Okay, that's my excitement for it being Friday.
And right now, I am watching the congressional hearings on the coronavirus and they are questioning the scientists. I am a scientist. Can I just tell you how GREAT it is to hear some detailed information on coronavirus? Why in the world is the president not making better utilization of these people? Why is he just getting up and making up crazy stuff?
And as usual, there are some congressman who know that the president are watching, so they are grandstanding, making outrageous rants for the audience of one. They do not understand how stupid they sound. Makes no sense. This would be even more informative if they would just shut up. Ugh.
Man... I am just wondering what the fallout of sending kids back to school. I pray that all will be well, but uh... if kids and teachers start getting sick or, God forbid, dying? Ugh! I don't even want to think about it!
So much is going on. I will be talking about it all day, but let me move on.
Workplace Rant. Interestingly enough, I have been off all week from work, whatever "off" means. Mind you, I have been online attending meetings and/or webinars. My supervisor called me yesterday, and he is going on vacation next week to his homeland of Puerto Rico.
"I didn't want to bother you on your vacation, LadyLee," he said in his thick Spanglish accent.
"Whatchu talking about, J?" I asked (with much attitude). "Man, I'm trying to burn up some hours. And I got a webinar I'm trying to check out."
"But it is your vacation!" he hollered. "You shouldn't be doing anything work-related."
"Whatever! I have three weeks of leave that won't roll over to next year. Y'all ain't taking my time!"
As usual, he laughs at me.
I wonder if my ebonics confuses him. Oh well.
Now, we have a system that is well known in the gub'ment: one can accumulate 240 hours (6 weeks) of leave during a calendar year, and you best use the time, as it will be lost with the new year. Last year I got caught looking crazy because I had about 130 hours plus 240 hours of leave, and I didn't take much time during the year, so I had to pretty much take the month of December off. I was a bit perturbed about that because I was super busy, and I would have much rather been at work. But not at the expense of losing time.
So alas, I am burning up some time, even though I am working from home and I plan on pretty much just going out for essential items only and medical appointments. I have had five doctor visits and two dental visits during these past 4 months. I have gotten to the point where I use my annual leave for those things instead of sick leave.
Sick leave can be rolled over year to year. Your friendly neighborhood Oldgirl has 1000 hours of sick leave. What is that, 25 weeks? That's over 6 months worth. GLORY.
And I like to keep a good amount of sick time on hand. I have had two hospital stays in the last 19 years, and I had sick time. THAT is when I use my sick leave. I must say that I am blessed, considering my lupus status, to not have had many medical episodes. And just in the past year, I have just decided to use annual leave instead of sick leave for medical appointments, etc.
Thank you for attending my blog class "The Use of Leave: Better Take Your Dayum Time Off!"
Workplace Funnies. On a good note, I got a $350 bonus and about 30 hours of time off award. Hell, I don't even know what I did for that, and I ain't asking NO questions. My boss sent an email stating "Thank you for all you do, blah, blah, blah..."
I told one of my coworkers that I wanted to email back "Man please, what is you talking 'bout? We been at the house for the past 4 months!" But I controlled myself and sent back "Wow. Thanks much!"
And time off awards roll over from year to year. I think I have 20 hours that I have been rolling over for the past 10 years. Appreicate it, Boss J! Enjoy your vacation to Puerto Rico! Wear your mask, have your sanitizer handy, and be sure to practice your social distancing!
My branch director, who started with us back in December, is the sweetest chick on the whole planet. I mean, just good ol' down to earth genuine goodness. And I appreciate this, as she is able to handle my rants and side-eyes with the greatest of ease. She realizes that Dr. LadyLee got issues, and don't get along real well with folks (or purpose).
But she has been saying something crazy lately on our version of Zoom group calls.
"I feel like we are all a family and blah blah blah".
Now, I am usually doing something else during the one hour work group "Check-in" calls, like washing dishes, folding clothes, mopping the floor or even crocheting. But when she started all of this "We are a family" jazz. I drop whatever I am doing (dish clanks in sink, crochet needle falls to floor, etc), and I text another coworker who is on the call...
"What the world is she talking about?"
The reply is usually something like "Girl, who you asking?"
I am wondering, is this something she learned in her soft skills class? It ain't working for me. I don't even like half the people I work with. And I hate that about myself, but it is just a part of my personality. Look, if you throw me under the bus or lie on me, or lie to me, or any combination or variation thereof, I am DONE with you. Full stop. And I am like that with quite a few people in my group. While, at the same time, having to watch them do crazy stuff to people around me.
Dysfunctional family. And that means I don't care to talk to you. I grew up in a dysfunctional family, why the hell would I be dealing with you?
Enough workplace rants and funnies. Moving on!!!
Song of the Day: I pay close attention right now to what I am listening to so that I can have a song of the week to post, lol. And my favorite song right now is an oldie but goodie, "Tease Me Tonight" by Guy.
That's a good song right there! Can we get the good 90's music back, please?? Loved-ed it!
That's it for my Friday ramblings. This post was LONG, but if felt good to review my workweek! And it means I need to just post everyday, lol.
Anyway, be safe in these streets. Wear your masks! Wash your hands! Practice your Social Distancing!
On purpose!!
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Slap the *crickets* out the way, kindly step up to the mike, and SAY something!!