Good hot Monday Afternoon to you...
I am late with this post. Shoulda did it this merning.
Shoulda, woulda, coulda...
Oh well... Late! And that is okay...
It is HAWT in the ATL right now. It's going to be in the 80s and 90s allll week long. I really sorta liked having a low power AND a low gas bill for a minute. Guess that is over!
I had a productive weekend. I babysat a houseguest on Saturday morning. I will post pics of that on tomorrow (left my camera at home. Humph). But I got out there and cut the grass, even stained the front porch (that didn't turn out well AT ALL. No pictures of that.)
Well, your world didn't end on the 21st. Don't surprise me none. I just didn't want to wake up to Campings' followers taking themselves out. I would collapse on the floor and cry like a baby if some Jim Jones Guyana type mess jumped off. Man... you know how that goes down every so often, the mass suicide in the name of that religion. As long as that doesn't go down... well, this has been a lesson for someone out there. That is all I have to say about that.
We have a new interim supervisor starting today. The last one did alright, yet everyone was severely uptight about her being there. That is over. It's a new day! We will see how that goes. Hopefully we will have a permanent supervisor soon.
That's the gist of my weekend. I did a little writing on an anthology I'm trying to finish up... That will be available soon over on Kindle, I hope. Yay!
Anyway, if you read Sweet Heat, this surrounds something I found interesting about a very minor character, Fred Ellison. He seems to be a bit perturbed by that "Michael Jackson" boy that everybody is raving over, and he doesn't care for that song that everybody likes, "Rock Wit You" (yeah, this takes place in 1981). The whole glitter socks and afro is not to his liking. He is more of a fan of good "classic" soul music... the type of music that you can enjoy while you drink a little Crown and coke.
He's a huge fan of Ben E. King...
(Yes, I'm like you. O_o. Really, Fred? Really?).
That song hasBIG words!
Interplanetary! Extraordinary!!
LOL. Always interesting when characters speak...when they tell me new things.
It sparks my attention just a tad...
And that's a GOOD thing.
And with that... as always, have a great week!
On purpose.
I was hoping the entire month of May would be cheap on the electricity bill. I guess not though. Oh, I can't wait to read your story...I don't have a Kindle though. But thanks to your introduction to her, I am reading "Silver Sparrow".