That "Oldgirl-in-Training" Rosemarie tagged me.
Link the person who tagged you.
Mention the rules in your blog.
Tell about 6 unspectacular quirks of yours.
Tag 6 following bloggers by linking them.
Leave a comment on each of the tagged blogger's blogs letting them know they've been tagged
I don't like tags. I freak out upon reading what I must do. But once I sit down and do them, I am okay, and I learn something interesting about myself.
Plus, you know I'm longwinded as all get out. Will I keep it short here? Well, let's just say I will keep it short for me. Yeah, that's the right thing to say.
So being the nerd that I am, I had to go look up the word "quirk" over on
A "quirk" is defined as "a peculiarity of action, behavior, or personality; mannerism; an idiosyncrasy".
I can do this.
The Oldgirl LadyLee has mucho quirks.
So, while I was sitting in the lab, working on some flounder fillet samples (*tightened fist aimed straight at the face of my supervisor The Darth Sista T.*), I wrote out my 6 quirks.
Well, I actually wrote out 12, and could've kept on going...
... But it was getting too personal.
Hmm. Yeah. The Oldgirl is the quirkiest! LOL!
So, I decided to pick 6 "interesting" ones out of there. Some of these quirks are strange, and some bother me to no end.
So... here we go.Ice Queen. Every morning when I get in to work, I sit at my desk and pull a large ziploc bag of ice out of my bag, and dump it into a large plastic cup. I let the ice melt and sip from it allll day long. This is my way of drinking at least a quart of water while at work. I try to drink 3 to 4 quarts of water per day.
Now, over the past 5 or 6 years, I have been severely anemic, and as a result, I've suffered from pica... which means I would eat ice like CRAZY (craving it like crack, mayne!). Well, we've corrected that problem, and I don't do that anymore. (I know my cubicle mate Cowgirl Cre is happy about that... I know she must've wanted to strangle me for my constant ice crunching activities. LOL)
Quirkiest Habit. I never know when it is time to go to sleep. I simply fall asleep. I sleep with everything on: lights, television, lap top, radio. EVERYTHING. And to top it off, I only sleep 4 to 5 hours a night. So a normal sleep time range for me is 11 to 3 or 4 a.m. (The last time I had some good 8 hour sleep was in October of last year).
Quirkiest Self-Hate Habit. I often beat myself up for making mistakes, especially with people. Much of this has to do with my refusal to kiss people's a$$. (Please don't confuse my "jocking" activities with ass-kissing. For me, "jocking" is a few levels above "utmost respect").
As my blog sista LBeezy (the leader of the Soulja Girls, lol), said something the other day that left me feeling verbally shanked: "Leezie, you beat yourself up over things for which you have no control." Serenity30 followed that up with "I noticed that, too."
*LadyLee kicking rocks HARD*
I spend too much time spinning my wheels, thinking "shoulda, woulda, coulda" said the right thing, coulda cheesed all in your face and you would have NEVER known the difference... then I wouldn't be caught up in a bunch of MESS.
Hmm. Gotta work that out and still be ME.
I totally agree with LBeezy and Serenity30. I suppose I must work on that. But it is an, uh, well developed ingrained habit. At least I am aware of it.
Quirkiest STEALTH-like Behavior. I rarely let a man I meet know my real name. I have an alias ("Judy Smith") or I just use my first name. I refuse to tell a dude where I work, what I do for a living, or God forbid, how much money I make. I also, uh, give him the impression that at least 10 people live with me (brothers, sisters, cousins, grandparents, etc.)
Hate to do that, but it gives me just enough time to figure the dude out and gather information, just enough so to figure out if he is crazy or not.
A guy told me once, "I tell you things I ain't NEVER told a woman."
Uh, yeah. I dig into your brain like that. Funny how you don't know much about me. Hmm.

Right now, and for the past 18 months or so, I've had this thing for my 2 favorite movies, Passion Fish and American Pop. I can watch those all day and not get tired.
I am the same way with music. I pick a song and play it to death. The songs of the moment are Fat Boy's Can You Feel It and Roxanne Shante's Roxanne's Revenge.
Me and My Quirky Emotions. I am VERY guarded with my emotions. I rarely allow myself to become emotionally attached. You might even call me "emotionally unavailable." I always have people telling me "I love you" or giving me hugs. I honestly don't know how to receive all that, and I'm having to learn, as old as I am, to respond back likewise. This is TERRIBLY difficult since I didn't grow up like that. Plus, I think it stems from my having severe trust issues. ~sigh~
Multitasker! I am a super-duper multitasker. Hold your horses, because that ain't a good thing. My multitasking is on some old ADD (attention deficit disorder) tip. For example, if I'm in a meeting, I don't care how important it is, I must be doing something else besides "sitting there". I will do some puzzles, read a book, or work on a story. I have even been known to crochet. (My boss is accustomed to such things. If she got a problem with it, then she can go sit on a fat tack.)
