As I finished a book, I wrote down the name and author of that book in the back of my journal. I was thumbing through and I found that page.
Last year, I read 26 books. And here they are, in the order I read them:
The Memory Daughter’s Keeper –Kim Edwards
First Fridays –Cherlyn Michaels
Reasonable Doubt – Pamela Samuels-Young
In Firm Pursuit – Pamela Sameuls-Young
The Wave- Walter Mosely
Every Woman has a Secret- Brenda Thomas
Ladies Night Out- Electa Rome Parks
What’s Done in the Dark- Gloria Mallete
Sex.Lies.Murder.Fame-Lolita Files
Color Me Butterfly-L.Y.Marlowe
Beyond the Down Low –Keith Boykin
Bird by Bird- Anna Lamont
Granddaddy’s Dirt- Brian Eggeston
A Thousand Splendid Suns – Khaled Hosseni
Diva’s Last Curtain Call- Angela Henry
The Fall of Rome- Martha Southgate
Third Girl from the Left- Martha Southgate
Immediate Fiction – Jerry Cleaver
Love and Lies – Kimberly Lawson Roby
The Alchemist – Paulo Coehlo
Ron Carlson Writes a Story –Ron Carlson
My Sister’s Keeper – Jodi Picoult
Another Way to Dance- Martha Southgate
Every Goodbye Ain’t Gone: Family Portraits and Personal Escapades- Itaberi Njeri
My Soul Cries Out- Sherri Lewis
Breath, Eyes, Memory – Edwidge Danticat
I read 26 Books.
Let's see, there's a bit of erotica, which I detest. Like I've always said: We've all hung from the chandaliers and have gotten busy on the kitchen counter. I don't want to read about it!! There are some books written by white authors (Yes, the Oldgirl is an equal opportunity reader!). There is some interesting black law suspense fiction. There are a few memoirs (My best friend LOVES memoir, so I decided to check those out.). There's a little inspirational christian literature. And you know I got to have that black science-fiction.
The best book that I read last year, hands down, by a landslide:
Martha Southgate's Third Girl from the Left.

Man, I thought I had Mommy issues. GOOD-NESS. This was some craziness, but oh so good. Very nicely written, and it helped me push along my Fancy That manuscript. Shoot, I may have to go back and read it again.
I bow at Martha Southgate's feet. And that is someone Tayari likes as an author. You could've told me about her, Tayari. I'm gonna smack you if I catch you on the street, girl. Really. Watch. Your. Back.
The best book that I read last year that was released last year:
Khaled Hosseni's A Thousand Splendid Suns.

Both books had me all choked up, dry heaving and hiccuping... having to excuse myself and go get a cold drink of water.
When a book has me all bent out of shape like that, IT'S A GOOD BOOK.
And, I've had to step up my reading a notch. My teacher has forbidden me from reading any commercial fiction. (But as you can see, I sneak and read it anyway. LOL!)
My writing workshop teacher fronted on me in class. I turned in something that she thought was "romantic". I didn't think it was, and that night, I was in NO mood to go toe-to-toe with her about it. She said something else that night. She first mentioned a few black writers for me to look up.
"Don't you read Toni Morrison, LadyLee?"
*gas face*
I wanted to yell, "Got Dang, man, is Toni Morrison the only black author you white people know? I don't know anyone who's not a writer who reads that complicated ish!?
But I shut up and just nodded. And jotted down the writers my teacher mentioned. That's how I got into some Edwidge Danticat.
I've only read one Toni Morrison book, and that was because Racer X, the Queen Tayari Jones, herself suggested it. And, you know, I worship the ground she spits upon. Whatever she says is gold.
It is gospel, you see.
*LadyLee running to bookstore and knocking people over trying to get to that book Tayari suggested*
Yeah, I am sure she noticed the vacant look in my eye when she suggested that book. (Well, it was part awe, starstruck because I was sitting there with my idol, lol. Don't worry, I'm much better now). I read Tar Baby in 2006. It was good. I had to concentrate like hell, and it may help if I read it, like, 10 more times. But I ain't smart enough to be reading Toni Morrison. I need total quiet to do that. But I did what Racer X said to do!
And that's a good thing:)
So this year, I will try to read more of the black literary authors. Man, it's not all that pleasurable, and I have to concentrate, but I am reading for style more and more these days.
But 26 books...
I'm a bit disappointed by that number. Sigh.
Because I usually read 40-50 books a year.
Yeah, mon. I'm a SLACKER!!
No, not quite.
I've had a ton of other activities going on. And I have been doing much writing myself. I wrote at least 600 pages of my own fiction, 60% of which is useful. 40% of the nonuseful stuff - that is me sitting down and cranking out 30 pages of what I like to call "sidebar" stories, something I banged out just to understand a minor character who's a part of a bigger story. I've been reading and editing that material.
