It is Friday. And I am off because Veterans Day is tomorrow. So since Veteran's day falls on a weekend, we get the closest weekday off. And that is fine with me.
This has been a pretty quiet day. I have a 1000 things I want to do this weekend, but alas, it is all in my head, and it's all a dream. I will most definitely get 1% of those things done. And I am fine with that.
It is officially Autumn. Yes I know that the first day of fall was awhile ago, but I know it's officially fall when I see this:
Disposable bags of leaves at the curb. My lawn man has been busy at work raking up leaves, I see!
So today, there is some HUGE child molestation mess going on with Roy Moore, who I think is running for Senate in Alabama. Now, you would think that this would mean automatic dismissal from the race entirely, but nope. What's going down in Hollywood is not going down in Alabama.
They are saying it was so long ago. And "if it's true" jargon is flying left and right.
What it says to me is that they are sanctioning pedophilia.
No one sanctions that. But a special case can be made when they are trying to get some things done, you know.
Got to erase that black man's legacy, by any means necessary.
That whole Roy Moore scenario happened 40 years ago. Sorry, but that would have had to have happened yesterday, and it had better been caught on camera. Then and only then will it be acknowledged and action taken. But not now. Nope. Pedophilia- who cares.
And this is my thing: this man is way heavy on the legalism and religiosity. WAY heavy. This is ALWAYS a signal that they have some serious ingregious mess going on in their backgrounds. If we pull back the heavy velvet black curtain of their lives and take a look, we will see some straight craziness. And that's what we have here.
Hmm... Just my opinion.
Quote of the week. This quote comes up in my thoughts a lot these days. It is from Abraham Lincoln.
"Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him some power."
Power magnifies character. Money does too, I should add.
And I am seeing it in context now, where all these powerful men are sexually harassing women. And we are seeing only the very tippy-tip of the iceberg. You know that. We would all probably pass out from stress if EVERY woman with a story of her run-in with sexual harassment surfaces.
Let's just say I've never met a woman who doesn't have a story to tell. Including me.
If you don't have a story to tell, consider yourself lucky.
Song of the Week. I love this song AND the cheesy video! "Don't look any further"
I LOVE that song. And that video is the cheapest EVER. Still great though, even better than these glitzy million dollar videos.
That is it for me. I am going to enjoy the rest of this day by working hard at crossing off stuff on my "To-do" list.
And I'm going to enjoy this weekend too! You do the same!!
At Home In the Words I write...I've missed Blogging
These days of Summer are sweet and fleeting. I've been away too long. Away
from this blog. This holy place where I live on the words I conjure.
So much goo...
6 years ago
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Slap the *crickets* out the way, kindly step up to the mike, and SAY something!!