Iron Oldgirl. I had an iron infusion yesterday. Personally I think this is rather stupid. To one doctor I am anemic. To the other, by her charts, I am not. This is rather stupid. I told my hematologist that I know what it's like to be near dead anemic, so they just looking at some number that is a smidgen below normal. And to my rheumatologist, things are normal. I tell you... confusing and stupid.
And what's interesting is that the nice young lady who did my vein tap... well, she did it in an odd place. Right over my thumb bone.
I couldn't do much for an hour and a half. The RN told me I had to hold that hand still because of the location of the insert.
Next time I want the girl with the dreads to put my needle in the back of my hand or in my forearm. I felt like I was being held in detention or sometihing. I had some typing to do. But all I could do was read!
But I can't get upset. I was in the chemotherapy room with a bunch of folks. When I think chemotherapy, I think cancer drugs, but it is basically a room where they give you your IV solutions, whether for cancer, or otherwise.
It is daunting sitting in that room with really ill people. Some don't even look ill, but just hearing their conversations. It is something else. Lots of sad moments there, and moments that make me think.
One funny moment yesterday... The UPS man came in, in his customary brown work uniform. One elderly lady was trying to holler at dude (he had to be young enough to be her grandson).
"Mrs. Jones," one of the nurses hollered while placing tape on my hand to hold my needle in place, "You better cut that out. You better behave yourself!"
"Be still my aching heart," Mrs. Jones said in the sexiest voice she could muster.
"Cut it out, Mrs. Jones!"
"What? An old lady can't look? I can still look! And that young fella was a good looking something!"
That was funny!
Yes you can look, Mrs. Jones.
And whatever's going on with you, honey... I hope you get well.
Lucy Junior. I finally put 1000 miles on this "new" car. So I have had it for 48 days. That would give me an average of close to 21 miles a day driving. That will put me at about 7665 miles driven in one year's time.
No I don't drive much. My round trip commute to work is around 9 miles a day. A lot of that driving is stuff I have to do far out somewhere. But I drove 150 miles yesterday alone. I had that morning doctor's appointment, then I had to travel to another city out near my sister's house to pick up some medical records for an appointment on Friday. I then went out to Decatur to get Oscar-Tyrone's high class cat food. Ugh.
So I was a driving fool! Wow! Folks who know me know good and well that I don't like spending THAT much time in a car. Goodness. I did so much driving that I decided not to go to work in the afternoon. I went home and
Atlanta is huge and sprawling. I remember when I lived in New Orleans, locals would say how I had to go "way Uptown" to a place I was trying to get to.
"But that's, like, 5 miles away," was my confused answer.
"That's far, baby!"
I lived in a boarding house out near the airport when I first moved to New Orleans. The place was in Kenner, 11 miles from work.
"Girl you live a long way away! Why you move out so far!!!??"
"But that's like, only 11 miles. That's nothing," was always my answer.
If I went from the northside of the ATL to the southern suburbs, it would take at least an hour top speed on the freeway. 2 hours in traffic. And yesterday, I was just making a trek from Stockbridge to Peachtree city - BOTH of which are southern suburbs. It took 45 minutes.
It is what it is. I tell you, yesterday... I never seent so many trees and woods in my life. And I really had an appreciation for it. I really did.
I still need to write my Lucy Junior post and what it means spiritually. But I don't think I will post it. It is waaaay too deep for me, so I know I don't need to put it up. It is the type of post that you will "get" a few months after you read it, lol. So I don't think I will post it. And the whole meaning of it is STILL unfolding even now, a good month and a half later.
It goes hand in hand with something I am forced to look at and ponder every single day.

The fence that separates my yard from the vacant house's yard next door. I remember coming home from work and there was a new piece of wood in place of the old piece of wood that I would have to keep picking up from time to time.
That new piece of wood in the old fence speaks volumes to me.
And so does Lucy Junior. Lucy Junior appeared out of thin air as far as I'm concerned. Still shaking my head over getting the exact same car again... and it is a much better car than the original Lucy.
So that's all for today. I need to do freestyle more often. I often spend way too much times thinking about my posts, when I should just simply open up a clean post and just... type.
What do you think?
I practically begged my ratchet doctor for an iron infusion because my numbers are consistently well below (not a smidge) normal. But that heffa won't do it. I'm going to see her again in the fall and I'd like to see if my new diet/exercise regimen has any effect on the numbers.
ReplyDeleteMine aren't low as far as I am concerned. Not sure why they are so O_O about it.
DeleteWhat is her reason behind not allowing you to do it? That's odd. Yet I'm being badgered about it. I don't think it's necessary. Hmm... I hope your regiment will help. My blood has been checked from the rooter to the tooter. As far as I am concerned, next wednesday is my last iron infusion. They are costing me 300 bucks apiece. Humph.
Yes... I just want you to win this competition! I will start calling you IRONWOMAN! LOL
I don't know what her reason is. She doesn't think the number is serious enough for an infusion but she keeps using the term "dangerously low". -_- and I don't have any symptoms of a person with low iron. Weird.
DeleteAre you like, really tired or something? Do you need a blood transfusion? Hmm.
DeleteYou don't have any underlying conditions. My rheumatologist wanted to make sure that it was not anything other than lupus causing my slight anemia. (I saw her today... My numbers are within range. SIGH!)
I told her, unless I can walk out the door and take off up into the sky like Superman, i am DONE. One more on 5/29, and that is it.
Too much iron doesn't hurt you, right? Hopefully all your docs will be on the same page soon.
ReplyDeleteI'm green with envy at your commute. I used to drive 10 miles each way. Now It's 48.6 each way.
Yeah, too much iron CAN hurt you. I am in no danger of that. My storage isn't good. Got better with the infusions though. I THINK that might be the point. And that is cool. But I don't want to pay for them no more. Give me some more pills or something. Sigh.
DeleteOh my goodness. 48 miles each way. Ugh. That gets OLD. Maybe if there is NO traffic. I think I drove about 60-70 miles today. Not cool. Gorgeous day, and little traffic out in the far southern suburbs. And my sister was along on my doctor appointment. Good company!
Hi Ladylee! :) It's a pleasure to visit again.
ReplyDeleteI find that spiritual revelation that changes me isn't something that I can put out there right away, especially when I'm still digesting it.
That fence speaks volumes to me also.
I hope you're feeling better!
Hey lady! Such a surprise to hear from you!!!!
DeleteThat looks like it hurts :(