You know I am her number one fan... Her number one stalker stan!
If you didn't know how much I JOCK... now you know!
So, when she comes to town, I must see her.
Now for some odd reason, I was suppose to be at my old bookclub meeting to see her, from what I hear. STILL not sure what that was about. All I know is that she had 3 tour stops in Atlanta that weekend, and I plann was to hit the last one, the Camp Creek SWATS B&N to see her. She had three stops in ATL that weekend.
I had to see the Lil' SWATS girl in SWATS, aka Southwest Atlanta, the setting for her books! That is just CLASSIC.
Anyway, Tayari read chapter one of Silver Sparrow.

She is an excellent reader. I wish I could read as well as she does.
As you can see, she is on a crutch. I will talk about that later.
She gave a reading, talked and answered questions for about 45 minutes to a big crowd.
Most interesting thing she said concerning writing craft:
"If you have been trapped in elevator, you can write about being trapped in a space ship."
*lee clutches at imaginary pearls hanging around her own neck*
OH MY! That is so profound. STILL thinking about that one. Made me want to go home and WRITE right away.
I took a few pictures. Once I did, I was about to leave. She hollered "Wait!"
*lee stopping in mid motion*
Odd. I usually come and go. She has, like, a whole entourage of peeps waiting around to talk to her after her readings. I talk to her on the phone, and text. I was not thinking of sticking around just to talk to her. Holla at her later.
I hung out a little longer as she signed books for the long line of readers.

I tried to sneak off again. She hollered "Wait!"
*lee freezing in midmotion... again*
One of my old book club members Phyllis was there, talking about she Tayari's #1 fan.
She almost caught an elbow to the forehead. I made her correct that QUICK! Which she did. Tayari didn't protest. As she should not have.
LadyLee is the #1 fan. Well, behind Mama and Papa Jones, who were at the reading!

They gave birth to her. So I GUESS they can be the number one fans. Humph.
I will give them that much. Ma and Pa can be the top fans.
So after I stuck around for a minute, Tayari was done. She signed the store stock. And then she hollered "Let's go get something to eat!"
I wasn't particularly hungry. Not a fan of eating late. It mucks up my sleep.
But, it had been awhile since we hung out, so what the heck, man.
Anyway, we got outside. It was raining. She recently had a procedure done on her foot and she was kicking that silver crutch. So I offered to carry the umbrella.
We -she, I, and one of her childhood friends -were watching the rain, trying to decide what to do.
I offered to hold the umbrella. "I ain't got no hair! Ya'll do, so don't get it wet! I don't need an umbrella."
Okay, they both looked at me like I was crazy.
Whatever! I was telling the truth!
Tayari hollered "Let's go!" And then she took off FAST on that crutch.
I was trying to keep up. The crutch was banging my shins. And then I started tripping, because the crutch was banging me in my shins.
"I better not fall out here, Tayari. And if you fall, I'm taking a picture!"
We made it to her rental car. I jumped in. It was a Ford.
*gas face*
I started complaining. "You suppose to be in a Lexus, a Benz! What the heck is this!"
She was not moved.
She a superstar to me. Where the chauffeur at, man!?
I started touching everything. I leaned over and said "This is a frickin FORD, man!"
Anyway, we went right across the way to the Red Lobster. It was PACKED at 9:30 at night! Wow! Packed like it was a Sunday afternoon. There was no wait. We were immediately seated.
Our waitress, Tonya, came over and gave us our menus. Tayari said "Before you go anywhere, show me the wine. I want some wine. I want a glass of wine right now."
(((lush alert! lush alert!)))
I asked for a water, with a few sides of lemon. "And can you bring some of those cheese biscuits?"
"Of course," the waitress said.
*lee cheesing hard*
I wasn't all that hungry. But I gotta have some cheese biscuits if I am at Red Lobster. Really.
The most interesting
Anyway, we talked. And it came time to order.
"What kind of vegetables do you have?" I asked the waitress.
"Asparagus and Broccoli."
"How much is a bowl of broccoli?"
"No one has ever asked that before. I'll go check."
"And can you bring back some them cheese biscuits?"
"I sure will."
Tayari was looking at me crazy.
"I'm not all that hungry. I had a salad when I left work."
"It's on me, get something."
The waitress came back with Tayari's wine. "A bowl of broccoli will be 7 dollars."
"That's too much for some broccoli. Do ya'll still have the tossed salad?"
"Bring her the broccoli," Tayari said.
"Calm down! I said no, girl!"
"Bring the broccoli."
"Man, calm down!" I turned to the waitress. "Bring me a house salad and a side order of broccoli."
"Bring the broccoli! The bowl!" Tayari said again.
"Calm down!" I yelled.
Okay you had to be there. It was... interesting. The waitress was wide eyed, had that look that said... "Oooookay, these broads fighting about broccoli."
"And can you please bring some cheese biscuits?" I asked again.
Somehow Tayari convinced the waitress to split the broccoli between us two.
Our cheese biscuits came (finally). And so did my broccoli and salad. Tayari had the create-your-own-platter deal of shrimp and crabs. And she made a big issue out of this, because it made her feel like she was in charge! That was funny!
She made sure to make sure I saw her guzzling some water. Yes, I send annoying text messages concerning the importance of drinking water while traveling from city to city in this jacked up heat.
With the food drama past us, we actually got a chance to talk and catch on things. I looooooove sitting around talking to Tayari, because she is one of the most interesting and smartest people I know. She always gives me a new perspective on things. Not just writing, but on other things we are each going through. And for that alone, I count her as a true friend.
With that said, I think I dropped a food-for-thought bomb on her that night...
A person's true character is revealed when you give them power.
I want you to think carefully about that one. And look around you, and see if that's not true. Stay tuned for a detailed post on that. Hell I ain't even gotta write up a post on that. Just spend a little time looking at people around you... and even spend a little time looking at yourself. (I will write a post on it anyway.)
That blew her away.
*lee cheesing hard*
I bet you STILL thinking about that one, Tayari!
We finished our meal, sat around and talked for awhile. Tayari had left her purse out in the car, so I went out and got it, since she all "Tiny-Timmish" with that crutch and busted foot.
I came back and she splayed out in the booth...

