Friday, December 31, 2021

The Last Post of the Year, Part 3: A Cold Bottle of Water


2021 is coming to an end. 

And I have been just freestyle writing on my physical, mental, and spiritual states. 

I know it is all a bit jumbled, but it all comes together in my head, lol. 

When I think about spiritual matters, though, that's a little complex. 

As I said in the last post, I will pray about things then I will look out for paths to the solution to open up. 

That is the way things work out for me spiritually. 

However, here is what's really going on: 

I have to muster up the faith and courage to follow that path. 

And I think about this when I am out walking, or whenever I am silent. 

Something interesting happen the other day. I woke up one morning and I heard in my spirit that I have a tendency to feel like I am a bother not only to people, but to God Himself. And He let me know I am never a bother. He is always here to listen. He understands what I can't even articulate. He answers questions I do not know how to ask. 

Lately in the ATL, this past week or so, it has a bit warm out. So warm that I don't need a jacket. In the middle of December, I can go for a walk in shorts and a t-shirt. In the middle of winter, no less!

I remember one afternoon, I was a bit upset with myself because when I come in the house all parched and sweaty wanting a COLD bottle of water. I just know that in the summer, nothing felt better than coming in the house and guzzling a cold bottle of water. 

Not so much in the winter, though. I just wanted some lukewarm water. Good enough. 

Except for when it is hot outside in the winter. 

My best friend LadyTee bought me some nice 18 ounce glass bottles with tops earlier this year that I would place in the fridge every day. There were four of them, and I knew if I drank them all that day, I had approached my water requirements for the day. 

I should've kept doing it, but I didn't. 

So earlier this week, when I was out walking at a time I don't usually walk right now (in the morning because it was so cold), I walked up a slightly challenging hill I walk up occasionally... I was a bit emotional, a bit down because it was so gloomy and cloudy out. I had been thinking about all kinds of thing, even did a little praying, even got a little teary-eyed too.

I walked up a hill that takes me some three minutes to climb. 

Halfway up my hard Sophia-like walk up the hill, an old man came out of his house. His house was close to the street, as he barely has a front yard. 

And he had a cold bottle of water in his hand. 

He ambled out and said, "Young lady, I want to give you a cold bottle of water."

I don't usually take nothing from strangers, but he was an old man... reminded me of my old relatives. I took it from his outstretched hand and said thank you. 

"The Spirt told me to give it to you," he said. 

"What's that?"

"The Spirit told me to give it to you," he said again with a smile.

"Thank you so much," I said. 

He went back into the house. 

When I tell you I was in shock, and had to blink back tears? 


I made it up the street and around the corner and cried a little. If I could have laid out in the grass and had a good cry, I would have.

But I continued to walk, clutching my ice cold bottle of water tightly in my hand. 

And I heard in my spirit, I am listening to you, even when you aren't praying. I am keenly aware of what you need. I am always listening and preparing a way for you. I am with you. It is okay. 

And it made my day. In the midst of a gloomy day, I kept walking with my cold bottle of water. 

I placed it in my car when I passed by it. (I was parked at the neighborhood track and field). 

And about half an hour later, I finished my walk. I got in my car, wiped down my bottle of water (because we still in a pandemic). . . 

. . . and enjoyed my cold bottle of spring water. 

I kept the empty bottle of water. It meant so much to me on a spiritual level. 

And I have recorded in this post.

Just so I can come back even after the year 2021 has gone by... and remember. 

The Last Post of the Year, Part 2: Fear and Anxiety (A Tale of My Mental)

 2021 is coming to an end. 

And I have had the opportunity to look back over my state of mind... my mentality over the past year. 

You know, I have had to admit to myself that I fall short. I fall short of people's expectations, and even my own expectations. 


And I have had to come to accept that and be okay with that. I am still a good person. And most of all, I am still breathing. And that means I still have ample opportunity to change. Not for other people, because I believe you can't please everybody all the time. I will never be the party person, the hip friend that everyone wants to hang out with. I have never been that and I hope I never will. I am living in a time that I can't tell people apart, and I want to always stand out from the crowd if possible. 

