If I hear one more doggone thing about Tiger Woods and his woman, I'ma scream!
I myself am quite perplexed by it all... but not for the reasons you would think.
It is something that's a constant on the airwaves right now. Text messages, voicemail messages. Man... it's a bit daunting.
I usually have the television on while I'm doing other things -cleaning up, getting ready for work, the mundane activities of my life....
And I am bombarded with the ultimate details of someone else's life. Geez.
I really don't care who the man is screwing. Obviously his wife does. And rightfully so.
And it reminds me of a quote from my church notes some years ago. I posted it on the blog, but I can't track it down to get the exact phrasing. But it goes a little something like this:
"We are so intimately interested in the lives of stars and celebrities, know every little detail of what's going on in their lives, yet we have no real control or interest or even know what's going on with our own lives."
This is what this whole fiasco reminds me of. And it doesn't help that we are pounded day after day with this useless information.
It's something that will not increase my being or integrity or self esteem one iota.
I sit here and wonder, why a man, who happens to be a billionaire... who happens to be a black man (bump all this caublasian madness. You is BLACK, Tiger).
Not only a billionaire, but has the perfect blonde white wife.
White women are prized in our society. Above all else.
Got all this. The PERFECT life.
Why on earth would he do these things? What if one of these women had HIV or AIDS? What if one was a little "off" in the head, and busted out with some fatal attraction madness?
Maybe I'm the only one who thinks of all these things. Scary.
It all points back to one thing: the intangibles are more precious and important than the tangibles.
Things like integrity, honesty, faithfulness, unselfishness and the like are more important than all the money and status and appearances of perfection in the world.
And I thought of it as I read something in my devotional reading yesterday.
"The decline of commitment to excellence in these last days coupled with the increase of mediocrity that results from a lack of integrity adds up to an all-time low in the world's standard of values."
I remember as a child, I use to walk around with a long white towel on my head, pretending that it was long luxurious blonde hair, pretending that I was a perfect white woman. Wanting to be what I deemed perfect.
This reminds me that such perfection may not exist. And yeah I stop doing that mess many many years ago.
Tiger don't care about me. He don't pay my bills. He doesn't consider me of value.
Shoot, man... he don't even consider his perfect model wife of value.
But it reminds me to take stock of my own life.
And to thank God that my idiosyncracies and imperfection are not displayed for all the public to see and to discuss and to ponder.
And it reminds me to work on my own life...
And just plain ol' being honest with myself, where I'm at in life, and what I need to work on.
Tiger has enough money to throw at all the women involved to take care of his situation.
Unfortunately I don't. And I don't want it that way.
I am a work in progress. And I must do the WORK on myself in order to progress.
And all the money in the world can't pay for that process.
Hopefully Tiger will figure that out.
I already have... without the help of fame and fortune.
Ya'll have a great weekend.
And do that on purpose.
Why on earth would he do these things?
ReplyDeleteSimple: Because he can. We look at this from a woman's point of view and wonder why. That's not how men think. Bryan and I were talking about this and I said "all this nonsense is not news." Bryan said, "Poor Tiger." Poor Tiger???? Are you kidding me? I had to clarify to him that I didn't feel sorry for the brotha, I just don't feel him screwing around on his wife is newsworthy. Elin is in the same boat with Dina McGreevey, Slida Spitzer, Hillary Clinton, Jacqueline Jackson and Vanessa Bryant (and countless others): married to powerful men who believe that their position gives them the right to disrespect and humiliate the women in their lives. Bastards.
Yes, yes... poor Tiger.
ReplyDeleteChele... I'm just glad he didn't jump out that car and put his hands on that woman. He'd know what's up then. Dude would be up UNDER the jail. Glad he was passed out.
Ain't nothing new under the sun.
Position, power, and money gives a man a right to disrespect and humiliate the women in their lives. Society has approved that as what is right. Living the "high life."
This thing happens all the time. I wonder how many other golfers are doing the same thing, but it isn't reported because it won't get viewers... not "sensationalistic" enough.
A soldier was probably killed in Iran or Iraq today. Do we know his name? No.
But we know every minimal detail of Tiger's sex life.
Oh. Joy.
Yeah, that really helps me in my life, don't it?? Really does.
"Things like integrity, honesty, faithfulness, unselfishness and the like are more important than all the money and status and appearances of perfection in the world."
ReplyDeleteI'm going to borrow this quote, if you don't mind. ;-)
Last night, I was watching the telly and it seemed like almost every station was talking about that mess. Is it going to hurt his career?...are his endorsements going to pull the plug?...yada, yada.
ReplyDeleteI am so done with it all.
ReplyDeleteFeel free to use that one, Mama!
I don't know. Integrity, appearances, selfishness... THAT'S what was on my mind just watching all this. Okay, so he's the perfect man. Okay. Well, they brought you down bruh. There was a HUGE discussion this morning of his prenup negotiation and how much he will have to pay her to stay with her.
Appearances of perfection... what a pretty prison to live in. Pretty pretty prison indeed.
I wouldn't trade my seemingly imperfect life for none of this, honey. Nope.
I have to go on and focus on what's more important... stuff that will never make the news, you know.
@Ali... Is it gonna hurt his career? Is it gonna hurt his endorsements? yada yada...
ReplyDeleteLook here, Shorty don't pay my bills. Until he jump this way and pay this mortgage. OH WELL. He got isshas, and I hope he uh, work all that out.
More importantly, he better sleep with one eye open so he can see when ol Elin run up on him with the hot grits.
I hope the grandiose amount of money he has take care of the situation. Really.
Integrity is something that most people don't think twice about. I read something yesterday about his renegotiation of his prenup and how much additional Elin would get if she remained. Most people were speculating that he wants to "appear" to be a family man. Reminds me of how much people are willing to sacrifice for appearances sake. Not just wealthy people, but regular people as well.
ReplyDeleteTiger Woods ,the world's most famous "Caublasian" is going to find out that although he's been allowed to eat cavier...The world
ReplyDeletestill pictures him as sitting at the table with brothers like me,eating Chicken and Collard Greens. When he learns that,They'll
still be a place at the table set for him.
Powerful men are not the only ones disrespecting and humiliating their wives and family for their "transgressions."
ReplyDeleteMen like Tiger want their cake and eat it too.
I co-sign with Serenity, it's all about appearance.