And we's free!
I suppose. That's what they say on the TV. Memorial Day weekend is upon us! And it's going to be a fantastically beautiful weekend. So they have opened the country back up, and we can all get together as long as we are doing our social distancing and have our masks on.
Bump that.
LadyLee don't leave the house unless I'm going to the grocery store and to the pharmacy. And that is once a week at the most. I prefer once every 2 weeks, but my baby greens for my salad don't last that long.
I ain't going about business as usual until Mayor Keisha SAY go back to business as usual.
That's right. I ain't doing nothing unless Keisha say do it.
Man, I just did a grocery store run. Best item I scored is some Chow-Chow!
I love this stuff. It reminds me of my Great-grandmother Minnie Bell, and how she would make a big batch of it a couple of times a year in this big metal mixing bowl as big as the sun. So I buy some every now and again. It goes great with collard greens. This jar will last me 2-3 years (yes, it takes me that long to get through it). I don't even remember how much it cost. I snatched it up that fast.
Yes, things are back to normal out here in these ATL streets. And I want to let you know that these people are out in these Covid streets, and they ain't thinking about social distancing and they don't give a damn about masks.
I had on my mask today, and I had my sanitizer. I had on my headscarf. And I navigated these streets well enough. But that don't mean that I need to put on the bikini and head to the beach. And it don't mean I'm going to be in anybody restaurant or bar. Not going to the church house. None of that.
Going back to normal when Keisha say go back to normal.
I don't know what day this is of teleworking. They are still trying to come up with a plan at work. Right now, we are all required to wear masks when we come back. That is all they have figured out so far. Right now, I am tired of thinking about it. We will get back when we get back. One day, this will be in the past. Let us hope that it will be over soon.
So if you didn't hear, today a study came out in a respected medical journal that the Hydrochloroquine that our beloved president has been touting is basically trash. They found that there was a 30% increased chance of death and over a 300% increased chance of heart arrhythmia.
I told ya'll that drug is a problem. And if you believe the president is taking it, I have a bridge in downtown Atlanta that I can sell your right now for the low price, $19.95. Humph.
And he is ordering all places of worship open.
All that singing and shouting and spitting...
We are stuck in a BAD reality show. And we can't turn the channel.
This all feels Jim Jones-ish to me. I will peer at it all this curiously from my window seat.
In other news, I got my taxes back and I am ready to ball! Ball til I FALL...At the house. As much as possible as I can in the house!
Song of the Week. " Tonight" by Sweet Sable
I really like this song and was reading the comments section and found out she died on April 10th from the Covid. She had that same lung problem that Bernie Mac had, sarcodosis [sic], and the virus just exasperated it. Rest in Peace, Sweet Sable.
One more song, this one more familiar.
That's sooooo '90s.
I hope this pandemic is over soon.
Ya'll be safe out here.
That was the jam! I always drop in to see what Ladylee is talmbout. Had to stay off IG, cause the world. Glad all is well with you. Did you ever do a post on An American Marriage?