Yep, I'm still here. It's Friday, my last day here. I fly out tomorrow morning.
I'm feeling a bit sluggish. I'm so use to walking a couple of miles each morning, that not doing that while on this trip has me dragging just a bit. It's gonna me something else getting home and getting back to my old routine.
This has turned out to be a REALLY nice city. No, I didn't find people with horse and buggy around here. It's a modern place!
I love the lab that I'm working in for the week. Sooooo much nicer than ours, but it's out in the Boondocks. Runs a lot smoother, too. But alas, I'll be going back to my own.
And... it's a LOT of men running around here. They are a bit different than ATL men. They don't have that down low look about them. LOL. If it wasn't a shame, and if I was a cougar, I'd pack one in my suitcase and take 'em back to the ATL!
I've gotten MUCH writing done while here. Over 4100 words. I may get more done today, because I won't be all that busy at work (we finished what we needed to get done yesterday here in Little Rock.) So I'm happy about that.
Hotel's been GREAT! Especially that morning complimentary breaksfast bar!
I've been more interested in the fruity side of the breakfast bar. I've enhaled much of the cantaloupe, honeydew melon, and grapefruit wedges.
If no one was looking, I'd take one of my gallon size ziploc bags down there and load up.
I've been impressed with the fresh fruit and veggies in Little Rock. I have a horrendous time when I travel, but everything has been quite good, and I've been able to find the stuff I like to eat. I'm thankful that the Southern Black Gal took time to run me to a local Whole Foods for some supplies!
Speaking of Southern Black Gal, we hung out last night. We had dinner at Red Lobster, and I rode shotgun as we took a tour through one of the hoods.
Funny. It looks like my hood. Same street names. Same churches.
The hood is the hood all over the world, I suppose.
And I've heard some of this Drake music that everybody likes. Sounds good. But give me LL Cool J. And Run DMC. Yes. I'm oldschool. All day, every day!
Overall, it's been a great visit. Learned much on the job, and some of the young bruhs and I are suppose to shoot a little pool today. (Yes, that dayum goverment lab has a rec center complete with weight rooms, ping pong tables and pool tables. We ain't got it like that on my job! HUMPH!)
But I am ready to go on home. I know Oscar is around there thinking "What the hell?" Especially with the automatic lights I have set up coming on at night.
And I hope that cat conserved his food and water. I don't want to return home to an ANGRY dehydrated starving Original Oldcat!
So that's my freestyle for this Friday.
Y'all have a great day, and a great weekend... on purpose!
I am so glad you got some much needed break from the craziness here and nice eye candy to boot. You cant beat that! Welcome home.