'Tis Monday again and winter is upon us with a vengeance.
I was watching the news this weekend, and if I'm not mistaken, the weatherman was hollering about it being -35 degree windchill in Minnesota or some place like that. O_o
And it's 22 degrees here in the ATL.
And it's going to be 5 degrees on Tuesday morning.
I texted my supervisor. I wrote, "Sir... did you make it to work? If it is bad out there, I ain't coming in."
That's because it rained last night. And it is 26 degrees. This means black ice issues. And us Atlanta drivers believe dangerous conditions mean... drive faster.
I don't do black ice. When I was 19, I was slipping and sliding on the freeway... trying to get to work. I remember the police having to stop all traffic so I could get my car turned right so I could get going. Since then, I don't chance it. I will take the zero, i.e., I will stay home.
And I don't feel like dealing with all that. No way.
Anyway, I didn't get a reply to my text. This didn't bother me, as she is the type that will completey ignore me. (She probably doesn't like being called "sir"). I blasted a few more texts and people said it was okay, just cold. So I decided to brave the roads and drive the 4.6 miles to work. (I absolutely love my short commute. GLORY!!)
So I got to work, and the boss is not here. She just called, sounding like her head is still pressed in the pillows and she will not be getting out the bed. So I am in charge today. (I know I shouldn't have answered the phone. Sigh).
Anyway, I had a decent weekend. A bit slow, though. On Friday, I went to the tag office to get my handicap hang tag renewed. It expired on December 17th. So I've had to remember to park with you "regular folk". (UGGGH!) I don't like this at all. I had my paperwork before the furlough, but I lost it. The nurse at my doctor's office was visibly pissed about having to notarize more paperwork. But that was alright.
Just give me my paperwork.
Not sure why people who have horrible bedside manner want to be nurses or nurse's assistants. I assume, like myself, that she is working on herself. I hope that's the case. Just give me my doggone paperwork, honey.
I went to the tag office in the hood. I never seent that many black folk in one place in my life. But somehow, I got out of there in 30 minutes. (It usually takes me 5 minutes at my regular tag office. But I didn't feel like driving alllll the way out to the southside surburbs.
Then I went and got my tag laminated on Saturday. Oh joy.
I picked up meds, hit up the Wal-mart, and came on home. I stayed in the house after that. Because it is very COLD outside. I don't like COLD. I am thankful for my warm house. That is all.
So my birthday is in approximately 30 days. So you know what that means.
Gift card time!
*throws glitter*
I make 44 years old on February 7. (that's how the people in New Orleans say it).
I am so excited. No big reason to be... except for living to see another birthday. That is something to get purely excited about!
So you know the drill. I'm giving away two $44 gift cards: one for most comments, and one through a drawing. You win both cards if you make the most comments AND win the drawing.
I wanted to do a giveaway for Christmas but we were all busy around that time. I did do a post everyday, so that made me pretty happy. But I was sad, sad, sad because I didn't do a giveaway. I thought I would just wait until my birthday.
That is now corrected! Comment now through February 7 for a chance to win. As usual, text messages and emails work. I think I keep pretty good track of those. If you email, don't use oldgirl_1@earthlink.net. I rarely check that one. Use the other one or the gub'ment email. If you don't know them, then that's your problem. You may as well comment. You can tweet or facebook private message too. I will let you figure all that out.
I am not a comment whore. You know that. I just want to sow some seed into the readers and lurkers. And I want to celebrate my birthday!
One big rule change: The gift card has to be from Wal-mart or Target. If you think I can get the another type of gift card easily, then we will talk about it.
Blame Serenity23 for that new rule change. She won the last gift card sweepstakes, an $88 gift card of her choice. This chicken wanted a MAC gift card, which meant I had to go to the mall. (I don't go to the mall).
I told that gal that the Wal-Mart has makeup. L'oreal, Garnier, all that stuff. Two or three aisles of it. And she could buy grocerices and a pack of panties there too. She wasn't having it.
The Green Eyed Bandit sent me a list of the nearest MAC counters. I went to one in Midtown at a department store near my home. They didn't issue gift cards (I wanted to knock alll that stuff off the counter). They said I had to drive up to some mall in the North Surburbs, which would take me an hour (wasn't going to happen. Nope). I tried to buy a card online. I couldn't figure it out.
Interestingly, during this whole time, Serenity23 was very patient with me as I read verses from my Good Book of Cuss. She said nothing. She has finally figured out that her big blog sista is a bit slow, and that simple things confuse me.
"I will wait," she said... very patiently. We ended up arranging to order the card on her personal MAC account.
And here's the kicker: the MAC folk called me a few days later talkin' 'bout they forgot to activate the card before they mailed it.
So uh, to make a long story short, you chickens need to choose Wal-Mart or Target. I don't feel like going through all that. Target got isshas right now, so maybe Wal-Mart may be better. Yeah.
I plan on posting my thoughts on some of my personal events last year - highlights, low points, etc. I will also talk about some interesting things I have read in the past few months. I read a FANTASTIC book on New Years day, something that helps me with one of my goals for the year. I plan on talking about more of my interesting conversations, since I had soooo sooo many. And I plan on posting up some stories. And much much more.
I'm not sure what I'm doing for my birthday. I will NOT be going to work, that's for sure. I haven't worked on my birthday in 10 years. Since it falls on a Friday, I may take a few days off since I didn't take much off during the holidays. We shall see.
Here is a Song of the Week
A good Justice League Instrumental
I looooove Justice league production. I wish I could call them up and request a CD of instrumentals ONLY. All that rapping messes it up for me.
It's actually a sample! Ugh. Here's the real deal. "Ancient Source" by Caldera.
They sampled a good amount of it, didn't they?
And that's Dianne Reeves singing. Where has she been?
I told my cubicle mate The Cowgirl Cre that we need to invest in some equipment and make some beats. Because everybody is sampling. Between the two of us, we could make some money!
*Cowgirl Cre continues to do her work. I take this as a cue to continue to do my own*
HA HA! Yes!
So, uh... make sure you come back and participate in the Sweepstakes. A couple of you have some interesting strategies. Let's see how that works out this time.
In the meantime... have a good week!
Woop Woop ... Target Gift Card sounds nice
ReplyDeleteLOL! This made me laugh- because I love MAC gift cards (their makeup is the best)...but Target is great also!
ReplyDeleteThank you. Walmart will be nice.
ReplyDeleteLet's see if I can make this my birthday addition too! Mine is this coming Saturday...I'm getting old...
ReplyDeleteI see Lil Sis has thrown a monkey wrench into the plans. Serenity and her MAC. I guess I can make it work at Wal-Mart! LOL! Yes, I am claiming it!
ReplyDeleteLike Green Eyed Bandit, I'm claiming it. I will take a Walmart gift card!
ReplyDeleteYesterday it was -13 below here in Detroit. SMH. Ugh! The snow and ice are a headache.
ReplyDeleteI have to say I enjoyed both gift cards I won last year.
i want to win both,$88 to hancock lol.
ReplyDeleteLadylee, I'm back!!!! Due to unfortunate circumstances I do not have a laptop to comment. But don't you worry I'm in it to win it!!! Walmart gift card here I come.