And it's PAYDAY.
Man... that's not a great combination. Let's just say the shades of my mind are lowered halfway right about now. I don't want to be at work.
Actually, I've gotten a few things done today. I am happy for that.
Time to take a break.
So I am actually sitting down right now having LUNCH at 3:30 pm. That can't be...healthy. But I wasn't all that hungry around my usual 1:00 pm lunchtime. Someone blessed me with a apple cinnamon muffin from a little bakeshop/coffee house over in my 'hood. (A place I've turned folks around here onto. I must do a post about the place if I haven't already.
But Lady M, who sits in the cubicle across from mine, brought me some WONDERFUL vegetable soup earlier this week, and I'm just now eating the last of it.
Well, right now, it's more stew than soup. Still good. And such a blessing for someone to think of me. Wonderful.
I'm also working on a salad.
This one is baby greens with diced pears, diced green apples, sliced strawberries, diced mangoes, blueberries and pecans.
It's one of those salads where I throw in whatever is in the fridge. I didn't do my usual grocery shopping on Wednesday, so I am clearing and making a little room. Diced fruit for toppings it is!
It's too much salad. And on Fridays, especially on payday, everyone is ghost right about now. So I transferred a little to a bowl for now, and I will eat some later.
So that's that.
Funny Stuff. So... my workplace is hiring like crazy. There have to be at least 20 new people in the building. A couple of new folks, some youngsters, started in my group this week. A guy and a young lady. Both are really nice.
But the guy... WOW.
He (and we will call him "Joey") has been a source of sheer HILARITY this week.
So what's so hilarious?
He's super charming. And yes that's a nice thing to say about someone, but it's the type of suave charm that takes you aback. Charm turnt WAY up.
I went over and introduced myself (his cubicle is in a room next to the room where my cubicle is located). And after a couple of times talking to him, I've been like...
Now wait a minute. Am I being hypnotized?
*Ladylee walks away*
He always has nice compliments. And that's fine. But he just really lays it on extra thick. EXTRA. Like I said, it really takes you aback. He has a killer smile and a voice smooth as velvet.
I thought it was just me. But I took a couple of the other ladies in my cubicle area to meet them. The young lady wasn't around.
But the guy. That Joey.
He immediately jumps up. I introduce him to them... and he lays it on thick.
To Dr. Hazel Eyes he said, "Oh my, you have such beautiful eyes."
To YoYo, he said "Oh, your name is Yolanda? Yolanda Adams, she's my favorite gospel singer."
And it went on and on... He asked how long we had been there.
Another guy in that cubicle area, Donny... well, I don't think he liked all the attention Joey was getting... "Decades," he said, before we could answer.
"We've been here around 13 years," I said, ignoring Donny.
"Oh my," Joey said. "You all look so young. I would've never guessed such."
This caused much giggling.
At this time, Dr. Ibrahim., a researcher, stuck his head out of his own cubicle. "Hey, what about me?" he wailed.
He too was hating on the sly. Or maybe that was a little jealousy. We spoke to Dr. Ibrahim. That made him happy.
Joey got a lot of attention in that hour, because after we came back to our cubicle area full of giggles, Dr. HazelEyes took a few more of the ladies over to meet this Joey.
More hilarity ensued.
One young lady asked him where he was from. He said, "I'm from Ohio, I've lived in New York, I've from the military, I from the Caribbean... I'm from the earth. I'm the salt of the earth."
We were looking for a part carribean chick from out cubicle area to send over there (since Joey is Caribbean). She walked around the corner with Joey in tow... which caused us all to fall out laughing.
"No," she said later. "No, no. That's just him, his manner. That's just the way he is."
Whatever. I didn't buy it. Nobody's that smooth. Compliments lathered on top of compliments. That smooth carribean voice and the winning smile. NO.
I told him later (several times, every time I saw him), "Now look. I'ma need you to take your tail to your room and stay in your cubicle because you have thoroughly entertained us today. And whatever you do, don't go over to the other building..
(That's where the thirsty chickens are.)
"You can't lock me up in a cage," he said smoothly. He clinched his fists and flexed. "You can't lock me up like I'm some wild animal."
Stop it.
"Okay, dude," I said as I walked away.
Later on, he was talking to someone else in my cubicle area, and he came to my cubicle and said, "LadyLee, you have a good night. You have a most wonderful evening."
*ladylee kicks the hard eye roll*
"Bye Joey. You have a good night, too," I said.
He walked away giggling.
I can already tell that he will have these women falling completely OUT over him.
"He's the type that, if you're in a room full of people, he will make you feel like you're the only woman in the room," Dr. Hazel Eyes said.
"All ya'll broads gonna get wrote up for se.xual har.rasment," I hollered in the middle of our giggles.
That brought on MORE laughter.
I'm just waiting for him to start in my lab so he can show me what he's really working with...
...on that scientific level.
THAT'S what's up.
And if a bunch of chickens come sniffing around my lab after him, it's on and popping. Don't interfere with work. Please and thank-you. Ya'll can line up to be wooed by him during his lunch hour.
He should be a good addition to the group. And the young lady also. That's what I'm hoping.
Song of the Day. My listening tastes are a bit abstract these days. So last week I put up some "Noise hop", a genre that's a hybrid between industrial noise and hip hop. Interesting stuff, but the music I put up was tame in relation to other groups in the genre.
Today, I wanna put up some jazz/hip hop. Badbadnotgood, a jazz group and Ghostface Killah. I think this group tends to do work with rappers. The new CD with Ghostface is titled Sour Soul. It has the feel of a concept album, and you know I like that. Here are a couple of cuts I like.
I like that. It has that hard edge to it... but with a 60s jazz feel. It is different. Not really thot music. And you can't quite twerk to it. Well, I don't know about that. Hmm.
Loved-ed it!!
That's it for me. I am looking forward to a great weekend. It hasn't rained in a good 8 days, and the temps have been in the high 70s/low 80s. PERFECT weather. I hope that lasts through the weekend. That's the type of weather that makes me wanna open up the sunroof and let the wind flow through my hair!
I have a writing workshop/meeting. I'm really looking forward to that. We're suppose to break up into groups and work on our projects. So looking forward to that!
That's it for me! You have a great weekend.
Not by default, but by design... and ON purpose.
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Slap the *crickets* out the way, kindly step up to the mike, and SAY something!!