I have gotten a couple text messages about posting...
Sorry. I've just been busy. And it is such a BEAST loading up pictures these days. Come on, Google engineers. DO BETTER.
Anyway, I went to the doctor today. I am tired of all these appointments, but I am thankful for them. And for good insurance.
I like this hematologist doctor. She makes me want to go read a book on blood so that I can at least have an adult conversation with her.
I need a couple more iron transfusions. Sigh. I feel perfectly fine. I feel the same way I felt before the doggone first ones. I am not tired at all. Wasn't tired in the first place. My rhematologist is just finnicky, and I guess that is a good thing in the long run.
Anyway I get into work around 2 (yes, could've been in around 12, but I went home, cooked and watched some television... you would do the same if you lived 4.6 miles from the job), and the Excellent Boss is gone for the day.
And she left Lieutennant Commander By in charge.
Now, first of all, I was glad I wasn't around to be left in charge. Noboby likes being in charge. As a matter of fact, we have a new youngster in our group, and I am lobbying for her to be left in charge along with the other youngster.
Us old folk ain't got time for all that.
Anyway, I work with an arm of the military who are under the Surgeon General. Lieutennant Commander By is a part of that.
Lieutennant Commander By is in charge.
What's interesting about this is that this guy has been gone for the 6 weeks.
Because he tore his Achillees Tendon.
He was out on the basketball court, trying to out living his Michael Jordan dreams, and he messed himself up.
So now he is back... in full military uniform, with a boot on.

(Couldn't be me. I would wear some sweats. And pin my ranking on that).
I amble on in to work, and see that he is in charge. And on top of that, I only came in to do about 15 minutes worth of work. I would be done after that. But my back-up did the work, so I would be... idle.
I should've called in. That way, I could've taken the full day off.
So I whined to Lieutennant Commader By about this. At the same time, I was talking trash.
"You are disabled. Why are you in charge?"
I didn't think he should be doing any extra work. And the "in charge" thing is stressful.
"Dude, I could punch you in your eye right now... *ladylee doing hard fist fight motions*... and knock you out! And if you get up and try to catch me, you'll fall smack out on the floor!!"
That got a big laugh out of negroes in the general area.
After joning him so hard, he still said I could go home.
But I didn't. I am still around here. I wanted to leave because it was bright and sunny outside, and I wanted to go grocery shopping and errand running. But alas, it's all ugly and cloudy outside right now.
And who wants to go grocery shopping and errand running in that? Not I!
I may leave at 5:00 pm. Sure, it's all trafficky then, but I will get home at a decent time.
So I have been here. Not doing much, and still joning on By...
"You around here walking like Fred Sanford! HA HA!!"
"That's a Storm Trooper boot, like in the Star Wars!" I said. "All you need is the matching helmet!!"
"Bring me Luke Skywalker," I hollered. I then began to run like a Storm Trooper.
I took another picture. I told him to point at his boot, which he did.

I bet that was the exact move he was doing on the basketball court. You know, the whole crossover
Now, he went through all that on the basketball court... I hope he made that basket. He is too short to slam dunk, but I hope he made the basket, and took somebody down with him!
I am glad the good Commander is back. He works so hard, and when he's back in the lab, he has the jazz music blasting!
I always walk into the lab on the particularly festive jazzy days and say "I'd like to order a drank. A cosmopolitan, or a Scotch on the rocks. And what band's playing tonight?"
He's either playing jazz, or some Sade. I swear, I love some Sade, but we got a little weary of her for a moment.
I always kid with him that if Sade would walk in the room, he would scream like a woman!
He even went to her concert when she was in the ATL last year, and he was all over in our cubicle area in giving us the highlights!
So I hope his recuperation goes well.
I don't understand why he's at work though. His leg is all jacked up AND it's his birthday!
"Couldn't be me, dude," I said. "I wouldn't roll up in this camp until I could get out and cut the grass and climb the trees and cut down some limbs or somthing like that. Not I, sir. And on my birthday? OH NO."
"I got tired of being around the house," he said.
I shook my head. "Whatever! Not me!"
He just left to go home.
"Oh no," I said to my cubicle mate CowgirlCre. "Is he trying to drive with that boot on? Let me know, so I can get out of his way!"
It is good that he's back at work. I guess some are more dedicated than others.
I could learn a lesson or two from The Commander!
Happy Birthday, By!
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Slap the *crickets* out the way, kindly step up to the mike, and SAY something!!