It is birthday TIME!
You didn't think I would NOT write a post on my birthday, did you?
And it is a long one. It is a doozy!!
It is past the blog post stage. It is a MANIFESTO.
A long letter to myself about my year, and my thoughts on the year.
There were 30 points to cover. But that would be around 50 pages long. So I cover 9 points. That is still long. I left out some of the more darker and more sensual items.
I make it long like that for a reason. I know people don't read long posts, and won't read them. This is not for you.
Alas, this is a long letter to myself.
It is a birthday gift to myself... Along with that pair of fresh kicks in that last post, man!
Don't forget to comment all week for a chance to win a $43 gift card in the birthday sweepstakes.
Everybody need a little free cash, right?
You can comment or text. Some people prefer to text. If you dont have my cell phone number then that's your problem, not mine.
So without further adieu, here's my birthday manifesto. You get my fully ebonic self. It is too long to go back and correct. I have been working on this post for 5 hours. My laptop overheated and now I am on the netbook. This little sucker is holding it's own.
If spiritual things are too much for you, get on somewhere. That's what I think about 90% of the time. That's just my personal reality. The rest of the time I'm borderline ratchet. Just scroll down and comment.
I am working on making corrections to this post. So bear with me if you see some mistakes.
Happy Birthday to ME.
Today I turn 43
Today I am 43.
But I think I should be more specific.
Today I am 516 months old.
Today I am 2,243 weeks old.
Today I am 45,707 days old.
Today I am 376,968 hours old
Today I am 22,618,080 minutes old.
Today I am 1,357,084,800 seconds old.
That is how old I am.
No I didn't make that up. There are websites that calculate all that up.
But it is an interesting visual, isn't it? Especially when we get down into my age in days, hours, minutes, and seconds. Very interesting indeed.
I have been pontificating, contemplating, and waxing nostalgic for the past couple of weeks. I am always like that around my birthday. I spend time thinking about what has transpired this year and how I've grown. And where I need to grow.
And what's interesting is that I really can't look that much at the past year without it melding over into what has been going on with me for the past two to three years, i.e., the years since I turned 40.
Someone once told me that once I hit 40, my tolerance level for mess was going to go way down. I was gonna be having conversations with people and those convos would be so ludicrous that it will just all get funny to me... as in "I can't believe that I am standing here listening to your BS. This is hilarious."
The hilarious part really is that I can't believe I am listening to craziness.
So I have been examining myself, and thinking about a few things. I thought I would list some of that out.
1. One of my blog sisters posted something very interesting yesterday on her blog... She tends to have a better way with words than I do. So I asked if I could borrow it. I hope that's okay.
"One of my goals for this year and life going forward is to really give attention to the relationships I value and to move away from those that I don't."
I have been going through that. I just didn't know how to word it.
I do notice that I have moved away from relationships that I don't value, mostly because they bring about some form of mental and emotional chaos in my heart.
I have noticed that I have removed all traces of negative people from my life. All traces.
I mean, I just can't tolerate it anymore. I just can't. You have to LEAVE and you have to leave NOW with all that negativity.
Does that make me a jackass? It probably does... to the negative people.
And that's fine.
And it's been like a thick fog has lifted from around my head. All that negativity (and I lump complaining and gossiping and backbiting in that word) was getting in... getting in my heart and sticking there. I was pondering and meditating on it all subconciously.
I pray a lot. And I knew something was wrong when these pontifications would be showing up in my prayer life. And that wasn't good. Really interesting things began happening, where whatever mess I was praying about would get shut down by my just so happening to run into the "truth" later that day. That in itself is shocking. ("I spent so much time thinking about that and letting that bother me and it was some made up mess??") It taught me a good lesson. So much of that had to go.
And like I said, it was like a thick fog lifted from around my head. What I find particularly interesting is that when the fog lifted, I was able to focus on my own issues and see them more clearly and began to deal with things that were going on with me. And that right there is a GOOD thing.
A painful thing, but a good thing indeed.
2. With all that said, I must pay more attention to my friendships. This has been a terribly difficult area for me because I really don't like to bother people. Me and my best friend are okay, but over the past few years, life has gotten in the way, and she has a lot of people and situations pulling her hard in different directions, and I refuse to be one more person pulling on her and stressing her out.
And that is one of my worst idiosyncracies. I truly hate bothering people. I just really don't want to be a bother. I was texting with one of my favorite readers the other night, one who I love to talk to, about it. She's that way too. As a matter of fact, a few people I adore are like that. They don't like to bother people.
And it poses an interesting question: How many rich conversations and interactions have I missed out on because of this fear of bothering people. (Yes, let's call it what it is... a fear).
I have no idea, and I probably will never know. I just know it is something that needs to be corrected.
I notice that ratchet folks and folks steeped in tomfoolery don't have a problem bothering anyone.
It's the quality folk that are overly respectful of people's time and space. Interesting.
I have to do better. I will do better.