I must admit that over the years, maybe over the past five years or so, I have changed a lot when it comes to people. I have found that I experience a good amount of social anxiety, so it is rare for me to hang out with people. Plus, I don't do well with working out my problems and disagreements with folks. Part of that is that I really do not care. And I hate to admit it, I have come to a point where I am willing to be a bit superficial with people. It is just so much easier than being myself. I am finding that people expect "surface". Nothing fake, but wonderful pleasantries, blah-zay-blah. I don't like this at all, but it is easy. And most likely, it is with people who I use to talk to often, but I don't now. Much of that hurts. But it's okay. Just make the best of it, and be superficial. Do what, on some level, is expected of me. Do what is easy.

And keep it moving. 

That was a lot, but that was just something off the top of my head, some things I have been thinking about. 

Mental. Like most people, I am a bit anxious about the pandemic. I myself am glued to the television, listening to what is being said and hoping that I will wake up one morning and find out that it is all a dream.

But I know that will not happen. 

So I have a good amount of fear and anxiety. I would never admit that to people, but I am admitting it here. I rarely express my feelings to people, because I have been blown off so much. But you know what has happened to set me on the road to being free from that? 

There are close to 8 billion people on this earth. 

And that means there are close to 8 billion different perspectives.

And that is alright. 

And it has helped me embrace my perspectives about things, no matter if they are blown off. If they are, then they are. But this is how I feel about what I am dealing with. And from that point, I feel a bit more comfortable praying about it, praying for solutions. No, not to be perfect or acceptable in anyone's eyes, but to simply be able to examine my perspectives and follow the road to improvement or change. 

Does that make sense? 

Yes I know I am all over the place, but I am going somewhere with this. 

I have been praying about fear and anxiety. Just for some help. I rarely talk about this with people, because you know, it is just easy to do what is expected: be superficial. But shadows of how I feel have come out with those who are close to me. And it is like a huge weight off my shoulders and mind. I am so thankful for that. 

What has been particularly interesting is that I will pray about something, and then be on the lookout for some type of answer, some pathway to open up.

And I tell you what: it never fails that this happens. 

Back in November, I took a workshop entitled "Fear, Anxiety and Overwhelm". I took a ton of notes and got a lot out of it. It was just an hour give or take per evening for five days. We even had homework. It was a pretty good deep dive into the "why" behind being earful, anxious and overwhelmed. Just looking for the root to it all. I learned a lot during this workshop.

But you know the one thing that stuck with me?

I found out that most of my fear is imagined. All just a figment of my imagination. 

I would be so bold as to say that some 99% of my fears are imagined. That is hard for me to admit. But I learned during that class to really sit down with my fears and examine them. 

This revelation did a lot for me. I was able to get a few things that I had been afraid to do, done. 

And you know what? 

When all was done and said, it all wasn't as bad as I imagined it to be. 

Then on top of that, my Pastor said soon after that, that he was starting a series on fear. A real deep dive on it. And of course, that made me happy because it was an answer to a prayer. And over the past month, there has been much confirmation of some of the answers I have been getting to some of my prayers. And as a result, I have made more progress dealing with my fear and anxiety. And I have been bold enough to set some goals for myself that I have been afraid of setting.

Like I said at the beginning of this post, I am a bit exasperated when it comes to this pandemic. Much of this is coming from being fearful of the unknown. I am immunocompromised and have had to do quite a bit to stay out of the way of exposure to the virus. I do my best to stay masked up and stay sanitized. I do my best to be careful. I have worked from home since March 2020. Coworkers talk trash, and I am proud of myself for not dialing anyone up and opening up the good book of cuss on them. I let it go. God bless them. Keep it moving.

I, like everyone, want this to be over. It sure does a hit job on my mentality. I don't have much family as it is, but it is painful at times to spend all this time alone day after day after day. Many of my friends were in the workplace. As I get older, I find that I like face-to-face interaction with people who know the real me and accept the real me: quiet, funny, serious, nonconfrontational, non-messy, deep thinking. I want to enjoy being around people who allow me to be myself. And I am missing that during this pandemic. 

Also during this pandemic, I am coming to a place that I am not aghast when someone contracts the virus. There is always that question of Where did you pick it up from? What were you doing? But we see the real problem is that this mess is just in the air. It is a bit scary. So I am more compassionate now. That's a good thing. 

So this was my last post of the year concerning my mental state of mind. 

I am doing alright. I am improving. I don't cry as much. I have just decided to just keep moving forward... 

... day after day after day. 

On purpose.

The Last Post of the Year, Part I: I will be Happy for ME

Well, in a few hours, it will be the year 2022. 

