Today's a GREAT day!
It is currently 67 degrees in Downtown ATL. That is odd, because it's been ARSE HAWT for the past month. And it explains why I am cold right now.
*lee turning off ceiling fan and pulling down comforter up to her chin*
I am OFF!
This is GOOD!!
I have a late morning doctor's appointment. No use in going to work. Plus they were tripping last time about a half day off. So uh, how bout I just take the whole day.
I feel a little off after my blood work anyway. I need to go sit down and relax.
Plus i don't need to hear my doctor give me the third degree about going to work. "Why you going to work, Doc? Take the day off!!!"
She is corrupting me.
Anyway this was a great weekend!!!
I had some new Memory foam mattresses delivered. I slept like the Queen of England last night. Woooooowwww!! Woke up singing like an opera singer! I will be writing about that soon. You know me: I gave the poor saleswoman all kinds of trouble.
I gotta write about that.
So I didn't go anywhere this weekend. Spent the weekend cleaning up. I was all tuckered out by last night. You wouldn't believe the shenanigans going on under my bed... If a leprachaun jumped out and bit my knee, it wouldn't have suprised me one bit!
So, a certain chicken is suppose to come thru and stay at the ACTUAL House of LadyLee and hang out. She has a bed to sleep on now. I may still make her sleep on the floor with Oscar. And use his litter box.
No, I plan on moving upstairs for the fall and winter... just for a change. So time to make an attempt to decorate up there!
This weekend marked my 6th bloggaversary! *cartwheels*
No fanfare. Wasn't in the mood to post. Sooooo much has gone on in 6 years. I am 41 now, and I started this blog when I was 35. It don't feel like it's been that long ago. Oh what a ride it has been.
There have been 1164 posts... and I've met some highly incredible people through my blog. So glad to encounter so many extraordinary people along my life's path. I am thankful for that!
How long will my blog continue? Who knows? I think what's key is that I write it for myself first, for my own entertainment. If no one was reading, it would be okay, because I try to write like no one is looking. It definitely satisfies my writing jones.
Also, 13 years ago yesterday, I received my doctorate. I received that coveted "Dr." title. I like to ponder that. I look at everything I've dealt with or accomplished since then a little differently. Everything is temporary, and it is just a matter of getting through it.
It's not the accomplishment that's the important thing... it's the thousands of things you learn along the journey that's important also. It's the jumping of the hurdles that makes me strong. It's the people I help along the way that makes me stronger.
I will never forget that.
Whelp! I gotta get up, get myself together for my appointment. I must be okay, since I didn't get any phone calls during the month. That's a GOOD thing.
I plan on having a great day.
And you make sure to have a great day too... on purpose.
We've completed 6 years of the House of LadyLee...

Welcome to year number 7...
Full steam ahead!
Congratulations! I am semi peeved that SOMEONE Is getting to stay at your house and I have NEVER even been to your house... Yeah, I'm pissy about this one. ~falling out on the floor kicking and screaming~
ReplyDeleteTell me where u got your memory foam mattress...I have heard such great things about them. Folks rant and rave about them. But I've seen them range in price from $5oo to $3ooo. My cousin got a $500 one from Costco and said its the best sleep ever since getting it. I truly need to invest in one soon.
ReplyDeleteCongrats Lee!!! Thanks for being the HCIC and sharing your knowledge with us.
ReplyDeleteThanks for all the encouraging words that always cause me to reflect on my life...I appreciate your honesty. You crack me up at times and other times have me in deep thought....
DEE in san diego
Happy Anniversary!
ReplyDelete6 years...WOW!!!!!! That's great!
ReplyDeleteBy the way, thanks for the book. I'm loving Silver Sparrow.
I had a comment until I saw Serenity's comment lol.
ReplyDeleteHappy Anniversary!
Funny how time flies, huh...
ReplyDeleteHappy anniversary, girl. Looking forward to many more years with you.
ReplyDeleteHappy Blogversary.
ReplyDeleteHappy Anniversary chick! I have one of those foam will get spoiled! You'll never want to sleep on anything else!
ReplyDelete*cues up TI music*
Happy Blogversary and Docversary. I am so glad you open up this whole other world to me.
ReplyDeleteUm...I need you to take care of yourself. The plantation will be there. Take your days!