Monday, June 15, 2020

Monday Night Fights


Saturday night, I was sitting here, minding my business, crocheting. I don't remember what I was watching on television. (That means it was downright boring). I heard a few booms. I thought, hmm, that's not gunshots. And it doesn't sound like fireworks.

My phone started blowing up. Folks wanted to know if I was alright.

Ain't that the Wendy's over by you?

Turn on CNN!!!!

I learned later that they were the flash grenades, the noise gear used to push back protesters.

What happened, you may ask?

Well there was a protest down at Wendys that is 1/2 mile from my house.

Someone was shot by the police there the night before. I didn't know about this, as I try not to watch much news on the weekend.

And of course, it was all captured on cell phone camera.

So some white folks got mad. And burned down the Wendys.

A half mile from my house! WTF!!!!!!

I haven't been to that Wendys in a couple of years. Why? Because the drive-thru was the slowest on the planet. It would be ok in the mornings, but at night? You will be waiting for 15-20 minutes. Sometimes longer if you go at the wrong times. I myself have dozed off sitting in that danggone line!

And what happened with Mr. Brooks was that he was sitting in line, in his car in the drive-thru, and he fell asleep. The police came, got him out the car, and they had a civil conversation from what I can see for some 20 minutes. They determined he was legally intoxicated, so they tried to arrest him. But when they were trying to arrest him, there was a struggle. He broke loose and ran. And he got shot.

Yes he turned around and pointed the taser.


Knock it off. What kind of training do the police get? Lawd.

Alas, the Wendys is gone. This is crazy. And when that was going on, a whole azz protest March passed down the cross street next to my house. I could see it from my house. And it was LOUD.  I think this was just a neighborhood March. They have had them up in Grant Park by the Atlanta Zoo. They seem to just pop up.

This is TOOO much.

I heard an interesting comment on a talk show out of Cincinnati today. And I have been thinking about it all day. It concerned the psychological mentality of us all right now.

Tell me, the caller said.. What is imprinted on all of our minds right now... for the past couple of weeks.

Watching George Floyd die on TV right in front of our eyes.

So what will happen if the police try to handcuff you right now?

The caller said... getting the hell on. Fighting for your life... because they are going to kill me.

Who knows. But it is most likely the most probable scenario. Especially after I watched the 20 minutes of body cam video.

You know what is sad, though? We are all armchair quarterbacks. We don't know what we would do in that situation. Me, I probably would have broke out crying, or fainted. Because the police got me and they gonna kill me.

Why not? Didn't we just see that play out on TV?

Man oh man... it's too much to think about. Too much.

Coronavirus. COVID-19 is still out here in these mean streets.

But peeps acting like everything is all good now. NO IT AIN'T. There are spikes in many states. We need to be on lockdown longer. I go to the store once per week, and I am not seeing any family (Only my Uncle's wife- I take supplies to them every 4-6 weeks- and we stand outside, some 10 feet apart).

But things with get worse with people all out, with no masks. It is daunting getting the masks and sanitizer together before leaving to go to the store. It is daunting to make sure I go at a time where there are less people at the store, usually in the mornings on a weekday, before lunch time. It takes a psychological tole on me.  But daggonit, I am just trying to stay alive. That's it!

Power outage.  there was a power outage at my house around two o'clock in the afternoon on Sunday. And it was funny because, the power outage woke me up from a nap. I had dozed off on the couch, tv all up loud, and then I noticed... complete quiet. And that woke me up.

I jumped up, because it was an opportunity to change the heater element in my oven. It had gone out three months ago. Somehow it broke. I think some cheese dropped on it from a pizza or something, and I never really got it off (Yes, I thought it could just burn off). And lo and behold, it cracked in half.

I ordered another heating element 3 months ago. But I wasn't pressed about changing it, though.

Why? Because I RARELY use my oven. I use it to make cookies. That's it, most times. And with the covid-19 going on, I ain't baking nothing for nobody. I use my toaster oven for most things: baked chicken, warming up food, everything that requires an oven. Over the years, I've just hated turning on a oven unless I am doing pizza or baking multiple items.  I do not even have a microwave (although I would have liked one during these times. Really, tho).

But I jumped up and changed the element while the power was out. I didn't change it earlier too, because I didn't want anything to go wrong with the breakers for the stove. Don't know why that bothers me, but it did. So I changed the element... in 5 minutes, once I figured out what Philips head screwdriver I needed. I also changed the backup battery for my cellular house alarm. In 2 minutes. Go figure.

"Lord, you must've let this power go out so I could get this stuff done," I sang.

Maybe. Maybe not.

But I am always consoled in the fact that God thinks of me in that way. By faith.

That's it for Monday night fights! I do not have a song for the day, as I didn't listen to any song a bunch of times like I usually do. Sigh.

Wait a minute. Yes I do. Song of the day   "Sally Ride" by Janelle Monae.

This is one of my favorite songs. I am thinking of one lyric from the song in particular. It's how I feel right now.

"I'm packing my spacesuit, and I'm taking my shit and moving to the moon!"

Because it's just too much mess going on, man!

Today you're alive. Tomorrow you can be a #hashtage.


And peep this: we haven't even made it through the first half of the year!!!"

*ladylee fights air with fists*

But I am happy for a new week. I had to tell myself that, as I attended the 15 minute pep talk and prayer and confession that my pastor does on the Facebook every morning. Doggonit.

Jesus take the wheel! We need your help! Ugh.

Rest in Peace, Rashard Brooks.

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Slap the *crickets* out the way, kindly step up to the mike, and SAY something!!