Tuesday, August 30, 2011

But That's Just Me...

It is always interesting to come across something interesting about myself on the internet.

If I google my government name, with my middle initial, I come across a few scientific papers, and good grief, my work phone number. That is some craziness. You best not call me at work. I may or may not pick up the phone. (How crass and unprofessional is that? lol) I don't ever check my voicemail.


I've also come across some mess at times. Not a good look to upset negroes in the blog world. Goodness.

But every once in awhile, I come across some good things.

Here's something interesting written by the Green Eyed Bandit, who has known me since 2005.

From The Green Eyed Bandit's post, Supportive Friends.

Lee is one of the least judgmental people I know. Oh, and so quiet! She sits back and observe. However, you make it into her circle, you are the blessed one. Lee is super smart (even though she keeps it under wraps). If she considers you a friend, she will find ways to put a smile on your face. We have shared sermon notes, financial goals and affirmations, vision boards, and her wonderful blog. I learn so much from her! She has made it to Baby Bandit's games and gives words of encouragement to him (with her famous cookies). More than anything, she has a heart of gold.

Goodness Bandit... I am so honored that you think so highly of me.

That's a good thing. I prefer to have the Bandit in my corner. Really.

There are some interesting things in there, if you have been around me long enough that I would like to ponder... I am in the middle of some self assessment right now over a few things, and what she said is a handful. I figured I could make a post out of it.

Lee is one of the least judgmental people I know. Uh, yeah. I ain't got room to be judging folk. Trust, I've done what you have done or a good ten times worse. I am rarely rattled, and people rarely say anything that make me clutch the imaginary pearls around my neck. I will expand on that in another post.

I ain't got NO room to judge nobody on nothing. Yeah, there's a lot of busted broken english in that sentence. I just want to make that super duper clear, babes.

Oh and so quiet! She sits back and observes. She knows that for sure. I have NO earthly idea of why folks who read this blog think I am the life of party. I am not. I am quiet. Bandit did NOT like me when she met me. I was too doggone quiet for her. And I remember thinking, Who in the world is this high yella, green eyed stuck up broad? LOL!! But me oh my, she is totally opposite. And I am glad of that. Yeah, and that is a lesson learned for me in NOT being judgmental.

I do a lot of observing, especially if I am in a room full of people. A lot of that is because I write a lot. And I like to know what's going on around me.

However if you make it into her circle, you are the blessed one. That is a kind thing to say. I don't really have a circle. I don't like cliques AT ALL. But I realize what she is saying. I tend to be a loner, mostly because I look at negroes I don't like all day, so my "me" time is super special. But those who get close to me, well, they are close for a reason. If you are in "Good" with me, that usually means that I am free to be a blessing to you, and to just be myself. I know that's hard to understand, but if you ponder it for a moment, it will make sense to you.

If she considers you a friend, she will find ways to put a smile on your face. Yes, I may be quiet, but I am very funny once I warm up to you.

Lee is super smart (even though she keeps that under wraps). People think I am so smart. Yes I am. I am considered a genius, whatever that really means.

But a good friend of mine said that to me the other day that she thinks I am smart, but very down to earth. Yes I am smart. But EVERYBODY is smart.

You have unbelievable talents and interests that you are well developed in. In my book, that makes you smart. That makes all of us smart.

I am sooo amazed by people who have talents and expertise different from my own. I am fascinated by that. So I don't look at "smart" like everyone does. Yes, I have degrees in some difficult disciplines, areas that most people wouldn't dare venture into. Those were simply my interests. You have interests and talents that I am clueless in. That, in my book, makes you a smart person.

But that's just me, how I think about it.

We have shared sermon notes, financial goals and affirmations, vision boards, and her wonderful blog. Now if you wanna be down with me? Give me some stuff, man. No I don't want your money. I got my own money. And don't you come sniffing around trying to bother any, because I don't loan out money. (I've been torched quite a few times concerning that personal rule. And that is fine. I just located how you feel about me.)

Anyway, bring me some church notes. I don't care WHO your pastor is. Go back and read that post I wrote on Romans 14. I don't care. I ain't got time to be judging nobody's pastor. Mine stay in trouble, so whatever.

I only spend 1% or my time in church. I am more concerned about the other 99% of the time. If we have had some deep convo, and your pastor preach on it? Come back and tell an Oldgirl. You find some interesting info on it. Hollar at your girl. That's how I get a lot of my personal isshas resolved out anyway. (That happens ALOT.)

I know people who aren't religious (heck, I don't consider my ownself religious), who don't go to church, yet still can tell me something that is gonna take me to a new level, solve some personal issue, etc. That's all I want. Make me a better "me".

And if we can share some vision stuff, some affirmations, some financial goals, etc? Oh, I am looking for you. A smile is on my face when you come around the corner.

I like people who are bent on doing better. There is less room for drama if you and I are trying to move forward. If you ain't doing or thinking about something, you probably trying to start some proverbial fires somewhere, or you're somewhere causing mental carnage.

*lee walking FAST in the other direction*

I learn so much from her. Listen, if I am around you for a long amount of time, and I can look at our friendship, and I don't see a pattern of MYSELF being a blessing or useful to you, well... I usually remove myself from the situation. That is just me. We all have had people in our lives, that when we see them coming, we trying to get away from them. I don't want anyone to think of me like that. And yes, I have seen that happen. I've done something wrong, wasn't forgiven for it, and it kept coming up over and over again. Yep, I have apologized, and I don't do anything out of malice, but if I cause you trouble, I'm gone.

A bad way to handle things, but if I ain't helping or you not getting something useful from our friendship, it is dust. And it works both ways. People rarely drain me or use me. I make it a point to not drain and use people. All friendships are give and take. And all are for some purpose.

We all come across each other's paths for a reason.

For a season.

Or for a lifetime.

So if you are in my sphere, you will learn much from me. And I will learn much from you. I will be a blessing to you. And you will be a blessing to me.

The older I get, the more critical that becomes.

BUT that's just me.

More than anything, she has a heart of gold.


Wow! Now that's a good one! That's all I gotta say about that!

So Green Eyed Bandit, thanks for your kind words. Please KNOW that I think highly of you.

My goal is to be a much better friend to you than I have been. You are more valuable to me than you know.


  1. aw...see that's why i like you so much and don't even know you. plus i love me some humble and sincere folks and that is definetely you. i hope i get the pleasure of meeting you some day.

  2. I have to agree with what all that up there. Its nothing but the truth.

    Everyone needs a person like you in their corner, one that slow to judge but quick to help all while allowing the person to work through problems themselves, while you nudge them along the way.

    You a true blessing FA SHO.

  3. Jennifer9:23:00 PM

    You are an exceptional person, just face it! LOLOL
    Introverts unite :)

  4. Awww I loved this post!

    I agree with Green Eyed Bandit. You are a GEM!!!!

  5. I couldn't agree more with G E Bandit.

  6. What is this?! People agreeing with the Green Eyed Bandit? LOL

    Lee, you know I tell it like I see it. You are definitely part of the family. Anyone who can handle the Freeman clan is cool with me!


Slap the *crickets* out the way, kindly step up to the mike, and SAY something!!