I, LadyLee, pride myself on living a relatively quiet life.
Most of the time, I skip along merrily like a Smurf who has had bit too much Smurf Juice on ice.
No fuss. No drama.
Just chillin'...
But last week was quite a hellacious week for me. The last week of August was... Let's just say there was drama to the left and drama to the right. Drama all around me.
Drama, Drama, Drama.
So with that said, let me get a little more specific.
Lost!!! So early last Sunday (the 27th), I laid in bed, under my warm down comforter, on the cordless phone, wailing loudly and uncontrollably to an equally sleepy and wailing Ladytee about not wanting to go to 7:30 am church service. She and I had been yacking HARD on the phone until at least 2 o'clock in the morning, both pretty confident that we could get our butts out of bed and go to church anyway.
Well six o'clock Sunday morning, LadyTee said bump it, she ain't going to church. I didn't know if I was going or not so I kind of just laid in bed, staring at the slow whirling ceiling fan, trying to decide what to do. I almost didn't go, but it was one of them days where I really needed to take my tail to church, so I got up, took a bath, hurriedly got dressed, and gathered up my bible, some CDs, purse, WALLET, and keys, and headed through the laundry room, out the back door, and down the steps of the garage. I threw everything on the trunk of the Mazda, fiddled around with my keys and opened the door to the car. I quickly grabbed up all my stuff, threw it on the passenger seat, jumped in the car, and then sped to the Southside for church.
I got to church, decided to organize my things before I went in and then I realized...
I tore up the car looking for it. Still...
Now, I have done some dumb sh** in my lifetime: Marrying Old Boy, smoking dope, hanging with the wrong folk, messing up a lot of money... just to name a few. All kinds of dumb sh**.
But sitting in the church parking lot, seeing in my mind's eye that WALLET clearly on the trunk of the car before hastily leaving, and then leaving that WALLET on the trunk of the car...
I tell you, that has to be the dumbest sh** I've done in years!!
I wanted to scream.
I called up my brother, Kari, aka "Milk and Cookies". He was in mid snore when he answered the phone. I managed to get him to get on up and walk around outside, and drive the route to the freeway to see if he saw my wallet on the ground. I sped back home like I was in a police chase. I drove the route several times my ownself.
I wanted to cry!
I had all of my credit cards, 3 debit cards, and all kinds of stuff in my overstuffed WALLET. Luckily, much of the card information was in my online banking files so I was able to call everyone and get things canceled by ten o'clock in the morning.
I bummed around all day, just upset as all get out.
I felt MUCH better after attending my always useful and fulfilling journal writing meeting later that day, but I felt as if I still had a "STUPID IDIOT" bumper sticker plastered askew across my forehead.
Whoever got my cards didn't do much damage. Nothing happened with my debit cards, although they bought cell phones with my government travel card, and they had a grand time at Macy's- to the tune of 900 bucks. Dang!
Well as of this Saturday, I have a new license, and all of brand new shiny debit and credit cards...
So now, I'm fighting the paranoia bug. I am always looking in my purse at the brand new wallet, with only the license, the debit cards and one major credit card in it. I want to sleep with it under my pillow at night.
That was my one allowed stupid thing to do for the year... well maybe not. The year ain't over...
But although it was some stupid ish, I realize, ish happens!!
But I had a bit more drama last week...
To be continued in My Vida Loca, part II...
Yeah! I made the cut! Sorry you lost your wallet, boo. That can bum you out having to worry about someone using your cards or taking your hard earned money. That's enough to make my head hurt just THINKING about it. And you say there is more drama? Whew! Okay. Let me go get a drink...Back. (getting comfortable in the Lazy Boy)Okay. I'm ready for the rest when you are....
ReplyDeleteDang girl what an awful experience-I can only witness to the anxiety of misplacing things.
ReplyDeleteHA! I'm laughing at DJ's comment. All is well, you lost your wallet and you're not gonna have to pay for their shopping spree. I won't even tell you to be careful bc I'm sure you will.
ReplyDeleteyeah, the just THINKING about it part is enough to make me squirm... and now I am PARANOID, waking up in the middle of the night to go see if the garage is closed, CONSTANTLY checking that my wallet is close by, etc... what is a gal to do?
Much anxiety it is...geez...
Thanks for stopping by my spot:)
@ My personal DJ, DJ DIVA...
Awww come on DJ... maybe my cards were used by some of these good white folks who have migrated to the hood...
i agree with you, babes...
@That baby OG Serenity...
*Lee clicking the heels of her NIKES 3 times*
I will be more careful.
I will be more careful.
I will be more careful.
Really though.
First time I lost a wallet, and hopefully the last time, girl.