3. With that said, I must say that I have noticed that my relationship with my sister has become really great and something that I deeply cherish. It has become like a lifeline to me. It has quickly become one of the most important relationships in my life.
I would have never seen this coming. I remember being a stubborn teenager, and my sister being 3 years old and us sitting in the middle of the living room floor and my trying to teach her the alphabet. I got mad at her because she couldn't get it right. (And I was angry because I wanted to go somewhere, but our mother made me sit there with the toddler to help her with her alphabet).
I yelled at her. And she started crying. And I remember thinking "This girl gonna be stupid the rest of her life."
Come on now. I was a teenager. And you know how teenagers are: interested in themselves and their personal agendas.
Fast forward to some 28 years later...
I was on the phone with her sometime last week and I said, "Gal, I done talked to my sister today. I sure enjoy talking to you. I feel better and I get so much insight from talking to you. When I hang up the phone, I feel like I've grown up a little more in my heart! You sho nuff alright with me, gal!"
She groaned. I could hear the frown on her face. "Eww. I don't see how that is. We've been discussing my issues lately."
Yes we had. I'd been checking on her daily. She was having a man issue and a workplace issue. I had to make sure her head was straight.
But I told her that it was through talking to her and watching her work things out that I get inspired and motivated in dealing with my own issues. I mean, she pray about things and gets some amazing answers and revelations that literally take care of stuff quickly.
And I got the long ear... I am listening closely to every word. Every single word. And learning from it. Yes I am.
She is 10 times quieter than me. But that girl know she can talk. She takes introspection to a whole nother level, she does. And she's 31 years old. If she keeps it up, she may become like me someday.
LOL. Now I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. I hope that's a good thing.
Don't be like me. Be better than me. That's what I say. Because I have a long way to go.
4. One thing I truly love is when people follow their dreams DESPITE outside criticism. I love when people make the decision not to condemn themselves, DESPITE people all around them condemning them. I love when people aren't crushed by weight of judgment from others.
I love that.
I see it all the time. Especially in the news, and with celebrities.
Let's face it... as much as people look down on Tyler Perry... thank goodness he kept moving forward. He would still be homeless and sleeping in a car if he listened to all the criticism. Spike Lee been busting on him for years. Tell me... when was the last time you saw a Spike Lee film you really enjoyed. I arrest my case right there.
Barack Obama wouldn't even be president if he believed what people said about him.
Ya'll all upset with Ray Lewis. Whatever happened, happened. The man isn't condemning himself despite condemnation from others. That is what is key.
Look at that Beyonce. That chicken is worth $300 million and folks hate on her something terrible. Really. Hey, I don't like her music, but i congratulate her on doing what SHE wanna do. Go girl. That is all.
And the examples go on and on.
It is one of the MAIN reasons that I support people's dreams. I am big on hollering "Go on girl! That's what you wanna do, then do it!! And don't talk to suckas who say you can't do it."
And don't let me be able to sow some seed behind that. Do NOT give me an opportunity to throw a piece of change at somebody's dreams, man. I am QUICK to do that. QUICK.
Let me tell you something: I have paid for a little cheap notebook, a test somebody need to take, a plane ticket so somebody could get somewhere to do something, a cab ride, a roll of yarn and a needle, and all kinds of other stuff. I am QUICK to throw a piece of bread or some action behind somebodies dream.
And if they have been praying about it?
Awwwww suki suki...
I'm getting in on THAT. Big time. I want the vapors of that blessing when it hit, because it's gonna hit hard.
Let me calm down... I just got TOO spiritually deep on you. Deep off the pages.
I apologize.
I love that, when people share their dreams with me. It is such an honor. I am like a wide eyed child behind that. You know why? Because we are crushed under the force of people saying we can't do something.
You know why people do that? Because they have failed in their own pursuit of their dreams. So now they don't wanna see others reach for their own dreams. That's all that is.
You won't get that from me, babes. I ain't gonna bring you down because I have jacked up things in my life and wouldn't know a dream if it bust me upside the head. Nope.
5. With that said, I notice that that there is a piece of advice I give out very often these days. I seem to be giving it out more and more. I was having a long convo with the nice fella doing the emissions on my cars about it the other day. He'd been an engineer for 32 years and was laid off from his job and was having to look for other employment, as old as he is. But he saw it as a great thing because he wanted to do something else. He wondered if I thought something was wrong with that.
My advice: It's alright to want to do something different than what you are doing. It is okay to want to pursue other dreams.
We talked about chemistry. You know that I am a chemist. I have the doctorate and everything. I am Dr. LadyLee. I have a title. That makes me an EXPERT in my field.
