Monday, October 13, 2008

Monday Ramblings: "Holler at your Girl!"

Man, how ya'll gonna let me get away with posting only one time last week?

What is up with that?

Holler at Your Girl, why don't cha.

It's cool. I've been wanting to post. Been needing to post. I even have several posts in draft.

But I notice something when I am very tired or upset. My ish get too serious, too frickin' thought provoking.

Be revealing too much of myself. Be talking to myself a little too much.

And that ain't good.

So I've chosen to wait on something more...


Because you know how we roll over here in the House of LadyLee: We keeps it Smurfy.

Anyway, I must've put in 110-120 hours at work over the past 2 weeks.

I told my doctor this on a recent appointment. She gave me the evil eye. Told me that my health has been good for the past few months (I have an autoimmune disease), and that she is glad she hasn't had to call me in a while, since all my blood work been coming back looking good, but she could tell that I was a bit tired and stressed.

I guess my sitting askew in the examination room chair with my head laid up against the wall (I refuse to lay on the medical table), gave that away.


She scolded me. I nodded as usual, blinked like a bat in the headlights. She squeezed my joints, each and every one, and pronounced me all good (for now). We're cutting down on one of my meds, and I have to take it easy. I messed around and left the house this thursday without taking my medicine and I felt like I was in some wierd clip of the Matrix.

(Man I was glad to get home THAT night.)

I'm still slightly anemic, even though I take a gazillion iron pills a day. That's cool. I can only do so much.

Anyway, let's see... the money that I made from the all the overtime will pay off my birthday cruise and set me straight on my writing classes until June 2009.

All this probably came from me sitting in front of the TV watching this financial fiasco unfold on the news channel, then running around the house yelling "The Lord is my provider, I am sufficiently supplied all day, er'day 24-7, and I don't receive this crap they talking about on that their TV!!!!! I'm gonna have more money coming in, I'ma pay my bills, and I'ma live a happy life in Jesus name! HOLLER at your GIRL!!"

Sorry ya'll, my convos, prayers, and wailings to God are a bit outside of the box, unorthodox to say the very least. That Holler at your girl = my way of saying "Hear me, answer me, hear my cry!" I think I even followed that up with a hard Rockette kick... or two. All I know, the cats scrambled out of my way... REAL FAST.

(I tell you, you figure out where and Who your faith is in when there's a bunch of mess going down. Really though. And I bet my sister Kentucky was sitting upstairs whispering quietly to herself... "What the world is wrong with Lisa?")

With that said, I am enjoying a nice 3.5 day weekend. I left early from work on Friday, because I had too many hours. I was walking around snapping at my boss about the horrific thoughts of working for free and quipping "Don't worry... I GET'S my TIME" (I've been known to calculate my hours in my head and simply... walk off). She scrambled to get some papers signed to make my hours "legal". I went home, took a 4 hour nap, and she called me, updating me on some calculation I flubbed. I hung up with her and went back to sleep.

Then worked half a day on Saturday.

Hard sigh.

So make that a 3 day weekend. Something like that. I think with that 4 hours of pay I will go purchase some clothes. The Oldgirl needs some new gear.


I have spent the past couple of days watching football and just RELAXING.

That Original Oldgirl Chele, one who I shamelessly jock, has a birthday coming up on Friday. I've been spending my time working on her birthday card, and I am about to go bake her a tin (maybe two. I can't deal with all those sweets sitting around the crib) of chocolate pecan and oatmeal raisin walnut cookies.

I've also been working on a story for the occasion of said Oldgirl's birthday. My goal is to write a 500 word story for peeps birthday.

This story, titled "I Fall to Pieces" has 4 chapters, and is 7,269 words long.

*Chele standing in her front yard, holding the stack of pages in her hand and frowning REAL hard. She glances from side to side, wondering if she is on Candid Camera or Punk'd*

And if I must say, it is one of the best doggone stories I've ever concocted. Take some of the fluff you've enjoyed here and push it to that other level, and you have this story.

Almost made me jump up after I did my final edits, smash the laptop on the floor, raise balled fists high in the air and yell


(Couldn't do that. Need to print it out. And can't bust up the laptop, either, as another laptop is not in the budget right now).

