Do not come over to my house without calling.
I am not down for the...
"Hey LadyLee, I was just in the neighborhood... Thought I would stop by to say whassup!!"
Hell no.
Let's just make it clear... That will be your last time coming by the crib.
I have found a most excellent way to solve this problem: If you ring my doorbell, and you didn't call beforehand to ASK me if you could come by, well I just don't answer the door.
I just allow you to keep ringing the doorbell. Maybe you willTHINK next time before you come over...
This even goes for my beloved Grandma... she showed up knocking on the door one day when I was playing hooky from school, deciding to lay up in bed with a boyfriend all day... I had my Auntie have a talk with her. Many years later, Grandma knows better.
Yeah man... I am serious about peeps showing up at my house unannounced.
Well on to the point of my post...
So it was Saturday morning... It was about eleven in the morning, and I am in the bed. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I had plenty of things to do, but you know how it is when you're in the bed...
ain't got to go to work...
laid up on the kingsize down pillows...
all cozy under the Polo down comforter...
the flat screen tv on, the volume real low...
the whir of the ceiling fan lulling you in and out of sleep...
Ya'll know how it is... Let's just say I wasn't getting out of that bed until that afternoon...
Well, the doorbell rings, interrupting my peaceful lulls.
And pisses me off at the same time.
Of course I don't answer it.
Now the last time I answered it on a Saturday morning, it was some Jehovah's witnesses.
Let's just say, they bypass my house these days.
Well the doorbell sounded a few more times. I didn't get out of my bed. I just laid there. But the dozing was over, the peaceful lulls nixed, and the anger had unceremoniously kicked in. I got up an hour later, got dressed, and did a little house cleaning.
The doorbell rang again... I thought about not answering it, but whoever it was kept leaning on the doorbell.
Someone was about to feel the WRATH of my MADNESS.
So I go to the door. I do not have a peephole, so I yell in my hardest hardcore voice...
"Who is it!!!"
The reply was not immediate. I turned to walk away, then I heard someone say...
"It's me, your neighbor!"
Now, it didn't sound like either of my neighbors who lived on either side of me. They know my habits by now... don't come over to my house knocking on the door because I'm not going to answer it. You better catch an Oldgirl outside. They know this all too well.
I open the door...
and I screamed....
It was none other than my favorite crackhead in the world, The Mayor of my Hood, SNAKE!!!

He had been released from jail!!!
I ran up on him so hard and hugged him so hard that we almost fell off the porch... I think I may have even shed a tear or two... Damn, I was suprised!!
"I am back, gurl!"
"When did you get out?!"
"At 5:30 a.m., this morning!"
"'Bout time you got out!" I yelled.
Now, I have no idea how long he'd been locked up. All I know it was waaaay too long. It must've been for the last 4 or 5 months. I have a few friends who have asked about him. My brother constantly lamented over the fact that Snake was locked up.
We are all so used to getting our cars washed at a pretty cheap price, you see. We are very much accustomed to getting the low-down and commentary on the state of our hood.
There were even a few times that I grabbed my neighbor the Infamous Hen-Dog by the shoulders, shook him real hard, and cried...
"Hen, we gotta go downtown and get Snake out of jail".
*Hen kicks the hard eyeroll and walks away*

My best friend LadyTee, who is the queen of taking warrants out on her men when they don't act right, knows her way around the jail system, and was suppose to call downtown and see how much it was to get him out. If it was fifty bucks or less, she was gonna get him out. (She too misses her car washes. Snake is a bit sweet on her, and she takes advantage of that and gets the free car washes.) But she never got around to it.
Yet she continued, for the past couple of months, to snap on me and Hen-Dog for not going to get him out of jail...
Anyway, I ran in the house, retrieved my cell phone and called LadyTee...
"Gurl, Snake is out of jail!!!"
She was so suprised that she dropped the phone. "What?!?!?"
"I said, Snake is out of jail!!"
"My boyfriend is out of jail??"
"Yeah, man!"
"Let me talk to him!!"
I handed him the phone. "Your girlfriend is on the phone!"
"LadyTee?" he said, getting all excited.

