Monday, August 05, 2019
Monday Night Fights: What It's Really All About
That's the bottom line. That's what it's all about. The gun lobby runs ALL this. Now you know if they didn't do anything about guns after the Sandy Hook tragedy, what makes you think they will do something now? Sure there is some talk... but if you want this gun lobby money, you better sit down and shut up.
(Well, feel free to offer thoughts and prayers for those affected.)
It confused me terribly to wake up on Sunday morning and learn that there'd been TWO mass shootings overnight. I remotely heard about the El Paso massacre, but the Dayton one...
This is all too much. And you know that it's not going to stop.
Someone may want to pull our beloved President aside and gently whisper in his ear, "Sir, this is NOT a reality show. This is real life."
Words matter.
I have said it before and I will say it again.
There is a reason why we, in the past, have looked to our President of these United States, during tragedy for words of comfort. For hope. It's our leader. We are looking for comfort and encouragement in the midst of our fears. Our president has always given us that.
But we no longer have that. We have a president who gleefully labels people of color in a negative light.
And like I said... words are SEED.
So is anyone surprised that some out there are ginned all up to the point where that bad seed begins to germinate and produce FRUIT?
One thing we can count on: seeds planted in the ground produce fruit. Don't know what kind of fruit, but they produce fruit.
This also reminds me that I must examine my beliefs and philosophies. Here is how I evaluate myself: will my beliefs and philosophy help or hurt others? Will they be a blessing or a curse? Does my value system produce good fruit? Or does it produce bad fruit?
If they produce bad fruit/bad results, then I MUST adjust my beliefs and philosophies. I must.
If not for me, then for the protection of my fellow man.
Newsflash: Your philosophies are WRONG if they result in the death of others, or the loss of your own life, through prison or death. I can say that for sure.
Those are my thoughts on this. Of course, we will light candles, express thoughts and utter prayers for those affected.
I think we are all affected. The residual affects are like tentacles... vast and far-reaching.
And that's what I will be thinking and praying about.
Probably for a long time to come.
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Slap the *crickets* out the way, kindly step up to the mike, and SAY something!!