A couple of weeks ago, I posted my personal vision statement.
I called this statement my "thermostat". It is what I desire to be, the setting of "inner-me".
And I am not there yet. Like I said, it's where I want to be.
I don't want to be a thermometer, just measuring the temperature of my current atmosphere and simply accepting it and going with the flow. If society dictates it, then I just go along with it... mindlessly.
I don't think so.
I've noticed much lately. For some reason, society charts our course. I don't accept that.
I want to chart my own course.
I want to set my own thermostat. Period.
So, I wanted to discuss this course I've charted for myself, this vision statment. Some parts are easy to discuss, as I am pretty clear about it and accomplishing them. Some parts aren't so clear cut. It reaches far up into every area of my life, especially the problem areas. I think it will help me to talk about it.
I've never wanted to post it, as I consider it private and personal. It is mine, not for others to pick at or manipulate it, or judge me in light of it. But I decided to post it. And I am glad of that.
I judge myself in light of it. It is something I'm mindful of, something I've memorized.
Now, this is part 1 of 10 parts, but I will sprinkle those 10 posts amongst the 40. I don't care to do them in order. And in each post, the part I talk about will be highlighted in green.
I am 100% healthy in my body, soul, and spirit. I acknowledge God in all my ways, and I seek Him before I make any decisions, big or small. I am a blessing to my family and to those that God sends across my path. I am an incredible asset to my friends. I am a good listener. I am an excellent employee, and I not only work hard, but I work smart. I take time to periodically evaluate myself, and I make changes accordingly. I stick and hold fast to the path God has charted out for my life. I accept and openly welcome constructive criticism, as I know it will help me become "a better me". I am a good steward, a fine manager over the finances He has blessed me with, to the point that God knows He can trust me.
I am 100% healthy in my body, soul and spirit.
I have a huge "100%" label on my vision board. I wasn't sure why that caught my eye and I needed to cut it out of the magazine and use it, but looking at that first sentence of my personal vision statement helps me to understand (or as my big blog brutha Hassan says, "overstand") what that means.
I want to experience wholeness and be at total peace in my body, soul, and spirit.
Nothing busted. Nothing missing. Nothing broken.
I want wholeness and peace in my BODY. I want this lupus under control or in remission... something. GEEZ. I want to be healthy, man!
I want wholeness in my SOUL. The soul houses my intellect, my will and my emotions. It is where all my choices and decisions are made. It is the control center of my life, the battlefield of sorts. I want peace in that area.
I want wholeness and peace in my SPIRIT. That's the most complicated area. To me, my spirit is that perfect part of me, shaped by God and from God. It's the essence of who I truly am.
I want all those parts of me to be at peace. Healthy, bustling along at 100%.
I want everything alright, and as it should be.
That's a tall order right there. It's a broad and massive area where continuous construction is underway, and will continue until the day I die.
And I of all people have realized something very crucial, terribly crucial indeed in that "construction" process:
God does His part. And I do my part.
The two go hand in hand.
(Not sure I'm going off on a tangent here, but hey... you know how I am).
I get a LOT of answered prayer. A LOT. I'm talking some immediate answers.
We ALL get answers to our prayers. Here's the reasons why we think we don't:
The answers don't line up with what we want or think the answer should be.
The answers don't line up with the dictates of society, i.e., not approved of by society, not popular.
The answers require change.
The answers require us to rely on, trust in, and have faith in God.
(That last two are my problem areas. Hard sigh.)
My answers are never "magic" abracadabra type stuff. Like "ta-daaaah", no more emotional problems! No more health isshas! No more life problems!
No. It always requires me to DO something.
In other words, a path to whatever the answer is opens up.
And I better get up off my behind and WALK OUT THAT PATH. And in the process of walking out that path, a bunch of stuff goes down. I build my faith muscle on that path. I pick up a lot of skills along that path. I meet a lot of people along said path. I may even squash a lot of bad habits and attitudes along this wondrous path. I have to honestly judge myself on that path (and rightfully so).
[God know He likes to kill 100 birds with one stone. Sigh (but that's a VERY good thing).]
The path to "there", the answer, is sooooo important and vital.