You see, what had happened was..."

"Gurl, they blamed it all on me... wasn't my fault, though..."

"Now, see it It wasn't my damn fault LadyTee!!"
"Gurl, I said, the hell with it, and went head on and took the damn charge!"
"Now, I used my jail time to go and get me a little rehab, too!!"
He went on to give us both a looooonnng explanation of his whole rehab experience and how he thinks it is necessary to use jail time to get one's self together...
Now will he keep himself clean?
Who knows?
I hope he does keep clean. He looked so much better than when he was on that pipe!!
I hope he stays the same...This means that there is someone around to regulate the prostitutes who work the corner down the street from my house. I also can expect a daily report of who has been knocking on my door when I am not home (or when I am home). I can always expect to be lectured HARD on all aspects of character and integrity (however twisted those explanations are). And best of all, Snake is the best snitch in town, meaning if someone has stole something from you, or is planning to break in or steal something... he is quick to tell. Hell, he will probably go get your stuff back... for a small fee, of course...

He considers it incredibly rude to steal or double cross a customer. If you accuse him of such, he considers it an insult to his character and integrity. I've been cussed out plenty of times over that!!
Now that day, he washed my car and my sister "Kentucky's" cars. I walked outside to pay him and saw some random chick sitting on the retainer wall next to my driveway... I thought she was one of the prostitutes that live in the prostitute house (the bootleg brothel) on the corner down the street. She didn't dress like the prostitutes on the corner (no superman thongs, no other special "ho-stroll gear), but heck, you never know.
Now, I don't have a problem with you making your money any which way you can... That is your choice, and you have to live with that. But I don't need for you to be walking UP the street and conducting business in front of MY house... Keep that ish down the block... in front of Hen-Dog's house.
So I decided to walk up on her. It was either me confronting her or my gay white neighbors Paul and Stan confronting her. I was the lesser of two evils. Paul and Stan are the type to snatch her ass up and escort her back to the down the street to the ho stroll. I just wanted to kindly suggest that she take her "stroll" on back down to the corner... before I secretly call the police and scream that she is outside shooting folks (LOL).

