They were great at one time , a novel concept. But doggonit now everyone has a show. And the level of drama is paramount... Front and center. And the more drama, the better.
My days are much quieter now that I have removed much of that clutter from my life. Don't get me wrong, if you enjoy them, than that is fine. Do you. But the question now for me when I look at my side activities... Is it nourishing my spirit and soul? If not, it is placed very low on the priority shelf of my life.
But I've heard a few people talking about one show and how dramatic it is...

The Braxton Family Values.
"You been watching that?"
That's my usual response.
No I will not be watching yet another reality show.
Then I talked to my sister one day. She watches it.
"Lisa," she said, voice brimming with excitement. "Toni Braxton got lupus just like you. And her hair is thinning, just like yours. And she have to do stuff and take breaks, just like you. And she get tired and disappear and go somewhere and sleep, just like you do, and she keep quiet about it just like you do, and..."
She went on and on and on.
"Really," was my lone response to her long sentence without a breath. "You should watch it, Lisa."
"I might take a look at it," I said.
I was more amazed that my sister was so observant of me and my ways during our time l
THEN someone at work pulled me to the side and told me about this, saying they undestood from being around me.
Hmm.. didn't know that I was observed much at the job.
Well anyway, these 2 folks excitement had me curious. I had this ridiculously wonderful app on my phone that would let me watch all kinds of shows, so I pulled up the whole season of the show up on my Evo and watched it over a week's time.
I thought it was good... especially Toni Braxton's issues with the illness. This has been a year when I've seen situations like my own. I've always felt very alone and a bit private about my own dealings with it. You hate to even talk about it, because people don't understand, nor do I expect them to.
But it was a positive to see someone on screen who has symptoms similar to my own. She says that her lupus loves her heart. Mine loves my kidneys, sinuses, and blood. I know she had a heart attack awhile ago relating to such. I couldn't imagine having to worry about my heart like that. Goodness. But she seems to be making it, and doing well.
A reality show worth watching for me... because it was real to me.
Not sure how she deals with all that drama. Such would have me a bit sickly. Guess you have to be use to it. Sometimes folks don't care how you feeling. They want their own needs met right then and right now. Goodness.
I like things quiet and nonvolatile. Some don't. Sigh. And if you are dramatic, I just don't talk to you no more. Yeah, I am wrong for that, but whatever. To each his own!
Anyway, this gives me an excuse to put up one of the songs that has been heavy on my playlist the past couple of weeks. And it's my favorite Toni Braxton song.
"Love Affair"
Yeah, that is one of my guilty pleasures. I thought about you especially with the couple of episodes really dealing with it. I think there are more people around us dealing with it and we just don't know about it because you all deal with it in private. However, I am here whenever you need me.
ReplyDeleteI love this show! I don't know how she does it with the drama that ALL Of her sisters have. I can't imagine dealing with my own health, kids, divorce, work, etc. and have to dealw ith all of those personalities. Whew. But I do love the show.