I laughed EXTRA hard. Had to get a picture.
A typical SWATS girl. Get tired, put your feet up... no matter WHERE you at.
I don't blame her. Because I was leaned out on my side of the booth.
I know the waitress had to be like... "Oooookay. Ghetto girls."
No. Correction: Lil' SWATS girls.
I was VERY glad to not only hear Tayari read from her novel, and talk about spaceships and elevators (lol), but I was happy for the added treat of hanging with her that evening. Yeah, we yack on the phone, text like crazy, etc... but it was good to stop, chill out, kick our feet up, and talk in person.
There are few people who I encounter that, which each convo, I increase as a person. She is definitely one of them.
And I am HAPPY for that.
So Tayari, Lil' Swats Girl? Enjoy the rest of your tour! I, the other Lil' SWATS girl will be cheering you on. And sending you annoying text messages reminding you to drink your water!
And if she's coming to a town near you, make sure to go out and support her!
You won't be disappointed!
Really though!
Ya'll have a good Tuesday... on purpose!
Ms. Tayari Jones will be NOWHERE near my neck of the woods for the remainder of her tour. Hmph.
ReplyDeleteI shall just live vicariously through you.
I loved the book. Got my mama reading it now. And I love telling the story of how I, little ole me, got a SIGNED copy of Silver Sparrow.
And the cookies. Chile, dem cookies. I still think about those cookies.
An elevator/spaceship, huh? I think I may want to scribble down a thang or two.
I love her book. It's totally awesome! Some co-workers wanted to read my book but, I ain't giving it up. I don't know how my book will return..shoot.
ReplyDeleteAwww glad you had a great time!!!
ReplyDeleteI FINALLY started on the book last night. I'm done with chapter one lol. Gonna read some more tonight since I'll be up all night lol.
Good stuff. Who is the dude in the picture with her and the parents? He looks like family.