Friday, October 20, 2017

Friday Freestyles

Man... I have not posted ALL week.

I have wanted to. But I've been super busy. But it is rare for me NOT to post.

I am glad it is Friday. This has been an odd week in the ATL because there have been some cold days. This, of course has left me completely confused because I have to throw on a jacket in the mornings. I even noticed the leaves on the trees in my backyard turning colors.

So I guess summer is over and fall has officially arrived.

But today is a warm day, so I am wearing my capris for the last time this year.

Notorious J. My nephew had his official "birthday" last Sunday. He was born 9 weeks premature, and on last Sunday he turned 9 weeks old. He is a far cry from the high yellow tiny baby born then.

I think I took that picture some 15 minutes after his birth. And I was thinking "He sure is light-skinned-ed!"

My friend Dawn, a massage therapist, called my sister over for a massage. I think my sister needed it because she had been a little stressed about starting back to work that Monday.

But guess who also got a massage?

That Notorious J!

It  must've been a good massage because he sure did lift up that arm!

He even fell asleep on the table.


That made my whole entire week!

He is getting big.  I know he has to be over 6 pounds. I use to be able to pick him up like I pick up a little potato chip bag but no more! He is heavy and solid. Still little, though.

But overall, my week has been a good one. Hard, but good.

Song of the Week.  So... North Carolina rapper Rapsody released a new CD last week titled Laila's Wisdom. I have been waiting for it because GOOD female rappers are few and far between. And one rapping something of substance is an anomaly.

But here's a song from Crown, the mixtape that came out before the CD.

How AWESOME and positive is that!

Loved-ed that.

And I loved the CD. I will talk more about it next week!.

That's it for me!

I am looking forward to a great weekend.  I need to get a haircut. And I am going to a book club meeting.

Fun fun fun!!


  1. What a beautiful child! My grandchildren were tiny when they were born so I understand what you mean about the weight gain. They do fatten up quickly. Have fun with the little one--they are so delightful!

  2. Love that song!

    Big J with that arm!! The way he has it in that incubator like his birth just wore him out!!


Slap the *crickets* out the way, kindly step up to the mike, and SAY something!!