Man oh man... I am almost finished with the 40 in 40 posts.
I'm a tad bit disappointed that I have an additional 10 posts that I wanted to do, but alas, time has almost ran out. I have to select a couple more and keep it moving. So it suffices to say, a few things will be posted down the road.
So with that said, more thoughts on my vision board personal statement. As always, the part of interest for this post is highlighted in green.
"I am 100% healthy in my body, soul, and spirit. I acknowledge God in all my ways, and I seek Him before I make any decisions, big or small. I am a blessing to my family and to those that God sends across my path. I am an incredible asset to my friends. I am a good listener. I am an excellent employee, and I not only work hard, but I work smart. I take time to periodically evaluate myself, and I make changes accordingly. I stick and hold fast to the path God has charted out for my life. I accept and openly welcome constructive criticism, as I know it will help me become "a better me". I am a good steward, a fine manager over the finances He has blessed me with, to the point that God knows He can trust me."
"I accept and openly welcome constuctive criticism, as I know it will help me become "a better me".
A better me.
That is my goal. That is what I want to become.
And I've read through the book of Proverbs a few times, and I've seen quite a few themes tightly woven throughout. One of those is that I really need to be doing all I can to get wisdom. I really need to be chasing it down at all times. And one of the components of that is to be open to criticism and wise counsel. Always be willing to seek it out, to listen and to make any necessary corrections.
I heard a most interesting verse some 20 years ago, and it has stayed on my mind all these years:
Proverbs 12:1 (CEV) To accept correction is wise, to reject it is stupid.
I don't want to be stupid.
And then I found a verse last year that had me raising my eyebrows. I mentioned it in a post the other day.
Proverbs 10:17 (AMP) He who heeds instruction and correction is [not only himself] in the way of life [but also] is a way of life for others. And he who neglects or refuses reproof [not only himself] goes astray [but also] causes to err and is a path toward ruin for others.
So, my ability to humble myself and follow instruction will not only help me, but help others, as I can pass on what I learn to them. Likewise, my rejection of criticism and instruction not only has me looking crazy, but will cause me to lead others down a bad path of ruin.
That is some craziness right there. But if I look all around me, there are many examples of that. Many.
But that criticism and correction part is the hard part for me.
I find that there is rarely any construction to it. I need that criticism to be heathly and helpful.
I told my boss that folks wanna talk mess. People always got something to say. But I rarely hear "Okay, I've said this, and here's a possible solution."
I rarely hear that. And that's why I think I get hot when I get criticized. I feel like I've been left hanging. You've given me part A, but left off part B. And at the point, the criticism has really just morphed into a bunch of whining and complaining.
And there's no construction to that.
No, I want to be open to constructive criticism. I want to be able to recognize it. I want to be able to internalize it and take action.
For it is meant to help me.
I've understood that over the years. And the older I get, the more I am open to it.
It is a rare thing. It is a rare thing for me to even give constructive criticism. You have to REALLY force me to give it. I just don't like giving my opinion on anything that anyone is doing. For you see, I am usually watching a person's behaviour and then searching my own heart and life to make sure I'm not exhibiting such.
But I must say, when I do get the constructive criticism, and I take it and do what I have to do, it's a good thing.
And I simply need more of that. For there have been too many times I've been doing the wrong thing and not recognizing it. I have few people around me who will verbally chincheck me.
Very few, though.
And those few, well, I need to heed and listen to, a bit more.
That much I can admit.
"I accept and openly welcome constuctive criticism, as I know it will help me become "a better me".
That is one of the cornerstones to reaching that setting of "a better me".
I have such a hard time with criticism. Constructive or otherwise. Although, if it is framed in the form of advice (from someone I trust) than it is easier for me.
ReplyDelete"Likewise, my rejection of criticism and instruction not only has me looking crazy, but will cause me to lead others down a bad path of ruin."
ReplyDeleteA painful truth to swallow, but nonetheless true.
I've been told by someone I can't take constructive criticism. I can and I do. I will ask for it. I had a problem with that person b/c of the way it was being sad. Her constructive criticism was always said with aher face turned all up.
ReplyDeleteI will give constructive criticism once. Maybe twice on the same issue. Either take heed or don't. Once I said my peace, I'm done. I've never let what other people are doing affect my well-being.
Most people cant and dont take criticism because it is not constructive but a means to tear you down. As the receiver, you must be able to sort through it all and take from any criticism what you need and throw back the rest.