Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Semi-Wordless Wednesday: Swatch Watch...

I worked a little on some swatches this week...

Honeydew Green and Cream:

In the aim of going for some ol' Delta ish... crimson and cream.
Dr. Sunshine, a Delta, said that red was too dark. She gave me a keychain to match colors. As a result, we have the following version of "crimson and cream":

That's a bit too light, but it matched the lil' key chain perfectly. So it will have to do!

These aren't due until around Mother's day, so at least I will have plenty of time.

Stay tuned:)


  1. I like the first deeper crimson and cream better.

    i don't know why but that honeydew and cream makes me want some ice cream!

  2. Can you recommend a good book or DVD to use to learn crochet? I've been trying to teach myself without much luck.
    I sure wish I lived closer to my grandmother. She can whip through some crochet.

  3. @Opinionated Diva... I like that one, too. But the DST sistas said it was too dark.

    amazon link:

    @The Bball Mama... Crocheting in Plain English by Maggie Righetti.

    Best book I've read on crochet. Send your address to my Oldgirl email and I will get it for you.

    Look here, you need somebody to sit down with you for a couple of hours and show you some stuff. That's the best way. Drive the 3000 miles on over to my house in the ATL. What's that, a 3 day trip from Cali? LOL!!!

    Grandmas are on point. My grandma knows how to TAT, i.e, make those little lacy intricate tablecloths and collars. I might have to hook up with her and get a lesson or two.

  4. Girl, next time I have to go to our Atlanta office, I am hitting you up! I definately need someone to sit down with. I learn better that way.
    Yeah, Gramnda and Lil Ma(great grandmother) could TAT all kinda stuff. My silly behind never sat down long enough to figure out how to do it. Here I ago at 44 wantin' to learn.

  5. @The Bball Mama...

    My mama, aunt, and grandma can all sew clothes and i WISH that I would've sat my tail down and LEARNED. Too bad these things don't become important until we are older, ain't it?

  6. oooh...nice. I like the bright red!

  7. Anonymous11:21:00 AM

    I like all three.

  8. I need to give you my colors, right? I'm thinking something black and white and grey. is my e-mail. E-mail me and I'll give you my address to ship it - lol.


  9. Anonymous9:35:00 AM

    My mom taught me how to do the chain stitch(no easy feat because, I'm a lefty) but, I taught myself the rest. I love to crochet. The last time I did any work though was right after Katrina. It was so funny because my hubby was looking at me crazy because, he had no idea I could crochet.
    Like you, I wished I had watched my mother, she could sew her pa-tooty off. I can barely thread a

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