I must admit, with all that is going on in the world, I had no idea what my world would look like on December 31, 2021.  But no matter how it went down, my baseline goal is to be alive. . . 

. . .And to be thankful for being alive to see the dawning of a New Year.

So I spent time this week thinking about three different parts of myself, starting from outward and going inward: the physical, the mental, and the spiritual. This post may just be one lonnng post. Or it may be in three parts as three different posts.

The Physical. I have been thinking about this all day. This has been a pretty transformative year for me from a physical point of view. I managed to lose approximately 65-70 pounds this year. I would have never imagined it. I took a chance on a weight loss life coach back in early January, and it worked out pretty well. I dropped off some this past year, so one of my new years goals is to get back on track, and lose more weight. I have managed to keep the weight off, with little fluctuations. But I have a better plan for the new year, and I am always in touch with my problem spots. So that will be the work for the next few months. And I am equipped with the tools to monitor and take care of that. 

I know at the beginning of the year, I made a goal to walk 10 minutes a day. Just 10 minutes a day. I cannot tell you how elated I was to walk that 10 minutes, then surpass it by walking 15 minutes. I mean that was half a mile. A whole half a mile! 

And soon after, I made a goal to just walk a mile a day. This took me a little longer to accomplish. By this time, it was the late winter, and I didn't know if I could make it. Plus, I walk slow, and it was so hard having to watch people walk past me. I felt so slow. I had to get to a point where I pushed past that.

And today, I thought about all of this and how far I have come. Some 11 months later, I am able to walk an average of 3 miles a day. I had a goal of walking at least five days a week, but I easily walk six to seven days a week, especially if the weather is nice (or at least bearable). It is a little harder when it is cloudy. And I have only walked once in the rain, with my umbrella of course. I will have to take the L on that, because I refuse to do that again. But I have always gotten my five days in. And when it's gloomy, I will walk for at least half an hour around my private island, i.e., my kitchen island. 

But that has been good for me, the weight loss and the exercise. A couple times a week, I will walk 4 to 5 miles at a time. It all depends on how my joints are feeling. I have osteoarthritis, so I listen to how I am feeling. If a knee or a hip threatens to start hurting, I head in the direction of my car or my house. The pain is nothing excruciating, but just annoying. The exercise seems to help that. And I challenge myself and walk hills. I wasn't able to do that early on. I make sure there are a few inclines along my walking route on purpose now.  

I was diabetic according to my HA1C numbers, but I have knocked a couple of points off that, so I am not even in the prediabetic range now. That's a good thing. My cholesterol is high, so I am trying to work on that. My primary care doctor whines about this, so much so that I canceled my last appointment. I will continue to work on it and see her again when I figure it out. 

Until then, like I told her... I am going to be happy for ME, even if I am the only one happy for me and my progress. 

I can happy for me... and at the same time, face and work on my challenges. I WILL continue to make progress.  

But nevertheless, I have made a promise to myself:

I will be happy for ME. 

Thursday, December 30, 2021

My Favorite Gift...

One gift I received really stands out.

Look at these headphones.
They are not regular headphones.  They are bone conduction headphones.

Why come nobody told me about them?

In a nutshell, these headphones allow the user to bypass their eardrums. You listen through vibration through the bone near your ear. 

How cool is that? Who knew such a technology was available. I didn't.

Like I said, my brother sent them to me. He uses them himself. I have come to prefer them when I am walking, as I can listen to my music and leave my eardrums free to hear everything going on arrive me. 

And that's a good thing!

I hope they are using this technology to rid the world of deadness. I am sure they are or have been working on that.

Monday, December 27, 2021

Christmas Decorations

My one and only Christmas Decoration.

And I put it up on Christmas day. How lazy is that? 


Saturday, December 25, 2021

Merry Christmas 2021

Merry Christmas to you and yours.

This was a decent day overall. I'm a little blah with the weather. I had a nice day nevertheless. And I am grateful for that.

I finally put a Christmas decoration today. 

A wreathed on my front door. I meant to put it up a couple weeks ago, but I kept forgetting to bring it in from the garage. But better late than never, right?


Thursday, December 23, 2021

A Special Christmas Gift

I was a little behind on making this Christmas gift. It should've been finished a couple of weeks ago, but I was moving a little slow.  But I got it done 3 days before Christmas. Whew!

It is a throw for the little girl who lives across the street from me.
This is the second time I have made one with these colors. I would not have put these colors together (lavender and mint), but i think it is a nice combination. Especially for little girly girls.

