Tuesday, February 07, 2023

Happy 53rd Birthday to ME!!

Here we go... Birthday 53!!


I turnt 53 today! YAY!!!

I had a good day. A LONG day. I am not as young as I use to be, able to run these ATL streets to and fro, but I did my best! 

I went out to lunch as always with my bestie LadyTee. It is harder these days, as I refuse to sit down and eat in a restaurant with Covid still running wild in these streets. The restaurant we went to was crowded for lunch. We sat on the balcony. We were the only ones out there. I was so cold. But the food was good, and we were safe. 

More on that in a later post.

Right now, I want to talk about the wonderful gifts I received. 

I never expect gifts. I am thankful for the Happy Birthday wishes. And I am not part of any "turnt up" crew of women, so there are no girl trips, no drunken brunches, no fancy parties, none of that. 

I am thankful for completing yet another year of life.

Don't get me wrong, though. I am thankful for my gifts, and here they are!

Three planters from my Tiktok sis Shun! 

There were also some dried flowers there. They are seeds. This weekend, I'm gonna pull some soil out the garage and plant them! And watch them grow. That's gonna be a fun project. 

She also gave me a tote bag with my first initial on the front. 

I LOVE IT. I am calling it my "A-Gucci" bag! My mind is swirling with what I will place in it. And it's a lot. A whole lot. LoL.

Bestie Cowgirl Cre gave me some lovely books and a pair of embroidery scissors.

A crochet book and some vegetarian recipe books. My mind is swirling. Let's just say, ALL of this will keep me super busy.

My favorite author in the whole wide world, the great Tayari Jones, sent me some flowers. 

She gives the best flowers. I placed them on the floor for Sister Callie Jo and Big Mitch to smell. I can't leave them there, or they will eat them. SMH. They smelled the roses and went on about their way.

Earlier on my birthday morning, I got a message from UberEats stating that I had a gift on the way. One of my coworkers, Lady S, sent me some doughnuts. 
Sublime doughnuts are top-tier gourmet, and considered the best doughnut in the city. And they are super pricey! What a treat. I get a sugar high just looking at them! I think I may have to freeze some of them because that's a lot of sugar. Good thing they hold up well in the fridge. 

Last but not least, BFF LadyTee gave me a mini-pressure washer. 

We were talking recently and she said I mentioned a pressure washer, so she decided to get me one. And strangely enough, it was a brand I had been researching. I wanted something small that was easy to handle. And this will do just fine.

My porch is in need of a good washing. Gonna see how that works out!  

How's that for gifts? And like I said, I never expect them. Always grateful for the kindness of friends... gifts or not.

I spent my early morning doing chores and praying and pondering my year. I thought about what has went well and what hasn't. And I thought about what I want from myself emotionally, spiritually, mentally, and physically over the next year. Heck, this was the first day in a long time that I didn't watch any television until evening time. It felt good not to take in so much craziness from the news. I got a good chance to be quiet and just think and examine my well being. I must do this more often.

That right there was the gift I gave myself today.

And I am so much better for it. So much better. 

I have an interview tomorrow, so I guess it is back to business as usual. And that is fine. 

Because I am here...

Starting my 53rd year. 

And that's a good thing!!

I am going to be happy about it! 

On purpose!!


  1. Anonymous2:23:00 AM

    Happy birthday LadyLee!!! ❤️❤️❤️🥳🥳🥳 From: ThisOneWoman

  2. Happy Birthday Ladylee!

  3. Anonymous2:32:00 PM

    Happy belated birthday!

  4. Anonymous2:37:00 PM

    Nice post thank you Mary

  5. Hurricane Lee may hit the U.S. Lee, Ladylee . . . .

  6. When you're going through hell keep going. -Winston Churchill
    Be well Ladylee. Sincerely, BOP
    P.S. I think you may need to update your blogs email address. My message was undeliverable.

  7. Your love of your author eventually dwindles, as will the other loves of your life, but you will have discovered literary passion and that endures forever. -J.H. PhD

  8. Great blog you have herre


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