Sometimes I walk out the path. Sometimes I don't. Sometimes I whine. Sometimes I am pissed about it. Sometimes I plant my feet and decide that I ain't doing JACK.
Sometimes I get sidetracked, i.e., I get stuck headfirst off in a bush on the side of the path, lol
But I better do my part. Period.
I have found this to be very much so when it comes to that vision statement.
I am 100% healthy in my body, soul, and spirit.
I am working on being healthy in my body. I can't begin to even tell you how some of the lifestyle changes, i.e., me doing my part, has helped me in that area.
I am working on being healthy in my soul and my spirit. I have a lot of problem areas (don't we all), but I am prayerful about those. I find the path to that health is very interesting... It involves people who have the same goals I have. We are helping each other along, being of great support.
The thermostat is set.
I am a constantly evolving changing being, even when things appear to be stagnant.
And I must say, and continuously confess that first sentence of my personal vision. I must keep my eyes on that statement.
In time, I will get there.
You hit the nail on the head with these two:
ReplyDeleteThe answers require change.
The answers require us to rely on, trust in, and have faith in God
Oftentimes we are sitting back and expecting the abra-ca-dabra. Well, it ain't coming. We have got to participate in the outcome. In my opinion, that is part of charting our own course.
You know I am too excited about you posting for the next 40 days!
ReplyDeleteThe vision board is something I've been wanting to do but never taking the time to do it. The sad thing is I know better. I know what happens when you write it down and make it plain. I think like you said it requires me to make some changes and more importantly depend on God to direct my path instead of creating my own.
Baby Bandit and I will start working on ours today. Since it is our 1st time, I had to get a little fancy with a memo board to stick the vision on. I know the areas I want to focus on for this year: faith/relationship with God, deeper relationships with others (most of mine are superficial, not too many people really know me), education, finance, and slimming down. I will assess where I am and set goals and make it happen.
You and few others have motivated me. You all have proven it works if you are willing to work it.
@That Oldgirl Chele...
ReplyDelete"We have got to participate in the outcome. In my opinion, that is part of charting our own course."
Well said... We are free moral agents, and we want to chart our own course, but along with that it is a process, and we need divine assistance...
No abra-cadabra, no Bewitched nose twitching, no waving of the magic wand, no genie in a bottle... None of that.
Nothing's ever that easy. Thank goodness for that.
@The Green Eyed Bandit... Calm your tail down, man!
Well, you know I didn't care nothing about putting together a vision board. That was some ol' touch-feely craziness for journal writing group. But I am glad that I did.
Sit down and do it. Not even all at once. I think I jotted some points of interest down on a scratch peace of paper, gathered magazines from around the house, and started from there. I think it is a GREAT idea for Baby Bandit too.
I haven't done a vision board and don't know if I ever will but, I do write my goals down and stick them in my bible..sort of a write it down and make it happen type of thing.
ReplyDeleteThis statement..,The answers require us to rely on, trust in, and have faith in God...really hit home. I began to think about that because in my life, those answers are the one that shine the brightest in my life. The ones that I can call to memory the quickest. I think it's because those are the ones that become a testimony..you had to have complete trust and faith in God and it came to pass.
I was just talking to a young lady at work who was frustrated about some aspects of her life and I just believe that, when you are a child of God and willingly let him operate in your life...you HAVE to believe that, you are right where you need to be..even when it doesn't seem like it..it's all working for the greater good. That's the essence of faith to me.
I'm like a student on the front row. I got my notepad ready to take down some notes. LOL
ReplyDeleteMy grandma use to say all the time you have to put in some of the work in order for God to answer your prayer. You can't pray for a better job if you aren't looking for a better job.
I'm just now learning to have 100% faith that God will answers my prayers. I've always gotten to the point when the answers don't line up with what I want, I can now accept that. I've got a few stories where God has given me the answer but I've done the complete opposite. Those stories didn't end to well either.
Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.
ReplyDeleteJapanese Proverb
Found it while working my vision board.
A LOT of what you just posted rings true for me...
ReplyDeleteAppreciate you being an open book.
LOL! at the sappy journal writing group stuff....so...it just wasn't me thinking those thoughts :)