Friday, July 31, 2020

Friday Freestyles: The Workplace Edition



Okay, that's my excitement for it being Friday.
And right now, I am watching the congressional hearings on the coronavirus and they are questioning the scientists. I am a scientist. Can I just tell you how GREAT it is to hear some detailed information on coronavirus?  Why in the world is the president not making better utilization of these people? Why is he just getting up and making up crazy stuff?

And as usual, there are some congressman who know that the president are watching, so they are grandstanding, making outrageous rants for the audience of one. They do not understand how stupid they sound. Makes no sense. This would be even more informative if they would just shut up. Ugh.

Man... I am just wondering what the fallout of sending kids back to school. I pray that all will be well, but uh... if kids and teachers start getting sick or, God forbid, dying? Ugh! I don't even want to think about it!

So much is going on. I will be talking about it all day, but let me move on.
Workplace Rant. Interestingly enough, I have been off all week from work, whatever "off" means. Mind you, I have been online attending meetings and/or webinars. My supervisor called me yesterday, and he is going on vacation next week to his homeland of Puerto Rico.

"I didn't want to bother you on your vacation, LadyLee," he said in his thick Spanglish accent.
"Whatchu talking about, J?" I asked (with much attitude). "Man, I'm trying to burn up some hours. And I got a webinar I'm trying to check out."
"But it is your vacation!" he hollered. "You shouldn't be doing anything work-related."
"Whatever! I have three weeks of leave that won't roll over to next year. Y'all ain't taking my time!"

As usual, he laughs at me.

I wonder if my ebonics confuses him. Oh well.

Now, we have a system that is well known in the gub'ment: one can accumulate 240 hours (6 weeks) of leave during a calendar year, and you best use the time, as it will be lost with the new year. Last year I got caught looking crazy because I had about 130 hours plus 240 hours of leave, and I didn't take much time during the year, so I had to pretty much take the month of December off. I was a bit perturbed about that because I was super busy, and I would have much rather been at work.  But not at the expense of losing time.

So alas, I am burning up some time, even though I am working from home and I plan on pretty much just going out for essential items only and medical appointments. I have had five doctor visits and two dental visits during these past 4 months. I have gotten to the point where I use my annual leave for those things instead of sick leave.

Sick leave can be rolled over year to year. Your friendly neighborhood Oldgirl has 1000 hours of sick leave. What is that, 25 weeks? That's over 6 months worth. GLORY.

And I like to keep a good amount of sick time on hand. I have had two hospital stays in the last 19 years, and I had sick time. THAT is when I use my sick leave. I must say that I am blessed, considering my lupus status, to not have had many medical episodes. And just in the past year, I have just decided to use annual leave instead of sick leave for medical appointments, etc.

Thank you for attending my blog class "The Use of Leave: Better Take Your Dayum Time Off!"


Workplace Funnies. On a good note, I got a $350 bonus and about 30 hours of time off award. Hell, I don't even know what I did for that, and I ain't asking NO questions. My boss sent an email stating "Thank you for all you do, blah, blah, blah..."

I told one of my coworkers that I wanted to email back "Man please, what is you talking 'bout? We been at the house for the past 4 months!" But I controlled myself and sent back "Wow. Thanks much!"

And time off awards roll over from year to year. I think I have 20 hours that I have been rolling over for the past 10 years. Appreicate it, Boss J! Enjoy your vacation to Puerto Rico! Wear your mask, have your sanitizer handy, and be sure to practice your social distancing!

My branch director, who started with us back in December, is the sweetest chick on the whole planet. I mean, just good ol' down to earth genuine goodness. And I appreciate this, as she is able to handle my rants and side-eyes with the greatest of ease. She realizes that Dr. LadyLee got issues, and don't get along real well with folks (or purpose).

But she has been saying something crazy lately on our version of Zoom group calls.

"I feel like we are all a family and blah blah blah".

Now, I am usually doing something else during the one hour work group "Check-in" calls, like washing dishes, folding clothes, mopping the floor or even crocheting. But when she started all of this "We are a family" jazz. I drop whatever I am doing (dish clanks in sink, crochet needle falls to floor, etc), and I text another coworker who is on the call...

