Thursday, August 06, 2015

FOUR Thursday Thoughts (Workplace Edition)

More thoughts. On a Thursday, no less.  Four thoughts... how random is that?

1. So... I am in charge of my group, the beloved Tob.acco group today.

*LadyLee jumps up from cubicle and struts with the hard dap down the cubicle area...then dances like she's going down the soul train line*

"Check it out, ya'll," I holler, my hands raised in victory. "We not working in the lab today. We're gonna work it all out and have a 4 hour meeting at the Piedmont Park, down by the pool area, down by the swings!"

One of my coworkers peered at me curiously. "Send an email," he said.

Uh, I see how folks are.  They want a paper trail. Not gonna happen.

2. I have a bunch of maintenance to do today. Oil changes, column changes, etc. I made sure to wear clothes that I can get good and dirty.  Oil always gets past my lab coat for some reason.

3. I have been working on reports for 3 weeks. My boss, who is new said something special. "I really like the way you write."   That make me smile big like Celie. I am glad of that. It is hard switching between technical scientific writing and creative writing. There have been times that I have read some of my workplace writing and said "Gee, this reads like a story."

Let's just say I enjoy creative writing more. Sigh.

4. There is some mention that we may start analyzing marij.uana. My eyes glazed over and I got the shakes thinking about it.  I told my boss, "Look here, man... I use to smoke weed. Ain't smoked in 20 years, but ain't no WAY I'm gonna work with weed. No way!"

Oh how folks laugh. Oh how folks laugh every time I say this.

It ain't funny.  Can't they see the fear in my eyes?

I'd be like Pookie from New Jack City.

Swap out the crack pipe for a fat blunt and that's me.



  1. Replies
    1. I'm trying to warn these folks... No way!

  2. At least you are honest!! You may or may not be tempted, but you don't want to find out!!

  3. I'm thinking weed can't be that bad because they (Fed. Gov.) are really debating on making it legal (legal medical use in some states). If they do make it legal, I may try it (took a drag from a blunt in college with no effects. Just one inhale though.

    1. Oh it WILL be made legal in all 50 states. You can see that fast coming down the track. And it will all have to regulate it. No way I'm working with that stuff every day. My goodness. TOOOO tempting.

    2. I think Georgia just passed the medicinal marijuana law in some restricted form. I think the oil is now legal. That's what I saw on CNN. Now this is the south. So you know it will be law everywhere. Oh joy. Can't wait to see how THAT pans out.

    3. Just read an article on synthetic marijuana use in NYC. Didn't know there was such a thing. Watch out girl, you may have to work with K2.

  4. #4 all too true for me too Ladylee. I couldn't work with it. Clinical kryptonite. Pure Jamaican and an overactive libido nearly ruined my life. I was a wild and reckless twenty-something. I had a saved girlfriend that literally snatched me from that lifestyle. When I think of the goodness of Jesus...

    1. I was like that in my 20s. But I was smoking to get through grad school. No more. And I don't volunteer to work with it, lol.

  5. Run Lee Run! Don't let them get you! LOL!

    1. Man, what's wrong with your phone. You've been leaving double and triple comments. Humph.

  6. I am cracking up at the weed comments. Dang. LOL. I hope you don't have to work with it.

    1. If I have to, I will. But I won't be happy about it. I am sure they will have safeguards in place. But I am sure my boss saw the terror in my eyes.

  7. Are the other states seeing the revenue generator that weed is? Or the Federal government?

  8. 😂😂😂😂


Slap the *crickets* out the way, kindly step up to the mike, and SAY something!!