I also made a placemat with the extra yarn.

Well, that could be a placemat, or a blanket for a doll... something like that.

Here's a closeup... 

And another closeup!
And I bought a gift box for it...

I like gift boxes.  More pricey than wrapping paper, and that's fine. Very nice for storage. I live them. 

I didn't really shop much for anything as it pertains to gifts. I don't do well with all the hustle, bustle, and rush of the holiday...

But I must admit, I am always happy about the handmade gifts 

But I am always happy to slowly create gifts with my hands. 


Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Pull Through, Dre!

My new mayor has the covid. *lee wails hard*.

He been running around campaigning and talking to people. But he says he has mild symptoms. Thank goodness.

Pull through, Dre...

 Pull through. 

Saturday, December 18, 2021

Saturday Surprise

Guess who I saw today?!
My nephew Justin, all dressed to impress, fresh from his visit and pictures with Santa Claus. Our porch visit was short but much enjoyed. I really needed that.

Good to see my sister too, of course! 

The day was dreary and rainy. But y'all made my day bright! 

And that's a good thing! 

Friday, December 17, 2021

Random Stuff...

I see a lot of random pics and memes on Facebook. Here are the most interesting to me.

Sea water. It looks so... nutritious. I don't want to think about the timea I've vacationed on at the beach and got water in my mouth.

Amoebas. Bacteria. Aliens in disguise.

No, I do not want to think about it. Sigh.

Now this is interesting. I too thought I was special when I had this inkpen.

Do they even sell them anymore.


Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Callie Jo the Teleworker

Callie Jo loves to telework. 

Correction: She loves to telework for all of 5 minutes, then it's zzzzzzzzzzzz...

So unreliable.


Tuesday, December 14, 2021

A Visit from Justin!

So guess who stopped by my house yesterday?
Nephew Justin!
They stopped by for stuff I had for my sis. So they stayed for a bit. But the man who is now taking care of my lawn stopped by. Justin hates noise, so we went for a walk with his scooter. 

He saw a bigger scooter down on the corner and wanted to stand on it.

I was not happy about this, as we were near the corner manned by the local hot boys. None of them were around, but that don't mean we had to stand around. So I snapped his picture and continued our walk. Then we headed back to my house. However, my yard was still being worked on. So I made Justin sit on the porch and watch. 

He wasn't too happy about it, because he hates noise. He covers his ears, as if that is gonna help.
I am not sure why he hates noise so much. He has a fascination with lawn care work yet likes to watch the action from a window.

When the lawn was finished, the lawn man let him sit on the mower. As you can see, he has his hands over his ears. Sigh.

But then he felt comfortable enough to hold the handles.

It is always a joy to hang out with this little guy.

He and my sis provided the best start ever to my workweek. 

And I am always happy and thankful for that.

Monday, December 13, 2021

Favorite Things, Part 1

My favorite sauce right now...

And you know what I toss it with...



Sunday, December 12, 2021

Ice Cream Man! (No, Amazon Man!)

This has to be the truest thing I've seen this year.  I myself have found myself opening my Amazon app and seeing where my package is and when it will hit my doorstep.  Yes indeed it is the adult version of the ice cream truck. It is BETTER than the ice cream truck. 

But my biggest reason for eyeing my app for the arrival time is that I live in the hood, and you need to damn near catch the package before it hits the porch. I have not had anything stolen, but when I walk the neighborhood, I always come across Amazon boxes that have been hastily ripped open, and  their contents removed.

And the gentrifiers whine on the neighbor app about stuff being stolen off their porch. And the thieves have even been robbing the robot delivery systems that roll around. I haven't seen one of those yet, but they are being tested in one of the enclaves around these parts.

And another thing... half the vehicles going up and down my street during the day are Amazon and UPS trucks. It is always interesting to hear some loud booming bass and to look out the window only to see it is coming from Amazon trucks. 


And when I am out walking, I count no less than 5 trucks on my path. Ugh.

I tell you what... Jeff Bezos is a genius. He is making money hand over fist. Wish I had such ideas. We've all probably had them, but they have been flighty and unnoticed. They have most likely come and gone, and disappeared like puffs of smoke in the wind.

I saw some of his interviews from 20 years ago.

He had vision. Vision of something big.

And maybe it was a vision of people getting excited and clamoring for the services he provided.  Much like how kids hear the ice cream man coming and even chase down the ice cream truck.