Here's my problem: I have been doing chemistry related stuff since I was 16 years old. So I've been involved in chemistry for 27 years. I published my first scientific paper in organophotoelectric chemistry in a major journal 21 years ago. I have a BS in chemistry with distinction. I have a Masters in organic chemistry with emphasis in organometallics. I have a Ph.D. in organic chemistry with an emphasis on organic synthesis and drug design. I did a post-doc that involved entomology (study of bugs), analytical chemistry, toxicology and microbiology and bug nutrition. For the past 11.5 years I have been a food residue chemist... and most likely, some of the tomfoolery crisis you have seen on the news involving anything related to that, well, I have had the chance to work on it.
Nothing worse than putting your bra and panties on in the morning and some mess come on on the world news... and you know you're going to be pulled into some planning meeting that day. (I scream UGGGGH at the top of my lungs. Scares Oscar-T something awful).
I am WELL accomplished.
Yet I'm not interested in chemistry anymore.
And that is alright.
If you look closely at my paragraph of accomplishments above, you will notice that I don't stick with the same areas of chemistry for too long. And I think my favorite job was the post doc, where I learned other areas such as entomology, microbiology and toxicology and even something so strange as bug nutrition. I don't like doing the same thing for too long. I have the attention span of a flea. I try to keep myself mildly interested in what's going on. That is hard, though.
Listen. I've hit ALL my milestones. I have done a lot of incredible things in my area of work. I mean, I never thought I would be working on some crises issues. Never in a million years.
Yet, I don't like it anymore. It's tolerable. I make a PHAT check (and management will be quick to tell you that that is the only reason I am there).
I like to write. That's what I am interested in now. That is what I want now. Chemistry is old news to me. Old like some socks with holes in it.
I like Chemistry on paper. And I love consulting and discussion of it. Don't come ask me for help with something, or a chemical question. I'm going to explain it and give you something to read on it. And my boss likes to do this.
"Yo, I'ma draw something out for you, and I'll bring it right over."
"No, that's alright, LadyLee."
"No man! I'ma hook you up. I'll give you something that explains it!"
*a glassy-eyed lee sliding a piece of paper full of words and structures to boss lady*
HA HA! I do that to a bunch of folk. HA!
Yes, I like that type of thing. So that's just the teacher in me. But I don't care for it as a whole.
And that is alright. I've begun pursuing some of my writing ventures. This should be interesting!
But I have been having this convo with more and more people lately.
And I have had to tell them... Chemistry is my talent. NOT my purpose.
There is a HUGE difference. HUGE.
6. I get a lot of interesting answers to prayers. I really think about those, sometimes for months before I fully understand the answer. We had our church anniversary this past week an a minister allll the way from India preached a whole sermon on some answer I got a few years ago. A WHOLE sermon. O_O.
But the most important answer I got this year... after worrying EXCESSIVELY about other people's problems and issues...
The key word here is worrying... about stuff that don't have a THANG to do with me.
An interesting recurring answer:
"You sitting up worrying about what's going on with people... when you don't even know what's REALLY going on. People don't tell you the whole story, you know. So why are you worried?"
Why am I worried? I have had to explore that very intensely.
Look. I just like to see people happy and doing okay. I can't stand to see people going through. People will discuss their problems with me, and I want to be of help in some way. Many times, there is nothing I can do. When I can, I do.
Worry is an interesting thing. I've read up a lot on it over the years. It is first cousin to panic, which is groundless fear. Worry is me thinking that God won't do what He says He will do. Worry is a lot of things. None of them good or positive. So it doesn't need to rent space in my head.
I rarely discuss my problems with people. Rarely. You will have to be around me a lot to detect when I am having a difficult time. You would really have to pay close attention to me to pick up on it. And a lot of that is from childhood, and getting in trouble for having issues or feeling hurt or being depressed. I got in too much trouble so I keep my stuff to myself. Even my best friend will tell you that getting anything out of me is a long process of dragging it out of me. She is O_O whenever I open up about things.
Yet people open up to me about things. Listen, I aint gonna judge you. I know the pain of judgement. I just want to talk it out and maybe we can figure something out.
But this year was strange. I couldn't help with stuff. Just stand by and watch the train wreck. And that hurts me something awful. Got me all crying and snot flying in my prayers.
And it always come out that I don't know the whole story. Just like that answer to that prayer says.
I have have had to deal with it, as I deal with my own issues. Pray and keep it moving. God knows more about it than I will ever know, and will take care of it all. Amen. Goodnight. Holler.
No more worrying myself silly about other peoples problems. It is going to be okay.
I will pray about it and be thankful in advance for the solution like I do with my own problems. And keep it moving.
7. I go to a huge prosperity church. I think it is one of the largest in the country. Yeah, yeah... I've gotten busted up for that over the years. People HATE my pastor. Oh my goodness. Just hate him something awful. That's odd to me because he has been good for me over the past 11 years. I think I've grown alot under his pastoral care.
"All your pastor do is talk about money! You give him all your money!"
Really? And it has been hilarious over the years because people get belligerent. To the point where they stop speaking to me.
Folks reading this and figuring it out will stop speaking to me.
Come on, man. It's me. LadyLee. Your friendly neighborhood Oldgirl! We can still be friends, right?