"What the world is she talking about?"

The reply is usually something like "Girl, who you asking?"

I am wondering, is this something she learned in her soft skills class? It ain't working for me. I don't even like half the people I work with. And I hate that about myself, but it is just a part of my personality. Look, if you throw me under the bus or lie on me, or lie to me, or any combination or variation thereof, I am DONE with you. Full stop. And I am like that with quite a few people in my group. While, at the same time, having to watch them do crazy stuff to people around me.


Dysfunctional family. And that means I don't care to talk to you. I grew up in a dysfunctional family, why the hell would I be dealing with you?

Enough workplace rants and funnies. Moving on!!!

Song of the Day: I pay close attention right now to what I am listening to so that I can have a song of the week to post, lol.  And my favorite song right now is an oldie but goodie, "Tease Me Tonight" by Guy.

That's a good song right there! Can we get the good 90's music back, please?? Loved-ed it!

That's it for my Friday ramblings. This post was LONG, but if felt good to review my workweek! And it means I need to just post everyday, lol.

Anyway, be safe in these streets. Wear your masks! Wash your hands! Practice your Social Distancing!

On purpose!!

Friday, July 24, 2020

Friday Freestyles. The Food-for-Thought Edition


And it is Payday.

I am always happy for another Pay Day. Always.

Spontaneous Rant. You know, I don't even think I took time to imagine anything for a few minutes this morning like I usually do when I get paid. If you have noticed, I have a tendency to spend a few moments blowing my check in my mind on something interesting. But today there was none of that. I just paid my bills. Not in the mood for deep imagination today. Not when it is month FIVE of quarantining, and teleworking from home. And I am still not sure when we are going back to work. The whole "volunteer voluntarily" to come back... well, they can kick a sack of rocks with that one. My convos with coworkers who have worked a few days out of this whole time have revealed that no more than 5% of people are doing this "voluntarily volunteer" thing. So I am not the only one who is like... bump that.

And we get emails, albeit sparingly, about who will be at work for receiving service on some equipment....

I don't even answer.


I may or may not be wrong for that. But I have been with my current job for 19 years. I have sacrificed- gone in on the weekends, worked extra long hours, been talked to and treated any kind of way... and I have decided right now, for once in my life, especially during these obscure and dire times, to put myself first. To make sure I put my own life first. Period.

Well... enough of that Friday mini-rant, food for thought.

But it is just what's clouding my mind now. There's a hint of guilt for not going in. But the proverbial wall of guilt is one foot tall. So I force myself to step over that sh**.

(Excuse my language)

Quote of the Week. Speaking of guilt, my pastor gave a good sermon on dealing with guilt. I got some good notes, and I need to go back and watch the sermon again. But one quote struck me, for its simplicity mostly:

Guilt is the strongest robber of personal peace.

Ain't' that the truth, tho?

He went on to discuss ways of rooting a guilty conscience out of your life. There were about 10 things (I only caught 8 for some reason. Hence the reason I need to go back and watch the sermon again), but one of the points was to write your feelings about your situation down on paper (basically, journal about it), and then just tear it up. It's seen as a symbolic gesture.

But I read a book a few years ago about scientific studies related to this. In a nutshell, it was determined that it is important to write all your feelings out, as it is a confession of sorts. And what I found to be most interesting is that it has a profound physiological affect on the body, where it boosts the immune system. Now, that is something good to know.

Anyway, I think about that a lot. I journal much, especially during these confusing COVID times, and I have journalled anyway all of my life, since it is extremely rare for me to express my feelings to friends and the like.

But I do agree with the statement of guilt being a robber of peace. Where there is guilt, there is a lack of peace of mind.


Book of the Week. So last week, I think I talked about Brit Bennett's book, The Vanishing Half. I decided to look her up, and see whatever else she has written. So this week, I listened to the audible version of the one other book she has written, The Mothers.

Now, I must admit... I enjoyed this book MUCH more than The Vanishing Half. My book club folks didn't really enjoy The Vanishing Half. The ending was... meh. And I myself enjoyed the writing style (I read more for style than anything else)... but I found myself thinking, where is this going?

