Oh my goodness.
I am sleepy. I went to sleep around midnight and woke up around 6 in the morning (no alarm, that's just the time my sister leaves for work). 6 hours is more than enough for me, but not this morning. Ugh.
So this post may be uh, short. I want to get a couple of more zzzzzs in before work, lol.
It's currently 47 degrees in the ATL. This bed, these down pillows and down comforter feel mighty mighty good right now. I know I will be restin my eyes just a little while longer.
My weekend. Of course it went by too doggone fast. It was quiet. I thought I had book club stuff to do this weekend but I didn't. (And I need to finish reading my book anyway).
The most significant thing I did was take 3 trash bags of clothes to the Thrift store. Time to get those donations in, you know. I plan on taking another load down there before year's end. While I was out, I did the Walmart thing. Fun, fun, fun.
Song of the week. I have a couple of CDs in the car that have 150 songs a piece on them. Most of it is slow old school. That's all I listen to.
So, I am trying to figure out how this song got on one of them.
"Our Lips are Sealed" by the Go-Gos. Wedged somewhere between Anita Baker and Barry White. Wow.
Completely out of place. But you know I be sanging right along with the Go-Gos... LOL
Now if that don't remind you of Night Tracks shows of the 80s, I don't know what will.
That's the gist of it. Nice and quiet.
Post of the Week. "Introspection" by the Infamous La.
I love anything that La writes. For La is the truth. But every once in awhile, she delves over into her issues with religion, and I think in that particular piece she manages to tap into the root of her issues, which, oddly enough, are very similar to my own.
I fail MISERABLY at religiosity. Assimilation, ritual, and form are not my thing. I just don't fit in. I get a ZERO on all that. Yeah, I go to church, praise, worship and tithe and all that. But I fail at the form. I do those things out of a desire to be around those who believe as I do and out of a love of God from the bottom of my heart.
I think I found my way when I figured out what was most important: a very personal relationship with God. Period. And I tend to like churches that foster that: that it is much more critically important to tap into, being a person of faith and God as source of all things, than religious ritual and form... THAT'S what's important.
Cause you gotta work on that when folks ain't looking.
Because I can go to church and sang and shout halleluah all day... then go home and smoke crack and rob banks and murder folks when you ain't looking. Right?
Hmm... mini food for thought today. Like I said, I love whatever La writes, and she expressed some inner pain there, even tapping into my feelings about religion. But she has posted some faith filled posts in the past. And that's what counts. God is there, La... watching over you even when you sleep. Don't let nobody convince you of any thing different. Don't give up. Please.
Quote of the Week: from the LBeezy, from her post "IMO Thursdays- Time". I think she was talking to me.
"Bottom line, jobs don't care about your stress...
...Whenever you find yourself saying that you don't have time to do something, be honest about your priorities and see if they need to be rearranged. And if after that, you still lack the urgency or desire, then hold yourself accountable and own that."
Yeah, I know you were talking to a friend, but you were talking to me too, hon. Really. There's loads of wisdom in those few words. They did cut like a knife... and made me think. It was the fuel for yesterday's post.
I remember a couple of years ago ol' Serenity was wailing about some cramping problems over email, and LBeezy was like oh, you'll be okay, yada, yada, yada, but she broke out all of a sudden with "Man up and stop being a PUNK!" I thought that was hilarious, but a statement of truth.
I think that quote above was her way of yelling at me to "Man up and stop being a punk, Leezie!"
Yeah, I'll do that. For true.
So that's it for Monday morning. I got 10 minutes before I have to get up and get ready for work. I'm hoping for a productive day.
It's been like digging a ditch with a toothpick.
And I'ma work this toothpick, Mayne. Work it like it's a shovel or a backhoe.
You work your toothpick this week too... with purpose and on purpose.
I'll holler.
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Slap the *crickets* out the way, kindly step up to the mike, and SAY something!!