I still love you even though you suddenly hate me! *kiss,kiss,kiss,kiss,kiss,kiss,kiss*
I give all the pastor my money. Wow. *looking at bank statement*
Hmm. I put up more money in the past couple of years than I've ever had. And that's different, especially since my income has been frozen for the past 3 years. Even went into a Lexus dealership and bought the car that's been my dream car since 1999... paid in full, no car note.
Hmm. Don't sound like somebody who gives the pastor all their money.
Anybody that does that is STUPID. Yeah I said it. STUPID.
You stupid. You just got conned. Don't blame nobody but yourself!!
But I don't want to talk about that. Well yes I do.
If I went to the store and purchased a prosperity pie, and they gave me the box, and only one slice of pie is in the prosperity box, then I'm gonna be mad. Because that is not what I wanted.
Money issues is one slice of that prosperity pie. Sorry, but it is what it is.
Let me be clearer... I will use one of my readers Ginae as an example. I do that because I know she would get a kick out of it.
Imagine (hypothetically), that she is my homegirl and we shoot heroin together. We broke and poor as all get out, and we get out here and sell azz on the corner and we make enough to get our heroin fix. Yes, we got our scheme and we're working it.
One of us goes and buys a lotto ticket. Lo and behold, that lotto ticket is a nice winning ticket. We some multimillionaires now.
We prosperous now! We living in prosperity! We got all this money!
I look at her.
She look at me.
We both got that look in our eye.
And we got that junky itch, too.
We gonna go get that GOOD heroin now. Yep. We chartered a plane to Hawaii. Got us a phat penthouse. Bought all the good heroin we can stand. We got some nice gold tipped needles.
And we shoot up with that good stuff we're not used to. Because, you know, we don't realize that stuff we do back home is only 3 to 5% heroin, and the rest is foot powder or something like that.
And we both OD.
And we both die. Right there in that penthouse. With all the financial resources necessary to live a great "prosperous" life.
Now you tell me how one equates money and prosperity, in the sense of it being the sole meaning of such?
If anything, it magnifies the problems we have. Lord help us if they are "secret" problems. You remember taking a magnifying glass outside when it was sunny and burning leaves with it. That's what happens when money enters the picture with some problem.
Fascinating. If I could figure out a way around that principle, I would. Believe that.
You know I'm telling the truth. Look at all these superstars looking crazy right now. They got all that money, and they have all those problems.
"If I had the money they have, I wouldn't be going through all that!"
You's a lie. You'd be going through that and much more depending on what recurring issues you have right now.
Really though.
I would stand up and tell my pastor to shut up my ownself if he talked about money too much. He himself will annouce when he's gonna talk about it. "So ya'll negroes that don't wanna come to church can do something else."
If anything, I have appreciated when he has talked about money. That is the main reason I found the courage to save for my home. And I learned from him that there are people in my family and friends who are struggling that need some legitimate help, and my broke tail need to straighten out my finances just in case I want to help someone. Just in case.
For the past 4 years I believe, I've been able to take care of my grandmother's meds, all her groceries, her gas money, some bills (if she want. I am tired of fussing at her about that), and all her "running around" money.
This summer, I had to take her back and forth to the doctor. (Never mind that she has children of her own around. I'm the grandchild. I closed my book of cuss on that subject). On one particular visit, her medicare wouldn't take care of the problem. Man... that bill was so high that they had to take me in a room and talk to me. Maybe they thought I was gonna go ballistic or something. Who knows. I remember peaking in the room to ask if she was alright and she was laid back in the chair with her eyes closed.
I left her alone and paid the bill on a credit card because I didn't have that much money on hand.
And sat in the waiting room while they performed the outpatient operation.
And I cried. Over the chunk of money I paid. Because it was shocking.
But moreso over this: I was in the CORRECT place at the CORRECT time to be of some help.
Still shocked over that. That is one of the most important things that has happened to me all year.
I always want to be in the correct place at the correct time. Always.
I went home and transferred the money out of an online savings account I have. And just like that, it was taken care of.
My sister needed some help a couple of months ago. I just happened to have an emergency debit card for myself where I transfer some miniscule amount of money from my main account. (trust me, it is some litte funky amount that I don't notice going away. Another thing I learned from my pastor). I told her to come get the card. I happen to look at it and it had more than she needed. She did what she had to do, and said she would pay me back.
I just wanted my card back when she got paid. CowgirlCre heard me talking to her on the phone in the cubicle. I hung with my sister and called her right back. I remember her saying that she was at the gas station.
"Fill up your tank on my card, not your own. Then come on my way, and we will go to dinner like I planned."
CowgirlCre looked at me and was like "Wow."
When my sister came over I told her... You don't have to pay me back.
I was in the CORRECT place at the CORRECT time.
I was cheesing hard. My sister was looking at me with a raised eyebrow.
That right there is prosperity to me, when it comes to money issues.