Not so with The Mothers. I liked it more. The Mothers refers to the Mothers of a church. I think this more relates to the traditional black church. Anyway, it is a story about some folks who are members of the church, but the book gets over into their personal lives and secret places. And the Mothers give commentary on what they think is going on with said congregants.

You know how church gossip goes. Humph.

And it's one of the reasons I don't like traditional church. I am a church member, but I ain't the one you gonna see at any extracurricular church functions. NO MA'AM. And that's just me. I am very private, and I don't need no one speculating or getting into my business and vice versa.  And I am a difficult personality (I have promised myself that I will stop saying that about myself, but it is what it is), and I'm an introvert, so this can become a problem with "church people" real quick. I just find that the older I get, the more I just want to be ME. So this book made me think of all of that.

So this book was a deep dive into ALL of those types of issues. It was a fantastic listen, and one of the few books that, upon listening to the audible version, that I wished I would have sat down and read the hardback. It was that good of a book indeed. I would suggest it to my book club, but they are finicky. They didn't care much for The Vanishing Half, so they may not read another book by Ms. Bennett for a minute.

Song of the Week. This has been such a slow music week for me, so nothing just jumps out at me. But right now, I am doing a TON of writing, and certain songs relate to whatever I am writing. One I was talking about with a member on my reading team is "Affair" by Cherrelle.

That is a GOOD song. As a matter of fact, the Affair album, released in 1986, is one of my all time favorite albums. It is early Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis production work, pre-Janet Jackson. I think that is why I like it so much.

But, the first line of the novella I've been working on since late February is...

Monique use to get all bent out of shape about cheating on her husband.
But not anymore.

HMMMMMM... Wonder what that's all about?


I don't care to write long form, but I do so from time to time because I can cull short stories from a longer work. And I have counted some ten short stories. One of my writing instructors once said to our class about me that "LadyLee has this wonderful skill of writing long form and carving short stories out of that long story."

That made me feel good, that someone recognizes this immense talent and skill of mine. And it is something that I have been believing about myself for the longest.

And we should feel positive things about ourselves.

On purpose. As much as possible.

This was a LONG post, laced with some food-for-thought, wasn't it. That is what I get for not posting all week.

It has been quite helpful. Wonderfully cathartic as always. This has been a true snapshot of my mental.

And I declare it at the same time has boosted my immune system.

I declare it!


Wear Your Masks!

Right now, with all this going back and forth about whether making it a requirement to wear masks, it is best just to have some masks. I have the surgical ones and the cloth ones that I can insert some paper towels or a piece of HVAC cloth (my preference).

But a young lady has taken to making masks a fashion statement.

Oh yes. That is fly. Some LV, baby. And it has some native American appeal, don't you think? It is wonderful, indeed a sight to behold.

But tell me something...

How in the world is anyone suppose to breathe through all that leather???

Because that ain't cloth.

We can't all be that fashionable.

Better to be safe. Do yourself a favor... do us ALL a favor, and wear your masks!

Friday, July 17, 2020

Friday Freestyles

Man oh man, it is Friday.

I don't even know what day this is quarantine. Everybody is just like "screw it", anyway. We stop counting days now. This is the beginning of month #5. I think. I am ready to go back to work. They have disinfected the place after 2 people were COVID positive. It is still on a volunteer basis.

This Oldgirl ain't volunteering for NUTHIN. I am ready to go back to work when I get an official email, something on paper and documented, of an exact date to return. Not gonna be in a building with a bunch of people on a volunteer basis.

When I can get paycheck at home and teleworking. HUMPH.

It sucks, but oh well.

I don't know what they gonna do about all this. We need LEADERSHIP. Everything is beginning to feel like a campaign rally right now. Bump that. Solve this problem!

Speaking of leadership. Y'all need to come get my governor. Ugh.

Tell me... what is he doing? He sued the Mayor of Atlanta over the mask mandate she put in place.

Sir, stop it. You know what EVERYBODY is thinking, don't you?

Mind you, there are several mayors all over the state of Georgia who have instituted mask mandates.

But he decides to sue my mayor Keisha.


My Mayor bust out with an Audre Lorde quote on him.


Translation---> I have 0 f**** to give, so bring it on, bro.