Don't worry, I am paying attention. But I am going to have SEVERE problems if I am sitting there paying attention to one thing and one thing only. Severe!
2 things (or more) must be going on at all times. That's my rule!!
So that's it. I was suppose to do 6 but that looks like 7!
Who I am tagging?
Whoever wants to do it.
But I will follow the rules. SIGH.
Yeah, I would like to see Terry, Deepnthought, Southern Black Gal, The LBeezy, Serenity30, and Carleen Brice.
Work it out, work it out, work it out now. (Only if you want too!)
Knock yourself out!
My mother just learned about 2 yrs ago she was anemic. She use to eat ice like crazy. She had to have it. Now I know why.
ReplyDeleteI'm guarded with my emotions too except with my child. I tell him often I love him. But when someone else tells me I feel uncomfortable. I guess b/c my parents rarely told us they loved us.
Dayum gurl I didn't know you had so many isshas! Well, yeah I did but it sounds good don't it ;)
ReplyDeleteAs my Grandma always says, "Don't you worry lil' Fella, ain't nobody gonna bother you...not as long as I'm around!!!"
I feel so damn inadequate now. I mean I just answer the damn question in one sentence. Lee had a dissertation.
ReplyDeleteHey! Lee Baby, you forgot to mention that little quirk about you bein' an overachiever! I bet you sat in the front of the classroom too.
But I will say it was VERY interesting reading. There's a lot to the ever enchanting Lady Lee. Much indeed.
Good answers.
@That southern black girl...
ReplyDeleteYeah, it's called pica. You crave ice and chalk and dirt.
Let's just say the Oldgirl ain't eating no dayum dirt and chalk! LOL.
I was told I was loved from time to time, but we didn't have that type of family that is just falling all over each other in love, you know what I mean.
Well, at least I see I'm not the only one.
@That Oldgirl Sharon...
Girl, who ain't got issues? Point them out to me, because I want to meet them.
Oh, and you're my protector, hunh? Whatcha gonna do, knock folks in the head with your microphone?
LOL @"Dissertation". Man, you know how longwinded I am. LOL!
Yes, I am an overachiever... that falls under that category of beating myself up about ish, the quirky self-hate habit.
Dude, this list was long as all get out. Be glad I chopped it down. I'm trying to get better about my longwindedness.
You are long winded as hell. But your stories are worth it if you can manage to pay attention that long!
ReplyDeleteI counted 8 quirks...
You forgot the one where your quirks are by category.
You are a nerd. I like that in ya.
And Terry is right. You do tend to bring about the feelings of inadequacy. Hell on those days I feel long winded, I just come by and count how many times I have to scroll to find the comments. That usually makes me feel better.
Okay. I am done messing with you today Oldgirl.
Dang. Even your word verification is long...
Okay. NOW I am done...
Loving it LL. I've got to tell you. for some reason, I found myself nodding alot to most of your list. Not in the way that I have the same tendencies, but that I can have similar hangups or what not of the different variety.
ReplyDeleteThe only thing I found myself NOT doing and wouldn't if I was single, is lie outright to someone who's not deserving of a lie. (one day I'll tell you all about the nature of lying)
I understand it may be a necessary evil with the dynamics of dating different for women than for men, but dudes are simple minded. They'll try to use the fact that you lied against you in the event things get serious.
"Well, she was lying then, what makes me think she's not lying now" and so forth. But that's just my opinion luv. I definitely trust your judgment. So uh.. you hate being tagged too huh- smile
By the way, I love your long-winded azz...
ReplyDelete@The 2nd 68...
ReplyDeleteNow, I've come over to your spot and have seen some long-winded-ed posts.
I'm gonna do a couple of "one-word" posts just for you!!!
@Frank a.k.a. Luke cage!
*Frank pulls his light saber from his belt and swings it hard at The Oldgirl, slicing off her head in one fail swoop*
Awww mayne... OUCH! That hurt.
You said something interesting:
"lie outright to someone who's not deserving of a lie."
Uh... I agree with that. So what's the problem.
Say Frank... uh, you can tell the difference between a chickenhead and someone who's worth the time, right?
So. Can. I., kind sir.
I can tell within 2 or 3 minutes what the motive or agenda is. So answer me this: why should I give you ANY correct information on myself? Hunh??
Let's just say, I've had a couple of problems in this area. It is NOT a good thing to let a dude know you have your own house, you have a decent job, etc. Won't go into detail, but having a discussion with a dude, and dollar signs popping up in his eyes is NOT a good look.
Hmmm... what do you have to say to that, Luv???
(Just want you to know that I don't go around lying to folks that don't deserve that ish. lol)
Uh oh. I should have my husband or girlfriend write it up. LOL! I'll try to do my best. I'll post it tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteHow do you crochet or do a puzzle while in a meeting?! I'm stumped! My brain works best doing one task at a time.
ReplyDeleteDuring the office meeting in the conference room, I know you are staring me down from across the room while I take notes with my steno pad.
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