 I myself have stood in line around the ice cream man's window on a hot summer's day with my coins clutched in my sweaty hand, eyeing the pictures of sweet treats plastered on the side of the white van. 
(My favorite treats were the orange pushup, the ice cream drumstick, the lemon bomb pop and the red white and blue bomb pops. Back in the '70s the bomb pops were 35 cents. They are $2 now!)

And here we stand now, with just about anything our heart's desire literally delivered to our house at our demand. Sometimes within a couple of hours after ordering.


Here's my question.  Who's gonna come up with a vision bigger than Amazon? 

Oh my. I cannot wait to see!

I wish it was me!! 

Saturday, December 11, 2021

Saturday Love

Here's a picture of my dinner tonight. 

Yes I love my wings. I scored 7 pounds today, and do you know that it came up to $40? A year ago, that would have come up to around $25. Prices are soaring for meat out in these mean streets. Seems like prices are going up on everything. 

I made a run to the Black Peoples Walmart at 7:30 am this morning. This was a good thing because it was so quiet around that time. So I could move slow and take my time. And with that said, I forgot to get what I went in there for: some at-home covid tests. Ugh. So I may make an early morning 
run tomorrow. We will see.

I went to the big Farmers Market out in Dekalb. I got there just as everyone was lining up and waiting for it to open. So by the time they were all ambling in with their shopping carts, I was getting my own. So it was pretty empty for all of 45 minutes, then it turned into what felt like a club scene. By that time, I was leaving.

I also went to the neighborhood co-op. That was nice too because it wasn't crowded. So I could just mull around as I pleased. 

It was such an interesting day of errands. And I don't like running errands. But I needed stuff. And the sun peaked from behind the clouds for an hour, but it was dreary out for the most part.  I don't like dreary. Ugh.

So I came home and watched the rocket launch on YouTube. It was uneventful. And Mike S. and the crew were all smiles. I am just glad it all went well. Not as interesting as the first trip for that company. But good enough. 

Then I turned on the TV and saw the aftermath of a devastating storm that spawned some record breaking tornadoes. People lost their homes... their cars...

Their lives.

I couldn't believe it. Just devastation abound.

And I began to see my slight irritations of the day were a small thing. My griping about the state of the weather? A small thing compared to today's weather catastrophe.  

People lost their lives. I didn't lose mine.

Then I thought about how great my day was on Friday. I talked to my brother Milk and Cookies for an hour. He and his family are at my oldest nephew's football tournament in Florida.  And I talked to my Workplace Mom for some four hours that evening. It felt good to catch up and laugh. And she always knows how to encourage my heart and help me step past my fears. So both convos were something I really needed. 

Those intangibles mean everything, especially in the face of such devastation.  I thank God for my conversations that were good for my heart....

And I pray for those devastated by today's weather events.  Amen.

Friday, December 10, 2021

Bingeworthy for the Weekend!

During this pandemic, I have watched a ton of television. ANYTHING to pass the time, I tell ya.

Here are a couple of good movies/series I have enjoyed as of late.

Man, I cannot STAND Halle Berry. I have not liked her since her Boomerang and Jungle Fever days, and that was damn near 30 years ago? I don't like the choices she has made since then. And this is the kicker for me... how are you considered the most desired and beautiful woman in the world and you got all that dysfunctional mess going on? Drives me nuts. 

But Bruised, a fight movie that she starred in and directed was great! I was so shocked, and at the time, so happy for her. This is an MMA movie twisted up with a lot of mental and physical drama. It was dark and grimey, and had me shedding tears at time. Just a great story. She will most definitely get some Oscar nominations out of it. 

This series chronicles the progression of the oxycontin crises and gets in depth about how the pharmaceutical company just roped folks in and got them hooked. So good and so sad. Even the gub'ment agency that I work for was quietly implemented in some of this mess. (I don't know if it is true. I do not care. Please gimme my paycheck. Please and thank you).

But it is 10 episodes, I believe, and it is just sad to see folks get hooked on something that they thought would be helpful. I mean, it literally felt like how the poster looks.

But it highlights one thing: white folks get the benefit of the doubt when it comes to their drug addictions. The hand of redemption is extended lovingly. 

But you know it don't go down like that with black folks. You know I am right about that. 

I wonder what that's about. Hmm...

