Thursday, April 12, 2018

Ten Thursday Thoughts

Ten Thursday Thoughts! Long overdo.

1. My oh my how time flies. 25% of the year has gone by. And it is STILL cold outside.

2. That's not necessarily true. It is actually warm outside today in the ATL. But I've had to wear a coat the last few days. I must say that I am ready for it to be warm.

3. My perfect weather: 75 degrees, full sunshine, and a 5 mph breeze.  That is perfect.

4. When I don't post, I realize just how MUCH has been going on that I should post about.

5. A couple of things I forgot to post about: my best friend's 50th birthday, my brother Milk and Cookies visiting me, and Tayari's massive book.

6. I have been super busy with a project. It may do me well to stop what I am doing for about 15 minutes per day, during a break, of course, and just write.  It would do much for my mental, it would.

7.  This is my favorite song that I'm listening to while I am cleaning up:

8. I'd never heard that song before. I heard it for the first time a couple of months ago. (I didn't hear it back when I was 4 or 5 years old. I was more interested in songs like "Funkytown" and "Boogie Wonderland").

9. But I have heard a song that used the sample. I heard it back in the 90s during the Freaknik era.

10. I tell you... I wish we had good original music like we had back in the 60s and 70s. I don't quite remember when all this sampling started up, but it needs to STOP.

That's it for 10 Thursday thoughts!

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Slap the *crickets* out the way, kindly step up to the mike, and SAY something!!