Soooooo glad it's FRIDAY!
*backflips, cartwheels and SPLITS*
Man, it's been a long long week. Been working like a DOG! I've been scrambling hard due to having a doctor's appointment on Tuesday. I could have left my doctor's appointment and reported on in to work but...
Didn't do that. No way, no how. Just too k the day off and enjoyed my day.
My doctor's appointment was ho-hum. I was there a little longer than I should've been because it was lunchtime for the dude who does my bloodwork, so that was a bit annoying waiting to get that done. But the waiting room is nicer now. It use to be chocked full of people, and if you know anything about Henry County... well, the trailer park crew would be up in there and uh... that was NOT a good thing.
Next appointment is in 6 weeks... that will roll around soon enough.
HUGE development at work last night. My current supervisor has been promoted, and will no longer be associated with us. I am happy for her, because she just hasn't cared much about us over the past year. Our group is in complete turmoil, and I couldn't figure out why... And it was because she was jumping ship.
This was rumored some months ago. To the point where I went and said something to her about it. I had been in conversations with a couple peeps over in the other building, who are in the department she's taken over. They were hollering
"We need a director who will stand up for us against the upper level people! We hear your boss is gonna be our new director!"
*lee snickering HARD*
Had me laughing. My boss ain't standing up for them! WOW!
Now this bunch of folks are... how can I put it. You remember the movie "Do the Right Thing?" And how Radio Raheem and the other black dude were tripping on the Italian man's pizza shop, hollering 'bout "Why aren't there in any black people's pictures up on the wall?"
Real militant, solidarity type folk...
*snickering hard*
Let's just say their last director refused to meet with them, and sat in her office and read her books all day. My boss won't do that, but she ain't gonna stand up for them. I even went and said something to my boss.
"Sonya and them... they CRAZY! THEY CRAZY!"
My boss was saying something about we always starting rumors. Wasn't a rumor, I see. She's in for one hell of a ride. Good for her. Hope that works out for her. Not sure what will happen with our group. She's leaving it in complete turmoil. Hopefully we will rise up again.
Someone was telling me to apply for the supervisor position. I'll slit my wrists and throw myself off the roof before that happens. That is not my calling in life. I am not a "Yes" man. Nope.
Anyway, that will be the talk of the day. I was on the phone for awhile yacking with Cowgirl Cre last night.
On to other things...
Post of the week. Two good ones. One from one of my favorite bloggers, the Infamous La, intitled Sleep in the Middle, a very nice veiled piece on choices and motives. (You know how I feel about motives). Very good, La. Made me think.
Another is by my future president of these United States of America. She'll be the first black female president, and she'll do it anonymously, lol... Yes, Ms. Not So Anonymous wrote a very FINE post that appeared to be about networking, but it was more of a detailed look on Purpose, Passion, Character and Gratefulness. Very good piece. Go check that out.
Yeah, she's working on her presidential speeches already. Go gal!
Quote of the Week: From Miss Celie... I won't link her, but she posted this over on Facebook:
"Dear Democrats, I am going to vote, ok. But these this last-minute entreaties feel kinda like a middle-of-the-night booty call. Dems, you never send me flowers, check on me just to see how I'm feeling... but now you need a vote and you blow up my facebook, my email, telling me how important I am, how you can't live w/o me... Who knew that the Democratic Party was the reincarnation of my bad boyfriend from college."
Yeah... this whole election thing feels like a late night booty call. I don't care for the voting season at all, but I will vote. I've done my research, and I'm ready to vote!
Make sure you vote!
Song of the week. "Heartbeat" by Seduction
That's a manufactured group right there. And the lead singer ain't the best sanger in the world. But we use to love that song some 20 years ago... That wss the cut back then!
Well, that's it for my freestyles... I am looking forward to my weekend.
You have a good weekend! On purpose!