But she is doing well, and recovering well, and will be back to blogging real soon :)
Now on to today's post...
A couple of weeks ago, I planted some flowers in the front yard. I was a bit antsy because my flowers looked like they had been on crack, and needed some help, some resuscitation... something...
But two weeks later, with a little of this Oldgirl's love and tender care... Voila...
And a picture from a view that the neighborhood prostitutes and crackheads get, from the retainer wall in front of my house...
And here's a picture of two basil plants that I bought at the same time that I bought the flowers for the yard. They were half this size when I bought them! Oh how they have grown!!
I had them on the porch, but I brought them in the house... I learned at the last street association meeting that some of the crackheads are stealing plants off the front porches... Interesting (as always).
So needless to say...
I am getting there...
The green thumb is growing... slowly but surely.