Snake saw me about to walk up on her and stopped me... That's my girlfriend, LadyLee!
(Hen later informed me that she was his exwife).
She was waiting for him to finish washing cars. He runs up on her and kisses her...
Good, he saved her from sitting on the ground in handcuffs, surrounded by police...
Because I learned from Ladytee when you call the police, pretend to be an old confused white woman, afraid and alone, can't locate your medication, and surrounded by crazy negroes. That's if you want the whole police department at your house in less than 5 minutes! LOL!
While I was standing outside talking to him, people were riding by yelling his name. Kids were walking by yelling his name... just glad to see that he was back.
Heck, when I left later on to go to the track, Hen-Dog was sitting on his front porch, watching Snake wash his Altima.
As I passed by, I didn't get the hard eyeroll... Instead, Hen-Dog yelled "He's back!!!"
Now will I revoke my pet peeve? Nope.
Even though I am glad that I opened the door that day, I will probably stay the same. better call an Oldgirl before you come by.
I was laughing all through this post. First off, knock knock. I'm outside Ladylee. Come open the door! I have never ever heard of somebody using jail as rehab. Second, if I hear another word about the swirls of your ceiling fan... Yall need to quit using them crackheads as yall's personal slaves. Looks like his girl bout to get something she been waiting on.. HA! Next he'll be asking you to rent a room for the night. What you gonna say then?
ReplyDelete@That baby Oldgirl SERENITY23...
ReplyDeleteShawty, please!!
1. Knock on my door without calling if you want to. I will completely ignore you!
I will also get a full report from Snake: "Ladylee, there was a gal wearing a pair of 5 inch CLEAR HEELS knocking on your door at 12:13 pm. I told her to stop knocking on your door and that the whorehouse and the ho stroll were down on the corner. And I stood there until she left."
Now THAT my dear, is a loyal crackhead!!
Keep standing outside if you want to, S... You'll be standing there with the whole police force staring you down, guns blazing, after I call them and tell them that you are trying to break into my house!!
No chick, you are defenitely welcome to come over. Nothin' but love for ya! But you've got to call me first...How else can I crank up the grill or thaw out a little gumbo for you:)?
2. I love the whir of a ceiling fan like most people love the sound of a rain shower. Face it, gal... I am an Oldgirl!! I am DIFFERENT!
Jail as rehab... that is different... Snake gave me a long and complicated lecture on using the jail experience as rehab and as a way to improve upon's character and integrity. It all left me perplexed, yet enlightened!
"Yall need to quit using them crackheads as yall's personal slaves."
Kill that noise!!! They get paid very well. If I can pay 5 bucks for some crackhead labor, so be it! I'm better than Hen-Dog. I will pay them and at least supply paint, a cold glass of water, some Cheezits, whatever. Hen pays them and expects them to go "find" supplies, which they are much too happy to do... He's pissed at me for spoiling them.
And his ex-wife waiting on him! Hilarious! And you know how we wait on a dude when we expecting some, um...LOVE!
*Sitting there, arms folded tightly across chest, tapping the foot HARD, a slight whine in the voice*
chele's rule: if you can't call first, clearly you don't wanna come in.
ReplyDeleteI don't play that.
I like how the mayor says he got "a little rehab". I'm glad he's clean and will now be keeping your car clean as well.
@ Chele...
ReplyDeleteYeah!! That's an excellent rule, Oldgirl!!
I hope dude stays clean, because he was looking pretty decent and sounding good... and my car hasn't been washed since he's been locked up... it looks brand new now!!
This Oldgirl cannot believe that THE MAYOR got back to the hood and it didn't even warrant a phone call.
ReplyDeleteHere I am over here in St. Louie MO trying to start a fundraising campaign to raise the bail money necessary to get a brotha outta jail and he is out walking the streets ;-b I know how your mind works LL....dang, my car is washed, nothing else matters ;)
Tell Snake that I am soooooooooo happy he is back on the block and I only wish I coulda been there to greet him when he got back. Tell him that if he has any relatives like him in "the Lou", he should instruct them to move to my hood and I'll look out for them and give them the proverbial "hook-up" as often as possible.
Long Live The Mayor!!!!!!!!
@That OG Sharon...
ReplyDeleteWhere you been, Celie?
Oh yeah, you have had the honor of my good Mayor singing to you over the phone. He still asks about you!! LOL!
Yeah, we were all more concerned about getting our dirty cars washed... He washed several cars that day!!
How are you? Still on the mend?
Give me a call, man!!!
Mz. Ladylee, your "come by the house" policy is the same as mine. Not calling first irritates me to no end. I completely feel you on that. And for the record I don't hustle what you think I hustle... honest *smirk*. I appreciate you stopping by my spot and I see you whipped up another entertaining post. And please send old boy by my way! I need a dedicated car detailer for real. Much love!
ReplyDelete@ Hustleman...
ReplyDeleteAlright Mr. Hustleman.. maybe I will have another look-see over your way... But I must tell you...I loved that pic of the Discount Mall, man! I use to live down the street from there... you brought back a few memories with that post:)
And dude, get your own car man... this one's taken, LOL!
LMAO@ Serenity..."...Yall need to stop using them crackheads as yall's personal slaves.." I'm weak as hell!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad for Snake! Tell him to do the damn thang. He got him a girl and everythang! Ms thang was waiting with a purpose! LOL
Thanks for the well wishes. I'm feeling fine now. :-)