Whelp! I should be posting 50 times per day, since I am stuck off in the house. LOL. At least I can do a Ten Thursday Thoughts.
1. ALL we are talking about is that daggone coronavirus. I wish we would call it what it is, though: SARS-Covid-19.
2. The coronaviruses are a family of viruses, ranging from the common cold to the flu to the MERS and the H1N1, and so on and so on. I think that they just call the current virus by the common name because it is a whole word.
3. This whole thing continues to boggle my mind. Completely boggle it. Feels like we were just screaming Happy New Year!! Now this. Who woulda' known?
4. My Pastor said at the beginning of the year, around New Years, or maybe even at the Watch night service, that this would be a year of clarity. Boy oh boy, who woulda thought it would all go in this direction?
5. So there is a rule now that you cannot congregate in large crowds. This means no movie theaters, and no restaurant shopping, and no church. This seems to be the new way of life for the moment, and although I ain't the most social chick on the planet, I KNOW this is jacking up some of you "When we party, we party hearty" people. Hate it for ya'll.
6. With that said, I attend a big church, and it was odd to turn on Bible study and see my pastor just preaching to an empty church. He says he is going to obey the new rules put in place. My sister lives in the city (South Fulton), and it is the first spot around here to have a curfew put in place (9 pm- 7 pm).
7. But it was a good message, a message on fear. That is needed at this time.
8. I consider myself a member of the virtual church. So all this was fine by me. But I am so accustomed to hearing handclaps and people hollering "Halleluyah" and "Amen" and "That's right, Pastor!" None of that occurred. Just a good simple message about fear. Lot's of scripture in the Bible about fear. Good to get a good primer on it.
9. I miss my workplace friends, and friends in general. And I have only been home for two whole days!
10. One good thing. The great Tayari Jones taught me about Whatsapp, and we can talk to each other via video. This is EXTREMELY helpful. Made my day. We live a couple of miles from each other. So much easier to just go over to her house, but alas... the circumstances of the day has everyone inside.
11. Funniest thing that happened during this time. Last week, me and Tayari were on her front stoop bartering items. I traded her four lemons and a two pound bag of rice for a digital thermometer. That was a great trade. I know people rolling by were thinking... what are they doing? Earlier that week, I took her some rubbing alcohol. Who knew these things would be so hard to fine. Rice is hard to find. Alcohol is hard to fine.
12. Let's not even talk about the toilet paper crisis... One of my coworkers, a non-melaninated youngster who just started working there, was out of paper and could not find any. I told her I had extra.
She was like... oh my, thanks for thinking about me. So I had to treat her like family.
"Should I treat her like family?" I asked a nearby employee, a sister...
"Yeah," the sista said.
"You sure?"
She nodded.
I turned to the employee and said "Look here girl, you gonna take this toilet paper, or I'ma bust you upside your head!"
She bowed her head and said, "Okay."
That's right. You gonna take this toilet paper.
13. I was walking around the house counting rolls of toiler paper (I'd been buying it over the past three weeks), and found I had forty rolls... and that's outside the 4 pack of angel soft triple roll I gave her.
HUMPH. Who woulda thought toilet paper would disappear off the face of the earth like this!!!??
ummm let me borrow a roll of that angel soft Ladylee :) glad to see my fav blogger is safe and well. Mary from Louisiana