You know we all siting down here thinking the same thing.

Sir... you were not even smart enough to cover that up by suing EVERY mayor in Georgia. But you picked that one. Yes, ok.

Your slip is showing, sir.

This may not matter because ALL the major grocery stores have slapped mask mandates into place. I don't blame them.
Stop all this foolishness.

That's all I got to say about that.

Movie of the week. Fatal Affair...

This movie was okay. If you have seen one affair-gone-tragic movie, you have seen them all. Each has a little different twist to it, but that's about it. This one, sadly, stuck close to the same ol' formula. I watched it on Thursday night, and it was good to crochet to, I suppose.  But it's not anything I will watch again. Typical Netflix fare. It would've made a great Lifetime movie.

But what I liked about it was seeing Omar Epps and Nia Long on screen. They are a throwback to the 90s.  That made it worth watching. I will give it a grade of a C.

Song of the Week. "Inside my Love" by Minnie Ripperton

That is a good song that comes up in my Spotify weekly playlist. Loved-ed it! So calm, so soothing. I wish we had pure singers like her still. Ugh.

That is it for my freestyle Fridays. Man, I am thankful for living another day... and in these times, I always end that every morning with...


On purpose!

Have a great weekend.

And please practice your social distancing and wear your masks.

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Twelve Tuesday Thoughts

Ten... no TWELVE thoughts on a Tuesday!!

1. I cannot stand commercials, on tv or radio, etc., that have people snoring in them. Drives me crazy.

2. What I'm reading right now: The Vanishing Half by Brit Bennett.

Well, what I'm listening to right now. Thank goodness for audible.

I'm only one-third of the way through the book, but man oh man... it is FANTASTIC. The level of writing is off the charts!

3. I have decided to spend 30 minutes on each room of my house for the remainder of July. I started with the Laundry room today, and it looks great!

4. I am struggling with reading an hour a day. New requirement attached to that: it has to be something that is interesting and holds my attention.

5. I was looking around on my Hulu app and came across The Color Purple!

That movie is 35 years old, and it is still timeless. I cannot believe how well shot it is. Now I can look at it all day!

6. New crochet project well underway, ya'll!

7. Song I love right now. "Confused" by Tevin Campbell.

8. I am ordering a lot of Amazon right now, frankly more than I care to admit. What's interesting now is that the amazon deliveryman doesn't ring the doorbell, but just leaves the packages on my front porch, sometimes all in the open. I don't know it is there until I look out the front window. Do they not understand that I live in the 'hood? Hide that package behind the porch banister... doggonit.

9. I had some shrimp aguachile for dinner. Well, my bootleg version.

That's a pic from the internet. Mine didn't look that nice.

It is cerviche dish, which mean you do not cook your seafood, but let the lime or lemon juice cook it. The hell with that. I boiled my shrimp first.

10. I cannot believe we are almost halfway through July. Ugh. This is day uh... like 120, something like that.

11. My workplace is CLOSED, due to two people testing positive for the COVID-19. So we are shut down until further notice. Man, this is why I paid no attention to that "volunteer to come up to work" BS. I got stuff to do, but I ain't volunteering to do NUTHIN, when I can sit at home and still collect a paycheck. No sir. No ma'am.

12. And now they gotta sanitize the building and do all this contact tracing and figure out who was up there on specific days. This is one less Oldgirl they do not have to worry about tracing. I been at the house!

That is it for my Tuesday Thoughts!

Friday, July 10, 2020

Friday Freestyles

It is Friday!

And it's Payday.

Which doesn't mean the most to me these days. Not saying that I am not grateful for a paycheck. It's just that I schedule all of my bills to go out on payday, so monies are GONE. Humph.

Alas, I do take a moment just to sit down and imagine for all of fifteen seconds of my check being mine, and I can go blow it on something. Today, I imagined purchasing a nice new mattress. I need a new one. Sigh.

Maybe later this year. We will see.

Anyway, it is Friday. We are, like, in day 115 of telework. Whatever that means. I have ran out of things to do, save for meetings and webinars. I have a 1.5 hour meeting today, and it's a done deal after that. I may read a few articles, have a few discussions. But that is about it. I am more interested in cleaning the kitchen and thinking about what's for dinner.