Plus this series takes place in Appalacia, where the poorest Americans in the country reside. Of course this fact is swept under the rug. I just happen to read an article about the depths of Appalachian poverty and it disturbed me deeply. 

I wonder what that's about. Hmmm...

But this series was so good that I watched some episodes twice. 

Almost made me want to throw my meds out for a minute. Ugh.

I tell you one thing: I can't stand anything with tired cliche of a gang of women friends looking for love. It is as if winning the quest of a man solves all problems and they live happily ever after. It is the Cinderella syndrome, it is. Ugh.

But this chick flick series was good. The first couple of episodes were super cliche, but it bust in directions I was not expecting. It detailed the love lives of 4 women who were looking to find themselves in the process. And it looks line there will be several more seasons. And I will be watching. 

So that's my bingeworthy TV for the week. I hope you enjoy them as much as I have! If you haven't watched them, go check them out! 

Thursday, December 09, 2021

The Raking of Leaves

One thing I cannot stand while walking is a sidewalk full of leaves. 

Here are pictures of one of the sidewalks on my street. 

This always means I have to walk in the road instead of on the sidewalk. And wouldn't you know it, THAT'S when cars decide to turn on the street. So I have to slow down, stand to the side on the leaves, and let the car pass by. Irks me to no end, but whatever. 

I had to let go of the local man who takes care of my leaves and yard in general. He is getting old, and it is just too much for him. The last time he raked my leaves, he knocked on my door and took the money he charges me for doing it. 

But get this... he raked the front yard well enough, but not the back, which had the most leaves. He hid a huge pile of leaves behind my Pam (my spare little car), and blew just enough leaves where he could hide them in the backyard, thinking I would not go back there and look. 

I rarely pay my back yard much mind, but I was out sweeping the garage out (was having some work done in my crawlspace the next day. the crawlspace door is in the garage), and I just happened to look back there.

Hmmm... fooled me good. Just took my money for a half azz job. 

How do you tell me that you don't want to no longer take care of my yard without actually telling me you don't want to take care of my yard?

I guess that is how. So he's out of here. 

Some random local came pedaling by on a bike asking if he could rake my leaves. He said it would take him 4 hours and it would cost me $100-$150.

No Sir. Go away. All I see is you on a bike. I don't see a rake, a lawn mower, a blower... nothing.

I told him I was waiting on another price. I use my sister's lawncare guy now. He and his worker got my yard done in an hour flat. My yard looked like a pretty decent version of something out of Better Homes and Garden. Glory!

That is until more leaves fell the next day. The new lawn guy will be back in a couple of weeks to take care of them. 

And that is what's going on with the leaves in the pictures above, the pictures from the bottom of my street. Once leaves are raked, a whole new batch falls down. And then we have the issue of people just blowing their leaves into the street and down the street, etc. 

I get it. If I had to do it, I would probably do that, too...

Because the number of leaves feels endless. 


And I imagine that was how my old lawn man was feeling. It's just too much. 

So much like I have to navigate around the leaves when making my way down the road, I guess he had to also. 

And I know he probably needed the money. 

I learned a lesson from him. I need to admit to myself when I am struggling... 

But at least I need to be honest about it. 

With others and with myself. 

Wednesday, December 08, 2021

LadyLee the Wing Fiend

I eat a TON of chicken wings A ton. I used to eat them fried, but I have ditched the oil and I use an air-fryer. Anyway, whoever came up with the air-fryer is a frickin' genius! 

And here are some pics of my favorite wings as of late....

I think those are the same picture. I just added a piece of savory croissant from my local French bakery. I also have a fascination with wild rice stuffed peppers. Hmm. 

I like a little natural light, so I throw open the front door and take a picture of my plate. I have not decided whether this is bootleg or not, but it works well enough for me.

Those wings with the jalapenos... OH JOY!

I don't even want to get over into the sauces and spices I use. This post would be 10 pages long. But I will tell you one of my favorites. It is a peach sauce I found last month. Smoky Peach Whiskey Sauce.
That is some GOOD sauce. I airfry my wings then toss them in it. So good. Tastes like fresh peaches and moonshine, lol. I gotta drive back out to the farmers market and get a few bottles of it! I would order it off Amazon,  but it is $14 there. It is $6 at the Farmers market. 

But as you can see.... I am a wing fiend,  and I am probably single handedly responsible for the current chicken shortage. 

And that's just too damn bad because I am going to keep eating them. 

Yes and Amen.