Saturday, November 21, 2009

Hello Saturday!

You know, I love Saturdays.

And the only thing I don't like about them is that they are over much too soon. Saturdays need to be 100 hours long or something like that. LOL

Anyway, I am STILL in bed.

Shame on ME.

Not really. I am BONE TIRED.

We worked very hard yesterday. I work from 10-7 pm, and around 5:30, I started hollering all over the place:

"Ya'll done got down! Ya'll done worked a broad to death, man!"

Yes. I was just that tired. I had lollipop dreams yesterday morning of going to church last night. I would still be laid out sleep in a pew right now, lol. That was not going down. I went to the grocery store and came on home and immediately got in the bed.

I didn't sleep all night. I had 150 pages left in my book to read, and I read myself asleep... Woke up early, and kept reading. I actually finished it. Handle with Care by Jodi Picoult was a VERY good book. Waaaaay too long, but good indeed.

I have no huge plans for the weekend. I only want to figure out how to get up to the northside for this book club meeting without rolling through too much rain. Right now it's overcast. I NEEDS for it to stay that way.

And if I can get some writing done and more rest... Then I'm all good.



  1. The Green Eyed Bandit10:41:00 AM

    Yeah! You finished the book. I knew you could do it. AND the rain is suppose to hold off until tomorrow.

  2. I second the motion, Saturdays should be 100 hours long!

  3. I thought the bookclub was over? I stayed in the bed all day yesterday until like 6. That was hard to do with a kid knocking on my door every ten mins.


Slap the *crickets* out the way, kindly step up to the mike, and SAY something!!