It is Friday!
And it's Payday.
Which doesn't mean the most to me these days. Not saying that I am not grateful for a paycheck. It's just that I schedule all of my bills to go out on payday, so monies are GONE. Humph.
Alas, I do take a moment just to sit down and imagine for all of fifteen seconds of my check being mine, and I can go blow it on something. Today, I imagined purchasing a nice new mattress. I need a new one. Sigh.
Maybe later this year. We will see.
Anyway, it is Friday. We are, like, in day 115 of telework. Whatever that means. I have ran out of things to do, save for meetings and webinars. I have a 1.5 hour meeting today, and it's a done deal after that. I may read a few articles, have a few discussions. But that is about it. I am more interested in cleaning the kitchen and thinking about what's for dinner.
I forgot to put up my 4th of July dinner!
Baked chicken!
Baked Ribs!
Green Beans.
I wasn't all that happy with those. I didn't have many beans after snapping.
Before snap...
After snap.
Since I had few beans, I threw a whole lot of onions and a small diced red potato in there, just to give me a few extra servings of beans to last me the rest of the week, as I am the type to sit down and just eat a bowl of vegetables for a meal...
I find that through quarantine, my favorite meal is a simple bowl of sautéed squash/zuchinni.
At any rate, a week later, I still have barbeque left. I will most likely finish it off this weekend.
Corona, Corona. So the virus is still surging forward like a locomotive train with a full tank of gas.
I thought we would done with this mess by now, you know. I was telling someone that I thought we would be off for 2 weeks, then back at work. However, it has been close to 4 months. I wish I would have known it would be this long. I would have set some really serious goals during this time. Really.
And my beloved Mayor Keisha has tested positive for covid!
But I tell you what. She is not playing around. There is a mask mandate in the city. Thank goodness for that. Sometimes it takes someone in the situation to make some rules.
And our beloved president is demanding all the children go back to school in the fall. Corona be damned if it is still raging rampant. I can tell you now... that is not going to go over well. It is a shame that the real reason why the demand is there is for political purposes. Wow. Sigh.
Here is my philosopy: As Americans, things do not matter to us unless it falls on our doorstep, meaning, we don't care unless it shows up in our house or affects us personally. That's unfortunate, but it is the essence of American entitlement. Once the president is personally affected by it, he will not care. It affects his political goals. And that is the problem.
I pray for all affected. And I pray we make it out of this unfortunate situation.
Song of the Week. I have to think about this one. I have not been listening to a lot of music.
Since August Alsina and Jada P. are in the news, I can put up a song by him that I like.
"Us" by August Alsina
Man oh man, all of their business is out in them social media streets, ain't it? Stuff like this always makes me ponder my own life... and makes me glad that I am a private person with a private life that will never be under the microscope of the public. Thank goodness for that.
That's it for my Friday thoughts. I have a lot of them. I have absolutely nothing to do this weekend. My porch needs to be swept and cleaned up, and I need to cut some hedges. That will be my excitement for the weekend. And of course I have a ton of writing to do. I think I clocked around 4000 raw words this week, so I am really excited about that. I completed a writing workshop cycle, which will crank back up around July 25th. I am always excited about those, as I use them to explore whatever projects I am working on.
I am just about done with a crochet project. It's for a baby that has already been born, but since it's a coworkers baby, I have no idea how to get to him. I am also making a blanket for a coworker's daughter's 5th birthday. That isn't due until August. So I will have that to keep me a little busy.
But overall, I am prayerful and working on being content. I must say that I am thinking a lot about my life and what I want to do or be in the next decade.
I am also having some hard conversations with myself... on purpose.
Have a safe weekend. Practice your social distancing and please wear your mask.
I want some ribs now.. It's not too late to set some goals Lee. You could set a July goal right now.. We don't know when this will end but it would be great to look back and see what we used our time for, outside of just wondering how we are going to go back to some semblance of normalcy.
the ribs were great. STILL have some.
DeleteYou're right about the goal setting. I will get right on it.