I would like to wish all of you who make yourself at home at The House of LadyLee a very safe and Happy Thanksgiving!
I've been around. Just super busy. We are low on people at work, and I absolutely kick myself for working during the holidays. I always have much more to do at work, and by the time I get home, I am all tuckered out! Ugh.
It's bad to have great posts swirling in my head, and I just don't have the energy to work on them. It's been more of a backburner type of ordeal. Shame on me. But I have other priorities at home right now that soak up some of my blog time, too.
But today is a NEW day. Thanksgiving day. And I wish you a Happy One.
Thanksgiving is a day we give thanks. I don't care for the one "day" of giving thanks. What about the other days of the year? What about the nameless days, the uncelebrated days for the year?
I am more cognizant of giving thanks each and EVERY day.
365 days a year.
And what am I most thankful for today?
What I said above: A NEW day.
I am thankful for seeing this NEW day. For it was never promised. It was never written in stone that you or I would see today.
And we all know tomorrow isn't promised.
For yesterday, someone in the world didn't awake from their slumber.
Someone was on their way to work, thinking about what they were doing for Thanksgiving, excited for a day off... and they died in a car accident. Somewhere in the world, THAT happened.
Someone in the world didn't make it home last night. They died... suddenly.
And someone in this world didn't wake up this morning... to this day they were so excited about.
But if you're reading this now ---> You are here, to witness a NEW day.
I've seen a small shift in my prayers over the past month... and it's a good thing.
Lord, This is a day that you have made, and I will rejoice and be glad in it. It's a day that has never been seen before by man... This day has been thought of, planned for, and anticipated, but not seen or experienced.
I am thankful for this NEW day... another day to grow, to get it right. I thank You in advance that I will have a positive impact on someone today, and that I will do a great job today. I am in great expectation of walking in my purpose today, and You showing Yourself strong today in my life.
That's the gist of the beginning of my morning prayers. I've come to the point where I'm excited for a NEW day. It don't matter if I'm happy or sad, mad or glad, angry or joyful...it's a new day.
It doesn't matter if that day is celebrated or not. It's a new day.
A brand new day.
Great things will happen TODAY.
And for me, that has made much of a difference.
It is almost as if I am setting the course for my day. I'm setting my attitude and constitution for the day.
And that's a good thing.
So today, on Thanksgiving, I say the same.
And I wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving...
And many more happy days.
Happy Thanksgiving! Have a GRATEful day! Thank you for the reminder about what Thanksgiving is truly about.