1. A coworker left a bag of high premium chocolate chips on my desk. Let me tell you, it makes a difference what type of chocolate chips I use for cookies. I will have to start picking up some of those.
2. What is wrong with our President? I feel like he's going apeshit. Sorry for the language, but that is the only way I can describe it.
3. I still don't think we've scraped the bottom of the barrel. Really. And I'm not sure how deep the barrel is.
4. With that said... I miss this President and the first family.
I really miss them. No chaos, none of that. Their only problem was that they were black. Interesting that that, in this time in age, is a problem.
5. Right now, we are in the midst of the true epitome of dysfunction. And sadly, I think it is all a reflection of who we are as a society. A snapshot. We are only looking in the mirror.
6. This all gives an interesting connotation to that confusing "Be Best" quote. Thank you current first lady for that bit of bad English. But if what I see going on is suppose to model for us on how to "Be best"... I'd rather not. I will continue being me.
7. So there is a chance that both Florida and Georgia can have black governors after the next election. If that happens... man... I am taking off for a whole week. And I'm calling the White House switchboard and laughing hard. EXTRA hard. What an incredible gut punch this will be to the political chaos.
8. I had a wisdom tooth pulled last Friday. I think everything is healing up, but it feels like it is taking forever.
9. This right here?
I thought this was a good movie. I was pleasantly surprised. I could definitely watch it again.
10. I have a headache and I'm sleepy. And in this state, my goal is to have a semi-productive day. If I can get a few things, just a few, done on my list today, that is good enough for me.