Good Friday afternoon...
*throws glitter*
So today was payday! I received half a check. I wasn't expecting that.
No payday two weeks from now. That will be odd. That is unless we go back to work next week. Half a paycheck again.
I doubt that will happen. And I am not particularly monitoring the situation.
I am not watching the news. It's kind of hard to do, since I want to know what the weather will be like. I have resorted to looking up the weather on one of the weather websites.
If I hear the word "shutdown" one more time, I'm gonna throw a brick through the screen.
I just can't take the words... the plethora of negative words. And I am sitting there taking in all the negativity.
It is akin to me staying at someone's house. And the host feeds me chitlins.
Chitlins for breakfast.
Chitlins for lunch.
Chitlins for dinner.
And they are "questionable" chitlins, i.e, chitlins that haven't even been properly cleaned.
*ladylee separating out the hairs and debris out of chitlins as she eats*
Chitlins. Day after day after day.
And what is this... day 10 or 11?
Sooner or later, I'm gonna be feeling pretty crummy.
And that's how I feel about this whole mess. It's bad enough to have to sit and wonder when we will be going back to work. The best case scenario for me would be to go back to work sometime in November. I could use a whole month off. And if we get back pay? Oh, that would be the bomb. This would essentially be a vacation.
But I just can't sit here and feed on the news cycle... morning, noon and night. I'm just not that strong.
I tell you what, though. I have been enjoying the cheese out of going to Wednesday and Friday morning bible study. I sure am sitting in the pew with a big gigantic smile on my face, happily taking notes.
I almost wanna holler "GLORY"!!
It is akin to me staying at someone's house... and the host feeds me fresh fruits and vegetables.
Produce for breakfast.
Produce for lunch.
Produce for dinner.
Day after day after day.
And what is this... day 10 or 11??
Ahhhh yes. Sooner or later, I'm gonna be feeling pretty good.
So that's the way I feel about that. I am making the best of it. I'm in a good situation in that I have savings and I can just cut myself a check from savings every two weeks. Annoying, but no big deal. And I am using this time to get a lot of things done. I make a list of 10 to 15 things to per day, and I write it out on a big piece of construction paper. I stick it to the wall and I get busy myself with it all day. I cross off tasks as I complete them. I am also doing quite a bit of walking, which has been great since the weather is so nice. It is absolutely perfect for outdoor activities.
I am also doing a TON of crocheting. I am working on Bliss' fourth and final baby blanket.
Bliss said she likes yellow. At least I think she said that somewhere. If not, OH WELL. Oldgirl is getting a yellow blanket. If she doesn't like it, she better regift it...
Or use it to cover the dog.
That square above took about 10 minutes to make. That was back on September 30th. I am almost finished with that blanket now. I'll be finished by Monday. I have a post coming up on that.
Lawd have mercy, I don't usually bust out a blanket THAT fast. All this time off is making me a crocheting bandit! I wanted to be finished by November 1st, but I will be done by the 15th, easy.
The whole neutral gender blanket thing is really starting to have me O_o, so I'm washing and packing these suckers up soon and shipping them to her. They are all stacked in a bag in a corner, taking up precious room. Time for them to be stacked in the corner of the babies' room! (Uh, you need to email me, Bliss. I don't know your address. And Texas is a big state, honey. I can't just send those... randomly.)
So I have been super busy. And I notice too, whatever little personal issues and problems I have have intensified. They have always there, sort of fuzzy and in black and white. But now, they are like, magnified 10x bigger, in 3D Imax, and full technicolor. I guess things become a bit glaring with all this time off. And that's a GOOD thing. Yes it is.
All the reason for me to take time and grab hold on to them and work on them. Work those issues out.
And I rather do that then watch the news. I can tell you, I feel much better. Much better.
Keeping busy seems to be the key. My money is managed a tad more tightly now, which has me a bit annoyed (and yes, it is a high class problem).
But I am sure we will all get through these things. Our special leadership in Congress will get an unction to go play a little golf or do a little yachting during these fall days. They'll suddenly figure something out.
Song of the Day. Gonna turn the tables on ya'll today with a song from one of my favorite country CDs.
Oh my. Loretta, Dolly and Tammy made a CD together some 20 years ago. I bought it the day it came out. Such a good CD. I still listen to it. I know every word of the song above. Loved-ed it.
So that's it for me today, people.
Y'all make sure to clean your fresh produce thoroughly...
And clean your chitlins with care. Really.
You all have a good weekend... ON PURPOSE!
And clean your chitlins with care. Really. <-----I DON"T EAT THOSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!