Tuesday Thoughts for YOU!
1. It is AZZ HAWT here in the ATL. Upper 90s!!! And my air conditioner is in struggle mode. I am NOT interested in having to drop $5000 on a new air conditioner right now, but uh... I am thinking about it. Ain't trying to be sweating like a slave.
2. I had a mammogram today. It is my routine annual one, but I had a moment of angst when I was getting dressed this morning. I was thinking back to that time the mammogram came back bad. Ugh. It was just a moment, though. The mammogram that was done today is over and everything appears to be okay. No need for angst.
3. I haven't done much today, or this week even, at work. I am waiting for an order of chemicals to get in. My goodness it is taking too long.
4. I supposedly have a CSA box coming in today. I am excited about the fruits and vegetables it contains. I hope it doesn't contain any bootleg craziness that I don't like. In any case, I WILL be cooking it all up. Amen.
5. I had Chic-Fil-A for lunch today. All that grease... ugh. Let's just say I will be having a salad for dinner tonight. Or nothing at all.
6. I actually woke up early this morning, and instead of laying in bed, I got up and cleaned up the kitchen and living room I even took out all the trash. This may be my new norm because I don't feel like doing a doggone thing when I get home from work. Nerp.
7. I even managed to do a little crocheting this morning. It was all of 15 minutes worth, but that's all good. That little bit was therapeutic.
8. My goal is to have more productive mornings for the rest of the year. We'll see how that goes. I'm optimistic. I just feel like I'm losing a lot of time in the mornings. And that ain't good, because it adds up over time.
9. I am still looking back over the time I had with my nephews. It was so good to see my little nephews. It makes me teary-eyed because it was so unexpected. That time with them was a surprise that I was more than happy for, and I will always remember it.
10. We have a workplace audit coming up. I may take off from work during that time. *snickering to self* (We'll see how that works out. I can see my boss kicking in my door and hauling me off to work, lol).
11. Bonus... Song I'm listening to right now. "Heaven Can Wait" by Michael Jackson
*ladylee chair dancing in cubicle*
*ladylee whisper singing*
*ladylee fighting air hard with fists because Michael Jackson is gone*
My whisper-sangin' karaoke of my favorite songs use to drive my former cubicle mate The Cowgirl Cre CRAZY. I am in a cubicle alone now, so I don't think I'm whisper singing that loud. But I'm getting down, though!
Lawd help me, I miss Michael. Ugh.
That's it for 10 Tuesday thoughts. Quick, but fast and fun.
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Slap the *crickets* out the way, kindly step up to the mike, and SAY something!!