You can hate all you want. I like my church. It may not be good for everybody, but it works for me. At this point and time in my life.
I'm just like you. Lord knows I don't want to hear a pastor talk about money everytime he opens his mouth. That aint nothing but a scheme.
I don't know about you, but this Oldgirl LadyLee is who she is when no one is looking. I have real problems. There are areas in my life where I am not prosperous. I need a pastor to speak on that. Please and thank you.
8. I think this is my last point. But like I said, this is a manifesto... So it is LONG.
This point relates to the point above concerning prosperity.
I think, some 3 or 4 years ago, I had a really interesting day. Unless I go back in my diaries and see what happen, then I don't know what happen. I know it involved helping someone with a problem. Nothing monetary. But it was something where we talked about an issue and that person initiated some things and it all worked out.
I just remember being very happy that day about that. I was happy a few days.
I remember praying that I wanted that type of thing to increase 10-fold in my life.
And that's a bold prayer. That's a lot to ask for.
I wanted that ability to encourage people in someway. No matter what it was. The ability to listen. To listen well and encourage. And anything and everything that goes along with that.
Now I think that prayer was some 3 or 4 years ago. I forgot about it. I wrote it down, but I forgot about it.
But I been thinking about it for these past couple of weeks. Part of my birthday pontifications and review of my year.
And I realized something interesting: Not a day goes by where I am not being of some encouragement to someone. And more interestingly, someone is showing up with encouragement and solutions to my issues. I wish I could write it all down in a journal somewhere, but I tell you, there is not enough time in the day to write all of that down. Not in the least.
Now THAT is an area that I have my prosperity.
And that's with me being a "lone wolf" type of chick. I am very much a loner.
I will ponder and continue to ponder. Hopefully I will grow in that area.
9. Last but not least... can I just tell you I love to write?
I may even have some things coming out this year. People have been asking me about the book covers in the margin of the blog. Heck man, i didn't even think anyone would notice those. I only put those up so I can see them daily. It is my bootleg way of tacking papers on the walls of the House of LadyLee so I can be encouraged to work on polishing up my stories.
Right now I am doing some rewrites and editing. I am not a perfectionist but I want to be fully satisfied with what I offer. I have several ebooks I want to put out there (sorry yall, but hand held books are going away. I will bet the house on that). But I want them to be my best writing possible.
One of my best experiences so far is the story Jawbreaker. It's a young adult story. My blog sister Mzinspiredmind has a little girl who reads on a college freshman level, and she's the same age as the protagonist in this 27 page story (age 10). I remember her asking her mother to ask me if I had anything that she could read, and I told her that I had a little story that she could read.
She agreed to read it.
You know what I did? I replaced the main character's name with her name. You know how easy that is to do. And I sent the manuscript to her mother. Her mother printed it out and gave it to her.
Little Ry really liked the story. She even understood the themes and various layers of the story. I asked her to consult with me on the book cover. She was O_O about that. She suggested the doll for the pillow. Which was a good thing to do. Ties in well with the story.
Yes, I know how to ask for help.
"You know," her mother said, "Ry keeps the story on her bookshelf with her other books. I see her reading it sometimes."
Awwww. *tears*
She had to do a book report for class, and she did it on my story. I mean she worked on posters for it and everything. And she got an "A" on it.
The teacher asked where she could get a copy of the story.
Little Ry said, "It's not available. The author is a personal friend of mine, and she gave me an advanced copy of the manuscript."
LOL! I know that teacher was O_o.
HA HA! I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh, you don't know how proud that made me. I was so proud of that. That someone liked my story enough to read it and use it as a part of class. I know Tayari has used one of my stories as part of her creative writing class. (Yeah she is my mentor, but she don't read my stuff. It feels strange for her eyes to fall against my work. ugh).
But let it be known, some writing is officially coming out real soon from me. Really soon.
So... you made it to the end of my manifesto... Good for you.
No telling what you think of me now. And if I would've put up all 30 points. You would need a drink by now. A drink and a blunt.
*snicker, snicker*
Happy Birthday to Me.
Today I turn 43
Today I am 43.
But I think I should be more specific.
Today I am 516 months old.
Today I am 2,243 weeks old.
Today I am 45,707 days old.
Today I am 376,968 hours old
Today I am 22,618,080 minutes old.
Today I am 1,357,084,800 seconds old.
That is how old I am.
It is interesting how when you break it down to those days, hours, minutes and seconds... how fast my age changes.
It reminds me of how much I am changing... and how much I am growing... with every passing year, month, week, day, hour and second.
I am looking forward to having yet another prosperous year.
On purpose.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE this post and you! I can't say enough how BLESSED I am to have a GREAT person like YOU in my life. You are a TRUE friend and a REAL person and you deserve NOTHING BUT the absolute best! I will do 43 shots of that good liquor in your name when I get home! LOL (j/k about the shots!) Happy born day ol girl!
Delete43 shots! Good grief, gal!!