It is too long to post. And it is private, about her and her Boo, for her eyes only. I consider it her personal property. If she let me post a piece of it, then I might do that.

I said might.

She wrote a post the other day about taking a vacation and skipping off to some old plantation turned B&B with her man and uh, twerking some things out. Man, I felt the BIG Celie smile permeating all through that post.

I ain't mad at you Chele. Do YOUR thing, Gal!


Now, I am sure that the story can be cut down by some 95% to fit my 500 word maximum word count.

But why would I do that?

'Tis that Oldgirl Chele's birthday!!! 'Tis a special, most glorious day, I say!!!

If I could bust out a 500 page epic novel for her, ya'll know I would.

**LadyLee jumping up from sofa and singing "I jock! I jock! I jock and I won't stop! Yooowayy!!**

So I will leave it as is. It's so thick that it would be a travesty to fold it. I've been making it more detailed, but I am mailing it off tomorrow. Time to leave it alone. I'm going to go stand down in line at the 24 hour black people post office and mail it. (Ya'll have read my renderings of the Crown Road post office in Hapeville... of how negroes get crunk and be ready to fight when the lines are too long! Ugh!)

I hope you like it, Chele. I really do. You might be so uh, glowing, that you may toss the papers up in the air and let them fall all about you... while you laugh hysterically.

So, as for the rest of my weekend, I'm going to sit here and finish up the card and watch TV. I have another couple of stories that I am working on that I may peruse. One of them I developed in my fall writing class. It is entitled "Jawbreaker". It is 27 pages long and needs some editing. Another is a short offshoot of that story about a minor character that the class was enamored with, titled "She Gone". It's only 6 pages long, but needs some consideration.

So, uh... Original Oldgirl Critique Team, and the IOCT Conglomerate (yo, that's a private critique team dear to my heart. You shorties don't need to know what that's all about, lol).

Ya'll got some, uh, material coming your way, if you want it.

Only if you want it, that is.

Holler at your GIRL!!

I'm going to sit here and enjoy the rest of this holiday, the beloved day that Columbus "discovered" the Americas.

If it wasn't a shame, I would set up a mock up of one of his ships in my front yard and paint the words Happy Columbus Day across the front.


Ya'll have a Happy Monday... And don't work too hard!!! LOL



    I hear you loud and clear! Prayers are our way to talk with God and I feel you!

    Happy Monday to you!

  2. @Lovebabz...


    My health is my wealth. Really though. I think I'm going to say that 100 times a day or something till it STICKS, Babz.

    You know, I was doing well with managing my work schedule, but we've had a bunch of technical difficulties with my equipment, which was only recently solved. I've been battling deep in the trenches, and things will be getting better.

    I would like to inform you I will only be working 5-6 hours a day next week. And that's all. My boss had that wild look in her eye when I said it, but OH WELL. I have to eat up some of my credit time, which I have waaaay too much of... That is time beyond my regular sick and vatication time.
    And the working for free thing, uh... let's just say, national crises ain't all that important to me.

    I heard one of the most important things I've ever heard a few years ago.

    Prayer is suppose to be conversation.

    Hmm... Makes you look at things a whole lot differently, don't it. We get answers to our prayers all the time, it just ain't the answer we want to hear...

    (Well, at least that's how it happens with me).


    Thanks for that, Chile.

  3. Welcome back...I have been longing for a thesis-sized post. I was out today, but not by choice. I've been doing a multitude of things with regard to this financial "crisis" of them being to re-read Write It Down, Make it Happen and The Secret. Good times.

  4. I been wondering where you've been.
    I come through here a lot..Don't comment all of the time..but I come through here. (I know,I'm such a lurker..) I may be taking a little time off from blogging too..
    Just a few days..Haven't had much to blog about and have really had to force myself to write something for "Keith's Space" , while on my
    creative writing blog "Escapades" I have been working on a murder mystery- "The Blogger Who Loved Me." You can link to my other blog from "Keith's Space." Check it out when you get a chance...I'm almost finished..After I finish that..I'm gonna chill for a few days like you did..Then I'll be back.

