why they were hiding, they replied they were...


And he asked them a question...

One He asks me when I get to feeling low, fearful, or in some sort of way...

Just feeling bad about life and where I am, and all the shoulda, woulda, couldas:

"Who told you this, Adam and Eve?"

"Who told you this, LadyLee?"

In other words, "Who told you this, Oldgirl? What have you been meditating on, pondering, and considering that would have you come to these conclusions about yourself, your life, your worth, your place in this world, and your purposes?

Because it sure wasn't Me (God)!!

That's not what My Word says about you.


I heard that many years ago. Found it, fascinating.

Not much sticks with me. But THAT sticks with me. In all its simplicity, it delves into the human psyche and nature.

I text it to a friend a little while ago. Another friend a few months ago. And yet another friend some time before that.

"When Adam and Eve ate from the tree..."

(I know they were all like... What the world?? What the heck is this chick getting at?)

Yeah, I text it... right when someone gets crunk and gets to wailing hard. They've examined their past, or something that just happen, or some circumstance or problem and just start wailing negative things about themselves.

I tell you, Man... Guilt and self condemnation and fear sho do move us to acting out in some interesting ways.

It's kind of like when a puppy gets all excited or distressed... you know how they get crunk, get to whining... and then pee all over themselves.

Got to stop life's pissy moments.

Yes I text that in italics above.

And I follow up with my own thoughts on it...

Sometimes the trials of life - circumstances, bad decisions, the cares and worries of life, our checking accounts, detrimental people, and any other tomfoolery you can think of - sho nuff know how to lock arms and sang an interestingly LOUD song to us...

With some mighty strong choruses...

And we listen closely to the song, humm right along, memorize the words...

And start singing right along.

Getting in agreement with it all.

Don't get in agreement with that song... it might lead you to a place of fear, it may lead you in the wrong direction...

Sing a different song!

One that won't make God go O_o, but one that He can join in on and tap His foot to.

You and I have long rich histories.

Long laundry lists of wonderful accomplishments... peppered with some mistakes and unfortuante issues...

Just remember who you are truly... and go with that.

Focus on that... Sing THAT song.

Our feelings will fall in line with that good song, sooner and faster than you and I think.

I'm sure that passage above has deeper meaning. And you know me. I can go on and on. But this is the primary one for me.

Man, I refuse to get in agreement with feelings that have me going down the wrong road. If I make mistakes, I will acknowledge them, and get back on the right track... lickity split!

And I am shifting into 5th gear with that for the 2012 season.

Monday, January 02, 2012

First Monday!

Whelp! It is the first Monday of the year.

I must admit... I wrote "2012" in my journal yesterday and it looked mighty funny.

But I can get use to it. Gimme about a month.

The New Year is bright already. If you didn't see the last post, my brother Kari aka "Milk and Cookies" welcomed son #2 into the world.

Here are a couple more pictures. Milk and Cookies Jr. and Milk and Cookies 3.0!

Milk and Cookies, Jr. is cheesing down! And Milk and Cookies 3.0 is knocked out!

LOL. I can tell right now he's going to be a great big brother.

Good thing I finished his baby blanket!

They got it on Friday, baby born on Sunday. That was a close one!

Stay tuned for more pictures!

Anyway, i am off today. I am suppose to go back to work on Wednesday. I have been cleared to take the rest of the week off, but honestly, I just don't have much else to do. I rather just go head on and go back.

I know I am not going to feel like that on Thursday morning. Sigh. But that is okay. Work 2 days, and then it's a 2 day weekend! *cartwheels*

Today I have spent cleaning. And there is a 227 marathon on. I use to love that show 20 years ago.

It's sunny and cold outside. I should try to get out and do something today. We will see!

I see you all have enjoyed the Food for thought posts.... I have a couple more, so we will keep that going for the rest of the week. I think it was a good way to end my year, and it will be a good way to start my week.

So, here's to the 1st week of the year!

Make it a good one... on purpose.

Sunday, January 01, 2012

Milk and Cookies 3.0

Look who showed up overnight at 1:35 am Pacific time out in Seattle!

A New Years Baby!
Milk and Cookies 3.0

*lee shouting hard enough from Atlanta for the baby to hear out in Seattle*




*throws glitter*





(((((((HAPPY NEW YEAR)))))))

From your Friendly Neighborhood Oldgirl