Is that your Cinnamon Sugar alter ego coming through!!????
LOL. I read the rest of your comment. Thank goodness you are just kidding!
Thanks for reading on demand and not fussing at me. And thanks for letting Lil' Ry help me out. Preciate ya!!!
Wow!! Your writing is awesome!! I picked up so many "gems" from this post. I was encouraged and inspired. I really liked your definition that, Worrying is me thinking that God won't do what he says he will do!! That statement set me free!! I love your blog and Happy Birthday and keep up the good work!!
ReplyDeleteAwww... glad you liked it. Excuse my ebonics. That's just the way I talk, lol.
DeleteBut I read up a lot on the whole worry issue. It is not a good thing. Something I want to be free from.
Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting :)
ReplyDeleteI cant begin to tell you how much you've helped me over the years....I may not hardly EVER comment...but I always read and take something from your posts....
I thank GOD for you, your journey and the nuggets of wisdom you have shared...
God bless and MUCH LOVE
Dee in san diego
Awww man... I thought you would like it, Dee! Hope all is well with you. Thanks for the text message!
DeleteI read it all because as I told you before I love your writiing. There is much food for thought here. Then after the thinking some putting some things into action. Have a great birthday. May it exceed your expectatioins.
ReplyDeleteThanks, ma'am... there was a lot going on... Goodness. But I think it all came together well enough. I had to leave A LOT out. This was the part that flowed well together.
DeleteGlad you got something out of it!
Happy Happy Birthday!Wow...this blog was filled with some good stuff. Let's see if I remember all the thoughts of comments I was having while reading.
ReplyDelete1. A good relationship between sisters is a beautiful thing. My sister and I were never close growing up (9 years apart), but now we are becoming more and more close everyday. I absolutely adore our relationship. I need to pray for continued closeness. Congrats to you and your sister's bond!
2. Those Bey haters make me sick. Lol, seriously though, there will always be someone to judge. I used to be concerned with that deep down (would never admit it out loud), but I'm letting it go more and more. No one is stopping my show, especially not because they have some ugly judgement to pass.
3. point on pursuing other dreams. I was nodding my head the whole time I was reading. I felt like that was for me (there you go encouraging!), but I know it was about you. I'm at that place right now. Went to college and graduate school for this certain area, working in it, feel success on some level, haven't fulfilled all my previous dreams in this area, but I find myself being pulled in another direction. One I never really expected. But, one I love. I'm hearing from my mother that I have to stay focused on that dream. I dream big and varied...I need to embrace that. Thanks!
4. "...talent not purpose..." YES. That quote is my favorite of the whole post. My absolute favorite. I never thought of it that way.
5. I'm so surprised to hear you say you would worry so much about others. Thanks for that transparency. You are a caring soul, and I think that's why you've worried for othes. And, because you are so wise and can probably see some mess before the other person can. I used to be a worrier, but I'm much better these days. I have learned that worrying changes not a thing.
6. Heroin and Prosperity. Only you can make that analogy work. I was picturing you and ginae (one of my fave blog people) and I laughed out loud. The message wasn't lost on me, though. I think it's great that your church has fed you so much. That's what it is about. You are growing in the Lord.
7. Correct Place, Correct Time. I have a whole blog post from this. I'll save my comments for that. This section of your points really made me reflect on myself and my behavior when it comes to those who need help. I'll blog about it.
8. Thank God for your encouragement. You reach more people than you even realize.
Ok...I've written too much.
Have a super-duper, fantastic, amazing, fabulous Birthday!
Thanks, Mrs. A! Blogging in my comment section! LOL Thanks for your indepth comments. I have read them several times :)
DeleteYes, I see an interesting pattern with you, Oldgirl. My eye is twitiching HARD. I get the honor of witnessing something special... You know I'm over there reading and watching it allllllll play out.
Looking forward to our blog post on correct time and correct place.
I was going to go into depth on how that differs from being in the right place at the right time... but I left that alone.
See my response to Ginae's comment below if you want a GOOD laugh.
But why we have to die in the story Lee WHY!? This post here..there's just so much to say...imma have to ponder on all this and then text you...shoot this might even call for a phone call! Lol.
Look, Ma... Ain't no happy ending to that story.
DeleteAnd what's interesting is that all the time we been hustling and on that dope, there have been people in our lives who have tried their best to help us. But we shunned it. And once we won all that money, ol' Aretha ran up on us and said "Guys, you can afford the best rehab in the country, and I took the liberty of making arrangements for the two of you to get your rehab. And I will drive you there."
We didn't want that, though. We cussed Aretha out, knocked her down and went to Hawaii, bout the best heroin in hawaii... and OD'd.
Us and our oh so prosperous selves! You know how that works!! No happy ending!
(Aretha is like "O_o... How the heck I get caught up in the story!???")
UNLESS, before all the money, I've been hoping and praying for some help with the heroin problem... uh, we gonna shoot all the money up.
