Hold up. Pump the brakes and back it up. Let me clarify that.
I LOVE Brandon Massey's writing...
Okay there we go. That's better.
Now, anyone who knows me, knows I love to read. But you may catch a foot in your throat if you try to run up on me and suggest I read some of the badly written, crackhead-edited urban fiction(?) that seems to be all the rage amongst my people these days... And erotica does not impress me... Come on, we all have twerked it out in every whicha way before...
No, I like to read strange stuff: Black Sci-fi, Black Horror, Black speculative fiction. The stranger the better. Come on black authors, impress me, use your imagination, doggonit.
Now, you know my favorite female authour is Tayari Jones, a fellow ATLien. I posted about her back in February.
But my favorite male author is another ATLien, Brandon Massey. He writes some strange stuff. He bounces to the beat of a different drummer. I am not sure how he classifies himself, but I classify him as a horror writer.
Black folks writing horror? Who would have thought.
Well Brandon does and he does it well. I tell you, it ain't NOTHING in the world like seeing Ray-Ray, Quita, and Pookie them going through some ish with with vampires, witches and the like.
But I digress... Brandon has written four novels, a short story collection (which I will review later, and two anthologies of horror short stories written by black folks.
But I could go on and on (and you know how long winded I am).
The Other Brother, Brandon Massey's fourth novel, was released last week. For some reason, I thought it would be out later this month, but when I found out it was already out, I immediately went out and picked up a copy.
Now the Other Brother, like many of Brandon's stories, is set in Atlanta (always a plus!). It is the story of the Reid family: T.L. Reid, founder CEO and founder of the well to do Reid Construction Company; Gabriel Reid, his son, who is being groomed to become CEO of the company one day; his wife, Margaret, the ever loving family matriarch; daughter, Nicole Reid, who, although not involved with Reid Construction, is a successful corporate lawyer.
...The perfect upper middle class (or high class, really) family...
(In other words, bougi high post black Atlanta negroes... Humph.)
Well, like I said, this is the perfect family...
But you know what's up... Er'body got some skeletons in their closets.
And when them damn skeletons come busting out that tight closet and straight up run all over the place... Oh my!
Now Theo Reid, the family patriarch, has a big skeleton... While on a business trip in Chicago some 30 odd years ago, he had an affair with a young lady...
Well, he got her pregnant, and she had a son... Isaiah Battle. Now imagine this: Theo Reid and his perfect family, all successful and wealthy, living it up in the ATL...
...His illegitimate son, Isaiah, living with his mother in poverty with his mother in some Chicago projects. Isaiah has been following his father's career for years- saving all the stories about him and his company and his family, from Ebony magazine, etc... while living in poverty...
So after 30 years, several run-ins with the law, a stint in prison, Isaiah is pissed, and thinking about getting some get back. He jumps in his tricked out Chevy Chevelle, jumps on I-75 south, and roars into Atlanta...
... with a mission.
Isaiah shows up and Theo has to deal with his son's arrival on the scene and it's affect on the family. This is a story about how the family deals with Isaiah's arrival on the scene.
Simple story... but in the hands of Brandon Massey, it becomes delightfully complex.
And to add to all the drama, Brandon weaves in an INTERESTING supernatural twist... I can't talk about it here. You'll have to read the book to, uhhh, catch what was up with that. Some of that sort of reminded me of Octavia Butler's writings (and you know how off the chain she could get with that stuff!)
And that is what I like about his writing... he's a master weaver. I mean you can tell he REALLY thought about this story. He does one heck of a job layering plots and weaving lots of stories into one overall story. For instance, there was some relationship drama in this book. There was a love story, and the struggles of that love, layered in there also. Then there was the whole suspense thing. Throw that all together, and mix it up with the supernatural twists and you've got one heck of a page turner.
... Had me saying aloud... "Dang Man! Dang, man! What's gonna happen? How are they going to get through this? What's gonna happen!?"
Now, this book, which was a supernatural suspense thriller, didn't freak me out as bad as his last book, Within the Shadows, which was sort of like a black Fatal Attraction with a supernatural and horror twist, (I haven't been in the Cascade Road Starbucks since I read that book, and I don't even really care to drive on Cascade road no more). But The Other Brother was an excellent book, with a lot going on... A WHOLE lot. I may have to read it again just to appreciate the depth of it.
This book was quite realistic: I know if I saw my Daddy and his smiling family off in the pages of Ebony, and every other black magazine, and he wasn't acknowledging or helping me and my mama, and we'd been struggling down for a thirty years, living in poverty... Man, I believe I'd be ready to get a little revenge on somebody... Really though. The characters were very well developed. Brandon took me inside their hearts and minds. I felt like I knew them.
So if you are looking for an interesting read... highly dramatic, extremely emotional, with characters that you will come to care about and think about long after you put the book down... if you are like me, and like a good supernatural twist, i.e., something off the beaten trail and highly creative... check out The Other Brother.
Support this ATLien. Support very GOOD fiction.
You know this Oldgirl would never steer you wrong...
Your review was so funny that now I want to know what this Brandon Massey is all about. Bourgie-bourgie black folk and the supernatural? OK, I'll give it try.
ReplyDeleteI definitely have to get this. I love to read, though I hadn't been doing too much of it until Serenity reviewed a book. Just the word, historical texts and success books. (I know--I needed a break)I am ashmed to say it, but I haven't read Octavia Butler. I tend to steer from supernatural stuff evnethough Fade by Robert Cormier is one of my all time favorites. You have added a great deal of books to my "to read" list.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for the fantastic review! Wow, I need to bring you onto my PR team. :-)
ReplyDeleteThanks for the love!
@ Brandon...
I AM on the PR team!
The Bootleg PR team, that is... and that's cool with me.
You just keep on writing GOOD stuff. Just keep doing your unique thing! You will always have my full support!!!
You have put a whole other spin on it for me now.
ReplyDeleteDang, I have got to get that book. See, I said I wasn't going to buy anything this week!
Brandon Massey is one of my favorite authors also! Thanks for the heads up on his new book...BELIEVE ME...It is on my got to read list!
ReplyDeletei'm gonna pick this up this weekend. thanks for the heads up!
ReplyDelete@ ATLien Nikki...
ReplyDeleteMan, i could just smack you... You are living in the ATL and haven't read any Brandon Massey? Well, It will be especially fun for you since you know the area... Ain't NOTHING like reading a book and recognizing all the landmarks... makes it feel so doggone real... I know you will love it!
Girl, I enjoy Brandon Massey's work as well. I have to tell you, I wouldn't pick up anything that was considered horror, and that's what I consider his writing to be. After finding..No, that's wrong. After one of his books found me last year, I was hooked! I'll definitely be picking this new one up! I thought it was going to be out next month as well...