I forgot to put up my 4th of July dinner!

Baked chicken!

Baked Ribs!

Green Beans.

I wasn't all that happy with those. I didn't have many beans after snapping.

Before snap...

After snap.

Since I had few beans, I threw a whole lot of onions and a small diced red potato in there, just to give me a few extra servings of beans to last me the rest of the week, as I am the type to sit down and just eat a bowl of vegetables for a meal...

I find that through quarantine, my favorite meal is a simple bowl of sautéed squash/zuchinni.

At any rate, a week later, I still have barbeque left. I will most likely finish it off this weekend.

Corona, Corona. So the virus is still surging forward like a locomotive train with a full tank of gas.

 I thought we would done with this mess by now, you know. I was telling someone that I thought we would be off for 2 weeks, then back at work. However, it has been close to 4 months. I wish I would have known it would be this long. I would have set some really serious goals during this time. Really.

And my beloved Mayor Keisha has tested positive for covid!



But I tell you what. She is not playing around. There is a mask mandate in the city. Thank goodness for that. Sometimes it takes someone in the situation to make some rules.

And our beloved president is demanding all the children go back to school in the fall. Corona be damned if it is still raging rampant. I can tell you now... that is not going to go over well. It is a shame that the real reason why the demand is there is for political purposes. Wow. Sigh.

Here is my philosopy: As Americans, things do not matter to us unless it falls on our doorstep, meaning, we don't care unless it shows up in our house or affects us personally. That's unfortunate, but it is the essence of American entitlement. Once the president is personally affected by it, he will not care. It affects his political goals. And that is the problem.

I pray for all affected. And I pray we make it out of this unfortunate situation.

Song of the Week. I have to think about this one. I have not been listening to a lot of music.
Since August Alsina and Jada P. are in the news, I can put up a song by him that I like.

"Us" by August Alsina

Man oh man, all of their business is out in them social media streets, ain't it? Stuff like this always makes me ponder my own life... and makes me glad that I am a private person with a private life that will never be under the microscope of the public. Thank goodness for that.

That's it for my Friday thoughts. I have a lot of them. I have absolutely nothing to do this weekend.  My porch needs to be swept and cleaned up, and I need to cut some hedges. That will be my excitement for the weekend. And of course I have a ton of writing to do. I think I clocked around 4000 raw words this week, so I am really excited about that.  I completed a writing workshop cycle, which will crank back up around July 25th. I am always excited about those, as I use them to explore whatever projects I am working on.

I am just about done with a crochet project. It's for a baby that has already been born, but since it's a coworkers baby, I have no idea how to get to him. I am also making a blanket for  a coworker's daughter's 5th birthday. That isn't due until August. So I will have that to keep me a little busy.

But overall, I am prayerful and working on being content. I must say that I am thinking a lot about my life and what I want to do or be in the next decade.

I am also having some hard conversations with myself... on purpose.

Have a safe weekend. Practice your social distancing and please wear your mask.

Tuesday, July 07, 2020

Guilty Pleasures

I am writing a lot, and I try to make sure my characters are vastly different than me when it comes to their favorite things they like to do, eat, and drink, etc.

So a friend of mine loves Seltzer waters, and her favorite one is the Bubly brand. I think they are a Pepsi product.

I bought some, and I am hooked.

I think I have tried 5 different types. I like the peach flavor...

But I REALLY like the cherry and watermelon flavors.

I am not a big soda drinker- I may have one soda a year, if that - but I can drink these. They have 0 calories and no added sweeteners. I love how I can smell and taste the flavor at the same time. Not sure how they pull that off. They are cheap enough, especially for me, someone who prefers water, with an 8-pack going for $4.99, and my local Publix sometimes has them on a two for one special.

So they are suppose to be my character's drink of choice, but now they are mine!

Saturday, July 04, 2020

Friday, July 03, 2020

Friday Freestyles

It is Friday!


But it isn't.

BUT it is a federal holiday, which means, I don't have to go to work. Or, these days, it means I don't have to walk to the dining room table and turn on my laptop and check my emails and attend meetings and webinars... Sigh.