That is an extreme example. But do you notice what you do when you come up on some extra money? Hmm...
LOL. Yeah, call if you want. You have my number!
Such a beautiful post. You are such a beautiful person. I'm so glad God allowed our paths to cross at a time when I PROMISED myself no new people lol.
ReplyDeleteMy family loves you and so do I!
This line: "One of my goals for this year and life going forward is to really give attention to the relationships I value and to move away from those that I don't." <----made the tears flow. More confirmation that I need to move away from some people and draw closwer to others.
I love ya'll too, Mama! I am glad our paths crossed.
DeleteWhen my sister come over talking all that tomfoolery she and my mama get into, I know she is tired of me hollering "Look, my Mama lives in Alabama!!"
That is NOT my quote. That belongs to the lovely Mrs. A.
I stole that from her. It is a GREAT quote. And it says what I want to do precisely. I didn't know the words, but she did.
I love yall Lee !!! This was a great post. Yep I read the whole thing. You have brought so much joy to my life. I don't know what I would do at work without you for support.
ReplyDelete((HUGS )))
You bring me joy too, workplace Cubicle mate! You keep me from opening my Good Book of Cuss on those messy folk on the job! Thank goodness for that!
DeleteWe have known each other some 17 or 18 years! Good grief! I know I have given you a fit over the years! LOL
Glad you liked the post. I don't talk about alot going on with me... but this was a touch of what I have been thinking about over the past month!!
Head Top Flight Chicken Security Member Checkin in lol
ReplyDeleteHappy Happy Happy Birthday.
Great Post I learn alot from it but three two things stood out the most :
One of my goals for this year and life going forward is to really give attention to the relationships I value and to move away from those that I don't." -----> Have started doing this recently. Its hard but I can say that may quality of life has improved alot.
How many rich conversations and interactions have I missed out on because of this fear of bothering people. (Yes, let's call it what it is... a fear). ---> Working on this.
Thanks for all your support and emails you are awesome and I truly appreciate the gems that you have given me in the past.
Hey Moe! LOL at "Top Flight Chicken Security"!
DeleteI do think when you get messy folk out of your life, the quality of your life shoots waaaaaay up. I was just surprised that I was set free from dealing with the messy folks, and I could THEN adequately deal with more of the problems of my own life.
Messy folk take up a lot of energy. And that is sad. And I submit that they take up a lot of room and don't allow good genuine people to move into my life.
I know I've missed out on a lot of good interactions because of my fear of bothering people. That has to STOP.
Thanks for reading and commenting!!!!!
That's right, call it what it is ... a manifesto. This was serious and I'm glad I read it from top to bottom. You are one of the coolest people I "know". Hope you're birthdy was grand.
ReplyDeleteGirl, you know how "prolific" I tend to get. I just had to get it all out of my head. And I didn't even kick out ALL of what I could've said. Soooo much has happened this year.
DeleteYou are one of the coolest people I know either. It has been amazing to read your stories, and to watch your children go from middle school to COLLEGE. I am still amazed by that. My how time passes.
Birthday was cool... been out celebrating!
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteWoo, chile lawd haf mercy. I read it ALL. I had to copy and paste it to Word cause this oldgirl's eyes couldn't do the white letter against black. LOL.
ReplyDeleteWhew! Where do I do start. My head is full on thoughts. Let's see.
1. Gurl, I bet you have TONS of journals. From just this post I bet one day takes up many pages.
2. I will be 43 in July and I base my new year on that day now. Here I am 7 months out and my old mind cannot remember the 7 months. I don't like that and I know why.
3. This quote stood out the most: "Worry is me thinking that God won't do what He says He will do. " I have been working harder on not worrying. I wonder if it is implanted on my DNA cause I see my grandma, mother and Kid worry like crazy. I am working on my Faith muscles.
4. Battlefield of the Mind is part of my theme for this year. Actually last year I started it and it is spilling over. SMH. As the years go by I don't want to look back and see worry as a big part of my life.
5. When you broke down the years all the way to the seconds, I thought about how many of the millions of minutes I have wasted on worrying and wasting time on non-sense. It shook my core. Geez Lee thanks for the wake up call.
6. When you said you were tired of chemistry, my first thought was this gal better say she will be writing. Cause I was love your writing and while reading this post I was hoping you would mention your endeavors. And I was going to ask about the covers. I will be a great supporter. I have a big mouth and my literary friends love when I share. I look forward to reading your books.
I could go on and on. I will stop and add to my recent notebook ponderings. I have been writing what's on my mind more now. Thanks for sharing and inspiring. Happy New Year to you.
I don't have that many journals. I just write certain things down. Like I have a journal for answers I get to prayers, which is really interesting. Always important to write things down, because I can go back and look at that type of stuff. And the answer may be short, but always unfolding.
DeleteI have a gratitude journal, and a prayer journal. I write in those a few time a month, or sometime daily.