Does all that count?
Then also, I have this wierd thing about reading sections of books. I have 20 or so books laying around the house that I pick up and only read certain chapters. This applies mostly to my books about the writing craft.
And the good 10 books of short stories I have all over the place... 100 little Murder Mysteries, Best short stories of the south, stuff like that.
So, I will adjust my book goal for 2008. I will read 25 books this year.
I've only read 4 books thus far in 2008.
Yes, the Oldgirl has much catching up to do.
So watch out. This year;s list will be very eclectic.
How many books did you read last year??
Are you serious?? I can't track that. Well maybe I can try.
ReplyDeleteI know that you sent me some picks that I LOVED -- The Kite Runner being one.
I'll post later with my list. I would love to see what everyone else is reading.
You know, if you mention a book I am on the hunt to find it. Now I have to sit down and mark off your list the ones I have not read and go read them. Thanks a lot Ms Ladylee. lol
ReplyDeleteThis is a great list though. I think I will post my list tomorrow.
I have no idea how many I read last year. upwards of 60 I would think. But, I am taking some off of your list from last year and will read them.
ReplyDeleteThe Kite Runner is an amazing book. You should definately read that one.
I think I may copy from your post idea and update my blog (don't laugh!!!!) about the books I read last year. Or my favorite ones anyway. too many that weren't worth reading to list.
By the way, you MUST read "The Bluest Eye". I think that is one of Ms. Morrison's best books ever. I've read almost all of her books. And often have a headache afterwards, but not with "bluest". Well I did, but that was from crying.
I loved Third Girl from the Left (and read it last year) too.
ReplyDeleteThe Toni Morrison I would recommend because it didn't hurt my brain too much is "Song of Solomon."
I should have said "Song of Solomon" is really beautiful and wonderful AND it didn't hurt my brain too much. ;)
ReplyDeleteYou said:
"Are you serious?? I can't track that..."
MAN UP and stop being a PUNK!
Now watch out, deep... they weren't all "great". So if you pick a strange one, don't go giving me the *gas face*. LOL
@The Bball Mama and Carleen Brice...
Look here, I am NOT smart enough to comprehend Toni Morrison. And I'm not afraid to admit it. I have the attention span of a flea, and I keep getting thrown off or something. Maybe I need the audiobook, lol! I am impatient with "hard, hard fiction". I don't know if I'll ever be able to get past that!
My hat's off to ya for being able to "get" Toni!
(Yeah, uh, but ya'll do have me pondering the audiobook!)
LOL@Lee, girl you crazy!
ReplyDeleteOh, yeah, I love "Song of Solomon". That is right up there with "Bluest" for me. I'm gonna have to track down "Song" and re-read it. Been awhile.
This is my first time posting but I had to jump in. I feel you on Ms Morrison, I try to read her books but I'm not smart enough either. I ended up buying Love on audio and I'm having a hard time with that as well! I also enjoyed Third Girl From The Left...
ReplyDeleteI'll post my list of what I read last year later and I also wanted to mention that Carleen's book is my favorite read so far for 2008.
@The Bball Mama...
ReplyDeleteThe Bball Mama walks casually down the basketball court, dribbling the ball with one hand, holding a copy of Song of Solomon in the other hand. She fakes left, fakes right, then goes in for the slam dunk. She lands squarely on her feet, turns the page, and continues reading...
My God, woman... you're going to "Re-read" one of TM's books.
Goodness gracious... go on with your bad self!
Do you feel me, Anon?
I say, do you feel me?
Yes, you feel me... I thought you would.
Now you got me all deflated... Because I was about to go to the bookstore today and pick up on a Toni audio book. I was going to try. But heck, you say the audio book is difficult.
I ain't afraid to admit that even though I am a genius (with the genius IQ and er'thang), I am NOT smart enough to read Toni Morrison. Her book Tar Baby was interesting but I REALLY had to concentrate. I mean, I needed total quiet. There had better not be so much as a piece of lint floating through the air because that in itself would've busted up ALL my concentration. LOL!
Yes, Carleen Brice's book... I've only read 4 books so far this year, and her book, Orange Mint and Honey... yeah, that book knocked my socks off, my earrings off AND my bra off. Yeah. It was not only great, but it greatly affected me on a personal level. If I read another book better than that one this year, then that is one hell of a book. And I hope to read something better, but I don't know if I will.
Yes, post your list. Do it here in the comment section, or send it to my email, and I can make an actual post of it. I am building my reading list for this year, and I'm looking for good books right now.