  5. Anonymous5:07:00 PM

    110-120 hours at work?! **screaming** I would go crazy. They know not to ask me to work overtime. I would gladly work if we go overtime pay. Bump extra vacation time. I want extra pay. LOL

  6. @The LBeezy... You were NOT waiting for a long post. Goodness, that means I was away too long.

    Hope you are okay, and good looking out on using your resources. Do what you gotta do to get yourself through, girl!


    You know, I saw you mention your other blog. I was like DANG! This brother already be posting about some interesting stuff as it is THEN he go and hook up some stories somewhere! OH MY!

    I may do that myself. I have a ton of stories lying around. I may have to go gleen some of your tactics.

    That has been on my mind since then. You KNOW I'm gonna go have a look at that. You know how much I love your personal blog as it is. Some stories? OH MY.

    Let me stop tripping. You gonna think I'm a nut for real.

    A break was needed. I've been writing posts, but not posting them, just hanging them in draft to use a ittle later. My mind has been buzzing with calculations and technical stuff lately. Gotta get back to what's real!!

    Take a break. We all will be around here, doing our thing!

    And I have a gazillion lurkers. Lurk til your hearts content:)

    @That Southern Black Gal...

    My overtime is a dollar above my regular pay. I don't know what fool came up with that, and this new director we have likes to place limits on our overtime. They actually had to come up with "comp time" hours for me, which is time (An Oldgirl don't need no doggone time. I have 6 weeks of vacation time. BUMP TIME!)

    The extra pay cleared up some extracurricular things I was trying to do. Wasn't particularly concerned, as I have gotten to the point where I recognize that stuff will take care of itself if I'm sincere and don't do no bootleg craziness, lol. So, if anything good came out of it, that was it.

    But anyway, overtime, especially FORCED overtime, is the pits. It is at these times that I understand how valuable my time (and my life) are!!! And I need my free time to do things I need to do and/or enjoy doing!!!!

  7. Glad you're keeping up on the health issues.

    Girl, you praise Him like you mean it, and the way that works for you. God is interested in sincerity of the heart. Amen! Do you girl and get yours!

    You are a mad writer. Dang if these long posts are only a taste of what you can really put out. We're blessed to be in your company.

    By the way, I understand about keeping it smurfy. I wrote a post last week that’s still in draft and won’t ever make it out. Ya hear! Some issues are meant to stay personal. It’s a good thing we recognize that.

  8. You sho' 'nuf made up for not posting...You know I wear these glasses and I have minimal patience--so it took me a while to get through this one. Laughed out loud at your convos with God. So I'm not that crazy after all there are others like me out there (OMG!) should hear me converse with the Big Guy...and I live with 3 other folks--they are used to it because I can get LOUD and CRAZY... LOL! Happy Belated Columbus Day you gubment worker--How I wish you had put the replica of the Nina the Pinta or the Santa Maria on your front lawn and taken a picture of it...I would have loved it!

  9. I was off yesterday too...but I'm at work today. I could say that sucks...but err ummm...with the way the market has been going up and down i'm glad to have a damn job to go to ya know?!

    Hopefully you will cut down on all that working...that's a lot of damn hours!

    Sending a happy early birthday to Chele!

  10. I'm late - but um, don't be working all of those crazy hours either. You need to be sure to get ya rest. Go home and cook something - need ideas? LOL

  11. 110 hours?! At a company you don't own?? Hell to the naw!! We need to make a run to the outlets to spend that extra dollar! LOL!

    You better take care of yourself girl!!!

  12. I love the image of you talking to God like that. I do the same thing. Keep throwing those prayers up and out!

    But, girl, you need to take care of yourself! That's too many hours on that job, especially if you have a chronic illness.

  13. How many hours of work in 2 weeks??? What the devil? LL, what in the heck are you doin' luv? And I thought that I worked hard.. -lol- better take care of that ass luv. It's the only one you got and you know how our bodies be. Things jump off with them when we least expect it. So do better next time!

  14. I received my package today! I posted pictures of it on the blog. Thank you soooooo much. I haven't read the story because I wanted to say thanks real quick. You are the woman!!

  15. glad you are back and jealous of Chele's cookies! LOL

    Stop working all those crazy hours.

    Take Care

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