I forgot to post yesterday.
And I was on my computer doing some writing. How does that happen? I was going to only post up an obligatory "Happy Easter" wish. And I just completely forgot.
Anyway, Monday will be over in 3 hours. I need to get something up NOW.
I took a sick day today. I didn't go to sleep until 6:00 am, so that meant, uh... no work. My sinuses were hurting, I suppose from all this georgia pollen, but I was NOT going to be at work hacking and looking crazy. I think I went to sleep around 6, and woke up around 9. I have to be at work at 10. That was not going down so I just took off. I think I may have slept another 30 minutes or so. So maybe I will sleep well tonight (along with a little help of some trusty benadryl).
I don't even have anything around here to help me sleep.
The Big Buckle. So we had a freeway, I-20 West on the Eastside, buckle up this morning.
When I saw that on the news, I thought... so we're having earthquakes now?!
No we are not. They said something about a gas pipe issue. I still don't understand. A gas pipe caused that? Really.
Someone, a biker, ran up on it. He's in the hospital. I hope he is fine, because that is some craziness.
I don't go that way to work, but I passed it in the other direction late in the day when I made a run out to the farmer's market. I couldn't see the buckling but there were a gang of emergency vehicles in place. I got caught up in some of the bypass traffic. I got around it, though.
I hate it for folks who have to deal with a bunch of traffic foolishness everyday. I can't even imagine.
Quote of the Week. "No" is a complete sentence.
How simple is that? I can remember that all day. And I will.
I think we all have trouble telling people "no" in some season of our lives. Those days are long gone for me. Don't get me wrong... I still say "yes" sometimes when I want to say "no". Those times are few and far between. For me, having rules for myself, like not lending money, cuts out a bunch of personal trepidation concerning people. I don't call that being selfish, I just call it being wise.
And for me, overall, being worried about upsetting people or being accepted by people is a bottomless pit, a battle I have learned that just cannot be won. Not possible.
Song of the Day. I came across this gem... "Whatever You Want" by Tony Tony Tone.
Can you believe that song is 25 years old?
And it's as good now as it was back then.
Have a good Monday Evening and a great week...
On purpose.
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Slap the *crickets* out the way, kindly step up to the mike, and SAY something!!