Alas, the night is still young. And it is till Sunday, you know.
And I don't have anything to talk about.
Been chilling all day. I've spent the last couple of hours getting some writing done. So I'm happy about that.
I've spent most of the day following the progress of my Fantasy Football team, The Collie Park Original Oldboys...
...Where our motto is
"No helmets... just afros and BLING!"

Yeah, that's how we get down.
I'm in 2 leagues. I am 8-1-1 in one league, and 4-6 in another. HARD SIGH.
They got me staring at the television screen (while I'm trying to crochet) yelling:
"Run Shawty, RUN!!!"
I think Oscar-Tyrone gave me the side-eye for making up so much noise.
But it's been that kind of Sunday. I refused to get out in the streets today, as it is cold and rainy. I'll deal with the madness tomorrow.
And this will be a 2 day workweek for your friendly neighborhood Oldgirl.
And I know I'll be working like a dog...
But as for now, I'm going to enjoy the rest of my Sunday... rain and all.
It's jacked up that I waited this late to fold 3 loads of clothes, but oh well. I'ma work it out. It tends to be a soothing activity, you know.
Now carry on with the rest of your Sunday...
Ha yep you fooled me!