Wednesday, January 17, 2024


Testing Negative. FINALLY!
Thank goodness. I try to test myself every 48 hours, and for the last couple of tests before the one above, I was seeing a faint positive line. And I was wondering.... Lawd have mercy will this ever go away?

Yes it did. I am keeping this negative test. 

Looking back on it, it was definitely an experience to deal with. I can understand how things can go BAD very quickly. I have never been THAT thirsty and parched with a cold or the flu. Wow. I could not drink enough water. I felt like I felt when I visited Denver, Colorado back in 2001, the weekend of 9-11... I could not get enough water. 

And oddly enough, I felt okay during the day. I was even able to work. Granted, I work from home. Ain't like I really had to get dressed, fight traffic, and get on into a building. But when the nighttime came, I was feeling like I had wandered into the Terrordome. 

My supervisor was wailing hard. I was looking forward to our biweekly 1:1 meeting, as I had some questions about an addendum to a report I'd been working on. He asked how I was doing, and I said fine, just dealing with the covid. All my work questions and discussions I had outlined on a scratch piece of paper went to dust. He was hollering "You must get some rest! And if you need anything, let us know."

*LadyLee wondering hard how he can help me when he's in Maryland*

My questions were not answered, and I was NOT in the mood to be trying to get a word in edgewise. He will correct my document and get it back to me eventually. 


But I am just glad it is over. I wish I knew which doggone variant I had. I was reading that this version is not Omicron, but some variant of it. The original omicron is over. 

Right now, I have a lingering cough. And I'll take that. As long as it disappears soon.

Be though as it may... I will continue to mask and sanitize. 

I am just glad it's over with.


  1. Cool. Over the weekend quench any thirst that comes up with a couple of beers and a vodka & Redbull :) Please drink responsibly though....

  2. Anonymous12:18:00 AM

    I caught it back in Sept. my granddaughter brought it home from school. It was the weirdest feeling ever. I felt high, had fever, sore.. burning throat and this horrible urge to cough up something from my lungs but nothing was there. I took drugs prescribed by my doctor and was feeling better in 2 weeks. I'd been vaccinated prior.

    Mary in Louisiana


Slap the *crickets* out the way, kindly step up to the mike, and SAY something!!