It is one thing to look at your age in years, but when you break it down to minutes and hours, etc... I did all that to show how important TIME is. And yes, I've wasted it too.
I think if you have been around people who worry alot, you will be a worrier. I don't do well around worriers AT ALL. Yes, we all have problems. Heck, people you don't think have problems, they have problems. I think the art of not worrying about things has to be practiced and developed.
Yep, the Battlefield is the mind. I am reading a whole book with one of my readers and it is really getting into how you have to work on your mentality ON PURPOSE. And the older we get, the more difficult it is.
Yeah Ma... Chemistry is alright, but uh... I've done all I have wanted to do. And honey, I get horribly IRRITATED when I have to act "politically". Ugh. And I don't want to be in management. Management is... special. Yes, they are special people. So I am where I am. I like my salary and I like being in the same city where I was born around my fam. That is all that matters to me.
I like to write. THAT is what I think about when I lay my head upon my pillow at night, and when I first wake up. I just have to be more disciplined and work on my courage in that area.
Thanks for your comment! I love long pontificating comments!
Great post! I sure would read points 9 - 30.
ReplyDeleteI would too.
DeleteMan, listen... Ya'll would be O_O if I posted everything.
DeleteI can hear Southern Black Gal right now... "Stop it, Lee. Just stop it. It's too much. My head hurts. Please... stop."
I have gotten a couple of text messages concerning posting up the rest. I think I will sneak a few more in here and there, but most of the others are more personal and not for blog... I picked the ones that segue and relate to each other.
Wow.... things I'm thinking about from your post
talent. NOT my purpose.
encourage people in someway.
You're a beautiful person and a blessing to many. Happy Happy Birthday!!!
Yes ma'am... talent and purpose are two different things. Interesting. I heard a sermon on that once. Explained everything.
DeleteCertain issues we have... fear is the root of it. Killing the root automatically kills the issue.
Thanks for commenting! Always good to see you!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I had to read this post in segments throughout the day. lol! I hope you enjoy your day.
ReplyDeleteP.S. Please enter me into the giveaway.
Girl! Just comment! You don't have to say enter you. Just comment!!
DeleteAin't you the one who won the $77 walmart card for from my 7th bloggaversary sweepstakes last year?? *peering at Sasha curiously*
Look at you! Give these other chickens a chance to win!!! LOL!!!
Dear Ladylee,
ReplyDeleteThe part about prosperity -
I have been into personal finance for most of my life (trying to be well off if not prosperous) reading a lot and really trying to understand money. I don't know who your pastor is but I was into a tv pastor named Creflo Dollar who tends to talk about money a bit. He has been helpful. The books I have read have been helpful. The actions that I have taken (being frugal, budgeting, tracking expenses, etc.) have been helpful. seems that God only gives me just enough to get what I need and a little of what I want. I want quite a bit but I get just enough to get on with my life and maybe a little for some small extras like dvds & cigarettes. How have you been able to "succeed" with your life? You are a doctor so you obviously have been able to get over the education hurdle. You drive a lexus which is not Rolls Royce glamorous but nicer than what I have (Sentra). I don't expect to make it to the Bill Gates level but, dog-gone-it, I want some real desposable income! Any ideas?
P.S. Happy Birthday
BOP... You just HAD to go and mention my pastor. You're gonna make me lose readers. Goodness! And I actually like my readers. I LOVE my crew of wonderful, highly thoughtful and intelligent readers. WOW. lol
DeleteWe have to talk over email. This doggone comment would be too long.
Here's my issue, as you can see from my post. First of all, I think I'm quite a bit older than you. I am not thinking like you, but I understand where you coming from.
Second, I don't particularly associate prosperity with money. That simply doesn't make good sense to me, just looking at what goes on with people all around me and their money. You would think their lives would be perfect, but uh... nope. (I still struggle with why that isn't so).
I want to be prosperous in my health. As you can see above, I want my friendships to be prosperous. I want to be HIGHLY prosperous in selflessness- thinking of others and their needs, even before my own. I have fears in my life, and I want to be highly courageous instead. Those areas of prosperity concerning my SOUL and HEART-- that's the prosperity I am chasing like a cheetah.
And if you knew me, you wouldn't consider me highly successful. You may be new to my blog. Go back and search out my Lexus on this blog. It's not the new flashy one. Go pull up my house on this blog (plenty of pics laying around, lol).. It's not a big fancy one. It's what I want for ME. In other words, success is in the eye or the beholder, which should be yourself for yourself.
If you want to email me and talk, holler my way at My comment would go on until infinity.
And if you want to read a blog on someone who is a financial whiz, go over to SingleMa's blog (over in my blog roll, click on Fitness, Finance and Fun). THAT's who is financially successful. And she is gazelle intense when it comes to Finances. It is amazing how she has been such a blessing to people who are working to do better when it comes to finances. She is anointed in that area.
Thanks for your comment! And you're entered in the birthday sweepstakes.
Happy birthday! Great post! I loved it.