Correction: Her 40th birthday!!
So to celebrate, I bought cards and mailed them to her for a week. She had no idea I would do such a thing, since I'm not a card person. Only one was a birthday card, the others were friendship cards.
Out of all the cards I bought, I bought her one that was simple but meant much to me. I bought LadyTee a card that simply said "Your friendship means so much..." on the front of the card. Inside, it read "...for so many reasons."
I wrote beneath that phrase "I am glad you are my friend. As you always say 'God really thought about me when He made you my friend.' Honestly, I have no idea how or why you think so highly of me, as I am not the most "fascinating" friend one can have. But you saying that about me, makes me feel real good about myself. I've always felt that, if no one else love me, Tammie loves me, and that makes me very rich, very blessed, and very proud. I am glad you are my friend."
But I thought about this, and wanted to say more.
Could I come up with 40 reasons why I am glad that LadyTee is my best friend?
I don't know. I mean, we have been "bff" since the late '70s. There is so much history there. 40 things off the top of my head? I don't know...
I couldn't write it all in that card. So I decided to do it in a blog. And I wanted to put up a sample of some of the cards she got in the mail this week from me.
So, Tam... here are the 40 reasons, for your 40th birthday, why I am glad that you are my "BFF":
You are down to earth.
I can talk to you about anything.
You do not judge me.
You are one of the smartest people I've ever met.
You give me good advice.
You will listen to me cry.
You will listen, even if you don't know why I'm tripping.
If I am tripping, you are quick to say "Shut up, man!"
You love me with no strings attached.
I can be myself around you.
You allow me to blow off steam.
You were the first person I called when I got my first period. I was 13 years old. That was back in 1983, just after I'd come home from the movies. I'd gone to see Trading Places that day. Don't remember what we talked about at the time, but I remember calling you, from the wall phone in our den.I love it when we are having a deep discussion about something that has hurt me, and you reply with "Look, let me tell you something Lee..." I know you 'bout to tell me the exact answer and solution to my problem.
You call me up sometimes just to tell me that you love me and I was on your mind. You know that bothers me, because I don't know how to respond to that. You just leave it alone, and keep it moving. You were just thinking about me, and wanted to tell me that.
You have always been my number 1 cheerleader.When I need support, I think of God first, and then I think of you.
You pray for me.
You allow me to be me. (You know how solitary I am). If you come over, I can wonder off somewhere else and do my own thing, or go to sleep... and you don't give me a hard time over it.
You remind me to be thankful in all things.
You remind me to work on putting God first.
You make me cook for you even if I'm sick as a dog!
You get more excited about my birthday than I do, gal.One of the most important things you did for me was in the 10th or 11th grade. You got off the school bus and followed my "love interest" T.B. up the road, got in his face and threatened him, telling that joker to leave me alone. You thought he was taking advantage of me, but it was a nice little consending adults thing going on. (And you have the nerve to still be pissed about this, some 20 years later. You almost messed up my action, girl.)
If you read something good in your bible, you will call and tell me about it. I like that a lot.
Me and you, Ladytee, can laugh at anything. A roach crawling across the floor will have us howling.
You can listen to the sound of my voice, and automatically know that I'm upset... no matter how much I try to fake it.
I remember when I was sick some 7 years ago, you found me a doctor to go to. I know if it wasn't for that, I'd be dead right now. Thanks for thinking about me, and taking action when I couldn't.
You will tell me when I am wrong. I need that. You know how much I hate an ass-kisser.
You've taken the blame for things just so I wouldn't get in trouble (you know how My mama is, man).
You've stood up to my Mama when I couldn't.
You encourage me.
You make sure (and very loudly, I may add) to express to me when you think I am dealing with the wrong people.
I remember one time you showed up at my place with a single uncooked egg. You walked in the kitchen and held it out to me. We were having a get together, and you wanted me to make cornbread. I always wonder what you went through to protect that egg and keep it from breaking on the way over. (Yes, that sounds trivial, but I made a HUGE deal out of it today. "My friend brought me an egg, ya'll!!")
You are extremely territorial when it comes to our friendship. You snap on your kids if they even THINK about saying that I am "their friend." (Come on Tee, that is... dysfunctional. Nell is 18 years old now, and you been dogging him out about this since he turned 1. CUT THAT OUT!)
You were the first one I called when me and Old boy decided to get a divorce. You sat and listened while I cried. At 1 in the morning. I appreciate that. And I had peace of mind before daylight.
If you see my kitchen is looking crazy, you will roll up your sleeves and wash dishes. (I will forever think you crazy for doing such a thing. But I have picked up that crazy habit from you, you know.)
You love me when I feel that no one else does.
You love me even when I am being STUPID.
You love me more than I love myself.
You are always excited to get my opinion on things.
You CONTINUOUSLY brag on me, telling folks that I am the smartest person you know. (CUT THAT OUT.)
You have three qualities that I wish I have, but I don't have: patience, compassion, and longsuffering. In other words, you are strong where I am very weak.
Enough said.
That was more than 40 reasons. When there are so many things to say, I often lose count.
Awww...that was nice!
ReplyDeleteWow... Great tribute!
ReplyDeleteYou know water seeks it's own level. You must be pretty awesome also!
You are really blessed to have each other. Friendships like that are hard to come by and often hard to maintain.
ReplyDeleteCelebrate! Here's to another year of friendship and growing together.
ReplyDeleteI think it's an easier journey if women have a best friend who they can lean on and trust.
that was really nice.