So this doesn't feel like a holiday. I will make myself some ribs and potato salad tomorrow and see how that works out. But oh well.

Just ready for all this to be over. Because 2020 so far has been... *blank stare*

The second half of the year is upon us!! My goodness, I wish we could just skip the next 6 months and hit 2021 already. I am ready to holler Happy New Year! But alas, that's not going to happen. I think right now, the way everything is going, we all need to just make it to next year, ALIVE.

I just pray that the rest of the year that we level up.

Level up, y'all! That means that we literally get our sh*t together. Take what is going on seriously! Get a plan! Wear a mask, socially distance, something! I don't know the solutions. All I can do is pray, and right now, prayer is everything.

But on a good note, I finally scored some cheap hand sanitizer and wipes.

So maybe things are looking up. Who knows.

And I have to admit, I am SHOCKED that all this confederate statue controversy is going on.  Sorry ya'll we got other ish to worry about, like this covid. Yes, if they can come down, then they come down. But Lord have mercy, can we get this virus mess under control.

Besides, I like how this one statue is being reconsidered...

Yeah... shine a light on the statues.

Song of the Week. I haven't been listening to much music lately. There has been more mindless TV and a good bit of writing. But there is one song that I have had on repeat much of the week. "Playing your game" by Barry White.

How long has Barry White been gone from us? Looking around on Wikipedia, I see that he died in 2003. So he's been gone 17 years?!?!?!? 17 years! Wow, that's a long time ago.

But I love that song. So lush. I think that song was made with his Orchestra. I just miss really good music like that. Sigh.

I don't have much of anything to write about right now. I'm just sitting around waiting... and waiting.. for all this to be done.

On a positive note. Really hoping our country will have some "Come to Jesus" moment.

On purpose.

Thursday, July 02, 2020

Ten Thursday Thoughts

10 Thoughts! On a Thursday!!

1. So I actually sat down and counted up the days that we have been quarantined/working from home. And it has been 107 days. 107 days! Oh my goodness.

2. The weather in the ATL has been a bit jarring as of late. In the morning, it's bright and sunny. But in the afternoon, it will suddenly get super dark outside, and the torrential rains come. It is quite unnerving.

3. It's being reported that confirmed cases of Covid-19 have skyrocketed, and that it is due to activity during Memorial Day weekend. We passed the 50,000 daily case mark today.

4. With that said, I wonder what will be the fallout from the upcoming 4th of July holiday weekend?

5. I spent Easter alone. I spent Memorial Day alone. And I will spend 4th of July alone. And I am okay with admitting that I am ok with that. That is just the introvert in me. Just imagine if I was an extrovert. Not sure if I would be able to take it.

6. I have had more than enough time to examine myself, and I am okay around 99.87% of my day. The other 0.13% of the time, I am teary-eyed. That amounts to around a couple of minutes of my day, so that is okay. Just keep pushing forward is what I tell myself during those times.

7. The whole idealogy of "American Exceptionalism" is pretty much in the toilet right now when it comes to our handling of the pandemic. You know it's bad when Europe bans travel from the United States. Even they can see we're mucking this thing up.

8. I actually bought some ribs to cook for the holiday. Not much, though. Only 1/2 slab of Kansas cut ribs and 1/3 slab of baby back ribs. I was thinking about making a crab boil, but I will save my crabs for another day. I may also make some potato salad. Haven't had any since Easter.

9. I actually made a goal earlier this year to read for an hour a day. I failed miserably at that. So, I am just going to make that a July goal. I feel I need to just sit and be quiet and focus on something besides the phone, radio, or television. It seems to help my mental in some way. And the longer this goes on, I realize I really appreciate moments of pure quiet, save for the tweeting birds outside my window.

10. This picture right here completely unnerves me.

I have to be honest. I am not really ready for my waiter to be covered down like this. Mind you, he is still breathing the air of the patrons. Hmmm. I personally don't plan to sit down in a restaurant until 2021. And I may not fly until 2022. That's the goal.

That is it for my Ten Thursday Thoughts. Tomorrow is my federal holiday off from work, so let the festivities begin! Woo-hoo!!

Have a happy and safe 4th. Please wear your masks, and do your best to socially distance!