Tuesday, December 07, 2021

It's Shoe Time!

So I am just looking through my camera roll on my phone and pulling random pictures. Some of them I do not know why I took them, but some I do.

I have been looking at shoes recently.

I really want these shoes for some reason.

I don't like colorful shoes at all, but for some reason, I like these. Maybe I just need to change it up. They are only $80 so maybe I will gift them to myself for with my birthday money in February. 

For the past 15 years or so, I have been buying the same white and blue Nike Air Monarchs. They work really well for walking. I bought the 2 new pairs below because my latest pair is yucky and dirty from walking in them so much. 
I walked 4 miles on Sunday in the black and white pair and it went pretty well. I am saving the white pair for when I have to go somewhere.

I made the awful mistake of buying a couple of pair of $17 Avia sneakers from Walmart back in October. They are made comfortable, but they have zero arch support and my right foot started turning slightly inward at the ankle. Gave me a hip issue for a minute. I bought some arch supports for them, but I just don't want to chance it. There is nothing worse than being miles from home and being in pain and have to make it back home. Yikes.

However, I know that I'm not ready for $200 and $300 sneakers yet... and I probably never will be! 

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Slap the *crickets* out the way, kindly step up to the mike, and SAY something!!