I am reading a book right now that is using some big or strange words out of this world.
Words like parenthetically... largesse... existentially... concretization... loquacious.
It is really wearing me out.
But that's a good thing, I suppose, for my grammar is lacking, and I tend to be more ebonically inclined, you see. New words never hurtt.
So today's word is SELF-AGGRANDIZEMENT.
That's a big hyphenated word.
Sure I've heard of self love, self esteem, self worth, self hate, and the like.
But not that big word.
So what's the definition?
Self-aggrandizement - the act of increasing one's own power, wealth, and importance in a ruthless and aggressive manner.
That sounds a bit horrid.That feels like the big cousin to "throwing people under the bus". For your own gain, of course.
But we see that all the time, don't we? And it's a shame. All I know is that I really don't want to operate in that manner.
But I thought it was a mighty fine word to use in my Word Play exercise for the week. How many words can I make from it in 30 minutes?
frag, size, grand, meant, men, gin, gent, sent, sag, grant, man, lag, left, elf, rise, flag, flagrant, mag, fine, fin, lent, leg, fig, dig, main, lane, sane, insane, train, fain, faint, flint, lint, tend, tender, drain, drag, rag, strand, dime, dimer, rant, rain, and, flies, liar, flier, fled, flied, fried, tried, flesh, flash, flasher, gas, glad, lad, mad, tad, tag, dagger, stride, glide, maid, miser, meet, greet, sleet, meeter, grander, nagger, nag, flan, meager, eager, eagle, regal, ferment, grain, graze, raze, azide, feet, seat, feat, median, age, diner, ragged, raged, meant, glee, sale, ail, fail, rail, trail, mail, mailer, male, read, seed, trailer, neem, gleam, dream, zeal, lease, measel, miner, sage, rind, risen, fig, self, grid, steam, team, steamer, stream, deem, damn, dam, dame, dram, margin, marginal, reagent, late, later, mater, sate, mar, star, remnant, relent, darn, fled, led, sled, sleet, steel, teal, meal, steal, seal, dream, mast, fast, last, fart, mart
162 words.
Not bad for 30 minutes. Not bad at all.
ooh! I like that! I used to play a game where we'd find as many words we could that ended in "tion'.