Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Oscar-Tyrone... The Constipated Cat
Look at Oscar-Tyrone with the profile shot!
Way to pose for a picture O-T, You Original Oldcat!!
And of course he looks surly as always.
I've been looking at him and hollering "Lighten up, Shorty! Put a smile on your face!"
Of course this doesn't work.
He sleeps a lot. And I know he doesn't want to be bothered with me when he slaps his paw over his eyes. This was his special way of sleeping when I was on furlough.
I would stand over him and holler "HEY! WAKE UP!"...
And he'd ignore me. He knows if he just stays still, I will eventually go away.
It always works.
But right now, Oscar-Tyrone has another problem. He's been constipated.
I have NO idea what brought that on. Well maybe I do. I have been experimenting with mixing his food with other types of food. That may have brought it on. And this little dude pees a lot, but he is having trouble with his bowel movements.
He's walking around slow like a little old man with his booty all tooted in. I go off to work, hoping that I don't come home to him laid out, gone on off to Glory. Sigh. But by the time I get home, he has worked it all out. But while cleaning his litter, I notice is fecal matter is hard. That's not good.
I don't want to spend some insane amount of money on the vet. He has an appointment coming up soon, and I will ask then. For now, I looked around online. I saw something about giving him an enema.
Ugh, I am NOT trying to get all scratched up. Oscar never scratches or bites, but an enema would probably make him go ballistic. No way.
I needed to do something, though. He's all slow acting. And he really wants to be held. Even when I am trying to crochet.
I am NOT down with that.
So I looked around some more online. I saw something about pumpkin and psyllium. I have been mixing his regular expensive cat food with mashed pumpkin (pure, no sugar or oil added), pureed broccoli or mashed english peas. I have also added a fourth of a teaspoon of psyllium husk powder every other day. I am not all that happy about spending a couple extra minutes preparing his food, but I cannot deal with his moving all slow and looking surly AND pathetic.
And guess what? That did the trick. Especially the pumpkin. I tried carrots, and that had him back at square one. I'm not sure what that is about.
So peas and mashed pumpkin is where it's at for this little Oldcat.
Now he can be content and rest in the sun.
Oscar-Tyrone just turned 16. He's definitely an old man, and I imagine that he doesn't have many years left.
But at least he doesn't have to be constipated.
I am happy about that.
And I am sure he is too.
16 years is a lotta years! He's so pretty.